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  1. In Thailand, there are only (10) thinks in the Civil Commercial Code (CCC) that a Thai court can grant a divorce. (1) of which is Infidelity by either party; another abandonment my either party for (1) year, yet another, is abused; and also separated for (3) years. I think in any country, Infidelity & Abused are the most difficult to prove and trashed out in any court on this planet. Under Thai law there is no clause for Alimony. It would be advisable to retain a "Divorce Lawyer", many chaps kicking around this town calling themselves lawyers and do not have a clue about Thai divorce laws. The cost of a Thai divorce Lawyer depends on your location, can start from 10,000 THB into the hundreds of thousands. Goes without saying, have a very very good English / Thai interpreter friend. To use the abandonment clause, you cannot be seen in photos, parties, dinner, sleeping over etc. together. I think you may have to bring a witness or two, stating that you and your wife have not been living together for such and such period. If there is property involved, the key is " What date" was your name or her name placed on that ownership document at the land office. Before marriage or after marriage, is all the divorce court looks at. Another point; any think you want stated in your divorce filing, ensure it is written in Thai then that same clause written in English. Also if in Thailand on a marriage visa, upon divorce you will have to go to the immigration and have your visa canceled. They would give you I think (7) days to pack up and leave Thailand, unless you switch to another visa before the divorce. Best of luck.
  2. I would like to ask, where can one purchase Irish Guinness around Bangkok? I checked a few Villas / Food Land, nothing seen.
  3. Sad, but this is very common here; watching too many Thai amateur soaps; same for the amount of daily senseless shootings, acting out what is seen on TV. Of late, I observed that the courts are taking a more upper hand on this situation that seems to be spiraling out of control.
  4. What I was told at BKK CW; If your last extension of stay was not done in BKK province, and one moved into BKK to live, an initial TM30 is required of course, but here is the catch 22: if you now leave Thailand and return, you must file a TM30 upon your return, which the landlord / house master can do online. Question was "Why" seeing an initial was done and there are no more requirements to submit another upon return, seeing one is going to the same condo, home, address as filed. Answer was " until your next extension of stay is done in BKK province, one must always file a TM30 upon returning to Thailand, if your current extension of stay was not done in BKK, and living in BKK. After your next extension, if done by BKK immigration, and continue living in BKK, no filing of TM30 is required upon one return to Thailand. Not sure if this is so in all Provinces. I think, going to get one's new extension of stay, or 90 days reporting, they will see the date of entry stamp in your passport and request the TM30 if not on file.
  5. Strange that all have cellphones with the various Providers here, these folks must have had as well. They have their names, immigration records, passport details, last know address. Why is it not possible to get their phone records and trace their last made call. Check their phone last ping cell tower. Then start checking the CCTV cameras around their last know address and the last ping cell towers. These people must have had some rental agreement, or hotel recorded lodged. All they can come up with is check the hardware's that sell this kind of cement. They tracked that Monkey Pox chap through his phone from Phuket to Sa Kaeo pinging the cell towers then used the CCTV cameras all the way to when they loss the signal crossing into Cambodian. Very strange cold case if you asked me.
  6. I would be very scared to walk into a Casino in Thailand win a lot of money then walk out and go back to my hotel room. If you are caught counting cards, you will be seeing your maker sooner than you think. Most places, you might lose a couple of teeth, a broken leg or an arm; in Thailand think again. To prevent Thais from total poverty, they must restrict Thais from frequenting the casinos daily, like they do in St.Maarten and Curaçao. Their ID cards must be scanned at the entrance and if they have already made their two weekly trips to the casino nationwide they would be flagged, and barred from entry. Not sure how they will collect all of guns that the Thais would want to take into these casinos. Happy gambling guys, remember the "<deleted>" table is always your friend.
  7. Thanks always Joe. I got the application form, and saw this web link; Visa Requirements II - สถานกงสุลใหญ่ ณ เมืองปีนัง (thaiembassy.org) Was unable to get the pdf showing the requirements. I will drop them and email.
  8. I would like to obtain a (1) year multiple entry NON-O visa, ( NOT O-A ), at the Penang Embassy to visit my Thai Son; does anyone know if this visa is still being offered, and what documents I have to produce. A web link and /or PDF document link would be great to start. I am his biological father through marriage to my ex-Thai wife.
  9. Am I correct in stating, once you are changing address in Thailand permanently ie; moving to a new address in the same Province or going to live Permanently in a different Province a TM30 and a change of address form must be filed with the relevant immigration office. If you are returning to Thailand on the same valid Visa or Extension you left on, and returning to the same address you resided at, no TM30 is required to be filed, however this being said, on reporting your next 90 days, some officers sometimes asked to see your TM30; after seeing your entry stamp, and looking at your previous 90 days history. Of course you can show them a copy of the Law that it was not required to be filed, I reckon they would not look at you kindly. In addition, if on entry you have to go to immigrant to renew your current extension, "BEFORE" your 90 days is due, you can be asked to produce a TM30 for the renewal.
  10. Not all arrivals landing at an Airport are entering that country. A fair amount are just connecting. If that was so, UK, The Netherlands, with the volume of traffic passing through these Airports. These countries would be No1 for "Tourist". Then again all exiting an aircraft in the LO*"* are counted as tourist.
  11. Does anyone know of a way to pay one's Electrical Utility Bill with a foreign credit card here in Thailand? 7/11 & Metropolitan Electrical Authority only take cash. Not sure of AIS, True and Water Company either. Sure would like to know if this is possible.
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