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Posts posted by yodsak

  1. Sounds like the agent i used.

    Ongoing nightmare.   Part 1.


     In January I bought a bike from a thai dealer on sukumvit. ฿300k .

    First time i've bought second hand.   The bike had BKK plates, falang owner in the book.


    Got a residence certificate, went back to the dealer. He said go to DLT  st regents and call this number.   Got to the testing area , called the number , a woman met me. 

    I thought she worked there , i didn't know she was an agent until  a few weeks later.


    Check the bike ,go to her office out side the main building.  I pay her 6,200฿ for changing the plate, book, transfer tax, insurance road tax.  Should the seller pay some of that ?

     Plate will be here in 2 weeks.  

    A hundred  B/S excuses  later  ,  several visits to  the dealer and her office, and many phone calls, most not answered,  the green book is dropped off to a friend of mine in late june.

    5 months later. [He also has dealings with her].    


    The book has my name in it but a BKK address. Great.  Went to her office, not there.   Called her ,she says chonburi  ''no have number plates''.  Sounds plausible.  

      So i've paid her 6,200 +1000 for res' cert'. got a book in my name, with someone else's BKK address  , and still on BKK plates.    


    Go inside ask several people what to do , not interested.   Finally the number plate man says it has to go to BBK to change to chonburi.   [turns out he's wrong]


    Go back to the dealer, he says the agent is the same with everybody.  Takes months. 


    Go to another agent i've used before at a testing station on sukumvit near the HW7 flyover. 

    He says it can be done at chonburi,    DIY 2 trips ,cheap.  or pay him ฿2500  just 1 trip for inspection.

    I go for the 1 trip option.


    At the end of July i drop off the book and another residence certificate , passport copies for him to check.   All good.  

     Go DLT chonburi, call his agent, straight in no queues, inspected.

     Pencil rubbing on masking tape for chassis number.    thailand 4.0

     Plate and the book due  this week.

      Cost ?  6,200 + 2,500 +  2000 for 2 agent supplied residence certificates = 10,700  all in + hassle, phone calls ,many trips to DLT.     TIT as they say,    


    Part 2 later.  


    post #7     It can be done in chonburi.




  2. Just checked with my friend who renewed last week at Cambodia Inter soi boo-cow .

    They now charge 13,900 for renewal of retirement visa. Up 1000.


    Ticktok services are still the same at 15,000

    Key visa 15,000. 

    Khao Talo visa service , iv'e heard 15,000. not verified.  



    All genuine stamps issued by thailands finest IO's.  Must attend for photo shoot. 

    Why pay more?


  3. On 6/25/2019 at 4:33 PM, CMNightRider said:



    Another fact we know for sure is Stephen Hawking is no longer an atheist.  Hopefully, Hawking came to his senses before he took his last breath, and accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour and asked God for forgiveness.  If Hawking failed to do this, we know there are no Atheist in Hell, and certainly none in Heaven.  Hawking's is now a believer.



    Correct, he's no longer an atheist because he's dead.


    And if he didn't come to his senses and accept jesus christ as his saviour before he died then he went to hell.  

    ''Certainly no atheists in heaven'', yes, wouldn't make much sense.


    If Hawking failed to ask a god for forgiveness where did he go?


    ''We know there are no atheists in hell''.  1382325593_ScreenShot2019-06-27at08_09_00.png.9c7563a427ee364b46209380e0cfb553.png  







    Let's hope Bill comes to his senses before it's too late. And Richard Dawkins



    • Like 2
  4. Ok, so the earth isn't 6000 years old as the  3000 year old book of fairy tales suggests, it's 4.54 billion years old. And a god started to make it 4.54 billion years ago. Not made in 6 days as we understand it.  

    A god can make a day last a few billion years.  Wonder what Hawking  [RIP] would think of that theory.?  

  5. On 6/12/2019 at 5:29 PM, nikmar said:

    it sounds like im being daft, but Im serious. When i was a kid, my cat died and I was devastated. My Mother comforted me by saying she would go to heaven. People who lose a beloved pet talk about rainbow bridges etc. So if pets go to heaven and we meet up with them in the afterlife, they must have a soul. at what level do animals cease to have a soul and therefore dont go to Heaven. Does a pet rabbit go to Heaven. Do wild rabbits go to heaven. mice, rats, snakes, jing jok etc.

    Like i said, its a serious thought, but at the same time, I do recognise that i should not drink in the afternoon.

    That's an interesting and complex question for CMN. But i will have a go.


      God and heaven/hell doesn't exist, except in the minds of men, so they don't go anywhere, the same as humans.

    They rot in the ground feeding worms or incinerated. When you're dead you're dead, Thats it. No afterlife, reward / punishment. No judgement day.   You will never see your friends and pets again. 



