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Posts posted by yodsak

  1. On 4/14/2019 at 9:25 PM, ivor bigun said:

    It must be great to believe in a God and that one day you will be reunited with your loved ones a lady once said to me that she knows she will meet Jesus when she dies,i thought gosh he must be busy sitting down with the billions of people who die.


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  2. 6 hours ago, ravip said:

    In Hinduism it seems there are 33 Million Gods. Now who could have found this out and how? How is it possible to worship each of these 33M individually? To be fair, we cannot deny that they dont exist, either. Due to all these variations, it seems humans are divided and they even go to war due to religion, let alone minor skirmishes that happen at random.

    Hence... the question arises, would humanity be better with religion or without religion?



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  3. On 11/28/2019 at 12:56 PM, CMNightRider said:

    God still allows sickness for His own purposes, but sometimes disease, even worldwide pandemics, are simply the result of living in a fallen world. There is no way to determine which, although we do know that God has sovereign control over all things


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  4. 49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    Animals ( and we are animals too ) were created by the creator and imbued with life

    No scientific evidence of a creator, or a creator creating animals, or anything else.

      Plenty of peer reviewed evidence on evolution and natural selection.



    I was answering the question  ''do animals believe in god'' not who created them. How can animals believe in man made gods? 

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    19 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    There are more historical records regarding the existence of Jesus Christ than the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, yet no one doubts the latter walked the earth.  

    Historians don't doubt that jesus walked the earth. But scientists doubt he walked on water and other miraculous alleged events.  


    19 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

     When I read some of these anti-Christan comments on this site, is makes me wonder why so many would want to spend eternity in Hell.  Heaven or Hell, it's your choice.  

    Maybe they don't believe they will go to hell for all eternity. Maybe they will repent.

    Maybe they think Hell was invented by the church to control people and doesn't actually exist.  


    They could be Pastafarians or Diabolists.  There's more than one belief system.  Christians don't have a monopoly.


  6. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Please explain how the uncountable trillions of tonnes of matter that formed the universe could just appear? I don't believe it's possible all that came from zero. Nothing is after all the absence of something.



     Science has the answers. Many books on the subject. S Hawking recommended reading.

      Or maybe a god invented 3000 years ago created it.

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