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Posts posted by anon537687643

  1. I suppose OPs theory is its only because this is Thailand, that giving a girl some spending money makes her a prossie?
    someone is trolling here or what?
    in the old days, the man went and worked and lady stay at home to make kids and handle (most) the money and bills. ifs nothing new.
    anyway some thoughts regard to Thai:
    -IF your GF dont work and you think she should exist on no money and begging from you?
    give yourself a smack in the chops
    -IF you expect or even allow your GF to go work here, and get peanuts, what? 10-15k a month?
    give yourself a smack in the chops.
    -IF your GF works and gets over 15k month and she asks for money.
    -give her a smack in the chops

    Someone else should get a smack in the chops for such arrogance ! Many work for 10-15k . Why shouldn’t a GF if she isn’t paying bills in the home! If not it’s a case of lying on the bed playing Facebook and games !

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. That's the point so many "Westerners" seem to overlook. They have this impression that the women "back home" never ask for money and are more than happy to just spend their lives in the house, doing all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, kid-raising and "wifely duties" for free.
    Because they don't give her a "monthly allowance".

    But they forget that she (usually) has access to the "joint account" and spends whatever she wants from "his" paycheque. Oh but that is totally different than if he "gives" the money to her once a month (or whatever). Because if she takes it from a joint account she's a "wife" but if he gives the same money to her then she's a "gold digging hooker".

    But take a "super stud" from back home, fresh off his (1st, 2nd, 3rd) divorce, let him loose in Thailand and he thinks that all women should be so grateful he is willing to sleep with them that they should stop whatever they are doing and spend the rest of their lives servicing him (for free). (There really are guys over here that think exactly like that. I've met them and they are not the studs they think they are. It doesn't usually take long to figure out why they have been divorced so often "back home".)

    Most of them have NO clue that many of those women (and probably a lot of the men) have a family to take care of back (wherever) and that in this culture, the child (male or female) is often responsible to support the parents in their old age (instead of shipping them off to some old folks home like people do in countries that are supposedly "50 years ahead" of Thailand).

    Supporting one's self on a low salary job is hard enough. Even harder when they may be sending half their salary home every month. Probably even harder if they are living with someone who won't even give them a pittance every month as a gesture for all they do in the relationship (even if that person is paying all the bills). Not to mention that the little extra "allowance" can go along way towards "teerak's" social standing in her home/village. ("Face" and "social standing" can be extremely important in one's home village, especially if people know she is living with a foreigner.)

    (I've known girls that were living 3 to a studio apartment and sharing a single bed so that they could afford to send half their monthly salary home and that salary was maybe 4,500-5,000 baht a month.)
    The "studs" also forget that (in most cases) over here, they aren't sharing a bank account with their teerak so she can't just take whatever she wants/needs every month. If they were married and she had access to the bank account then she (probably) wouldn't be asking for any additional money every month.
    (But of course there's always the chance that those guys aren't the studs they think they are and could wake up one morning to find teerak gone and the bank account empty !)

    Oh dear. Someone truly assimilated into Thai life!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  3. Given Thailand military history i think they one a battle once against the Burmese,gave the French all their gold after they sent a couple of gun boats up the Chao praya then erected a victory monument,and capitulated to the Japanese after they dropped a couple of bombs on Bangkok,one wonders why they bother to have an army at all.

    Yes! Military is only needed in the country for the Generals who what the regular coups!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. A Thai friend recently went to the annual registration/ notification at an Army office, he doesn’t want to go into the army and may have to go through the coloured ball farce, however he was asked if he could or wanted to “pay money “ to prevent any possibility of having to be conscripted! This is the Thai method of dealing with everything “

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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