    Animals are non believers so maybe they would go to hell, assuming there is an afterlife, and a god included them in his divine plan. 

     The same as atheists, and the all the remote tribes of the world that worship false gods, and have never heard of jesus our lord..

     Like those non believers on North Sentinel island that killed John Chau [a missionary] recently.

    Chau called the island 'Satans last stronghold'  Many pagan tribes around today.


    Pope Francis said  ''One day we will see our animals again in eternity. Paradise is open to all of gods creatures''

    Pope John Paul ???????? said animals have souls. 


    A few more that will never enter gods kingdom.



     The pope is a catholic, will he dwell in hell ?]






    Looking like there are more people in hell than in heaven.  Thank god for religion.


    edit something's gone wrong with text

    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/6/2019 at 11:11 AM, CMNightRider said:

    According to the Bible which was confirmed by Jesus to be the word of God and factual, yes these people really did live this long.  For 1,500 years after creation, men lived such long lives that most were either contemporaries of the first man, Adam, or personally knew someone who was!  The ten patriarchs (excluding Enoch) who preceded the Great Flood lived an average of 912 years.  Lamech died the youngest at the age of 777, and Methuselah lived to be the oldest at 969.



    Ok, thanks.  jesus confirmed the bible is factual. Thats good enough then. No need to question it. Verify it.

    So when Lamech was born, nine generations were alive at once.

    Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methusela, and Lamech were all alive at the time of Lamech's birth.

    So Adam lived to see his great-great-great-great-great-great grandson. 

    Any scientific reason for this longevity? Special diet, lack of diseases? Genetics?


    We started off with Adam made from dust, in a gods image. Eve was made from a rib, and we have a talking snake. [also a talking donkey later in the book] And after the flood, the greatest act of genocide ever, only eight people were left on earth. From which we are all descended. Incest? 

    And life expectancy dropped dramatically. Why?



           4     Moses only lived to 120.


     According to peer reviewed science/data.

     Life expectancy in the bronze age 26 

     1950 world average 48 

     2014  world average 71.5


    Sam Harris on creation.

    ''The fact that nearly half of the American population apparently believes this, purely on the basis of religious dogma, should be considered a moral and intellectual emergency''





    • Like 2
  7. Similar question, bought a bike with bkk plates, took it to DLO pattaya with a pattaya residence certificate, the books just come back with my name in it, but a bkk address 

    [I've never lived in bkk.]

    How do i get my address in the book, and a pattaya plate on it. 


    On 6/3/2019 at 4:06 PM, CMNightRider said:

    The Bible specifies the perfect dimensions for a stable water vessel.  (Genesis 6:15)  Ship builders today are well aware the ideal dimension for a ship stability is a length six times the width.  Keep in mind, God told Noah the ideal dimensions for the ark 4,500 years ago.                                         


    28.19 x 6 = 169.14  Looks like they built the Titanic 100 mtr too long. Or not wide enough.  No wonder it sank.

           Same dimensions passed down by an imaginary god to a 600 year old man that never existed 4500 years ago. Still in use today ?.



    Yes. 7.7 million species x 2 [male /female] = over 15 million creatures from all corners of the globe. Dinosaurs to Polar bears to penguins. A long trip for a bird that can hardly walk. And doesn't like the desert.


    And when the boat settled on the mountain after the entire earth was flooded the penguins had to walk and swim back to Antarctica. And the kangaroos hopped back to Aus.

     Leaving no fossil traces whatsoever.

     Food and supplies needed for forty days [and nights] + keeping the animals under control.  A logistical nightmare for a family of 4. 


    Noah's ark: length = 6 x width:  134 mtr long 22.5 mtr wide and 13.1 mtr tall. [genesis]

    = 39496 cu/mtr

    15,000,000 animals + Noah's family of 4  = 15,000,004

    394946 ÷ 15,000,004 = 0.0026 cu/mtr 


    So each animal on the ark had  0.0026 cu/mtr of space to itself. Thats 2.6 litres.

    [I think thats correct ].  Ok for a mouse, not so good for the dinosaurs.


    Millions of people believe this stuff.




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  9. 19 hours ago, JamJar said:

    I was here when it was over 90 to the £, during '97. So not at all impressed. But hey ho, I only visit for holidays.

    It's the people who live there on a fixed income who it really hurts.


    It only went over 90 for a few hours on 12th jan 1998.

    And a few hours on  jan 26th 

    And was only ever above 80 for a month. never to be seen again.






  10. 24 minutes ago, Chivas said:

    Interbank is currently 39.65 so even allowing for TT it shouldnt have been lower than 39.42 give or take a few satang. I have a SCB account but I never use it for incoming transfers from my own bank prefering Transferwise where you would have got 39.65 period

     Maybe it shouldn't but it was.    SCB TT 39.12  at 15:07 today.   still the same at 16.12





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