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  1. Some say oblivion is better Some say reality is better I just feel sorry for the normal, everyday Thai folk and my prayers are with them.
  2. The poor little girl is the one who will suffer for the rest of her life...I hope, somehow, somewhere, she will get the help, support and care she deserves. The person (or persons) that orchestrated this will and should, suffer forever.
  3. I like "taken to Pattaya Police Station to sober up" I'm sure he was given a few cups of black coffee and a nice comfortable lazy boy chair to help bring him back to normal and then left to return to his hotel🤔🤔🤣🤣
  4. This is a very strange story!! How did he leave the U.K. in the first instance? How has he been allowed to compete in boxing matches? How was he under the radar, hundreds must have seen him boxing and he lived in a luxury villa? I am waiting for part 2 of the story!
  5. China again!! China is no ones friend and the whole world, not only Thailand, needs to realise what is happening before it is to late. IMO
  6. I wonder how much money "The Sun" are paying the family for this story? Or is it just me?
  7. I wonder how much money "The Sun" are paying the family for this story? Or is it just me?
  8. Medical supervised use yes Recreational use no Look what has happened in the UK: more accidents on the roads, more fines for cannabis use, lots of youngsters would. rather be stoned than working. A lot of stabbing due to people owning money for cannabis. If the doctor prescribes fantastic. LOS has survived without it for many years. Keep it that way in my humble opinion.
  9. The British Embassy can always be relied upon at all times,,,, not...he must have been on a "naughty" passport, it must have been renewed.... beggars belief how it happened. I would love to hear the official waffle from the British Embassy, wouldn't you?
  10. 35 years ago I was a "younger man" on my first visit to Pattaya. It was due for an overhaul in those times. I remember after the tsunami Pattaya was going to be the best place to visit in whole world. Unfortunately, for the Thailand people, the people at the very top of the tree need to make the decisions. There are people begging, there is violence and a lot of mafia. Those things need to change. Nothing will change. I agree with the OP, open a Pattaya 2 from scratch and make that into a family friendly, worldwide destination.
  11. The Chinese seems to be free to do whatever they want. The Thais suffer, crime rises and the Chinese just return the money to China laughing all the way to the bank. Imagine what would happen if it was USA, British, Australia etc....
  12. Indians mainly arrive to smoke cannabis.... let's see what happens to them if it is banned. Nothing good happens during the early hours anywhere in the world, not just Thailand. The guy has missed out on his holiday insurance because his gold necklace should have been stolen also. COVID destroyed Thailand. An awful lot of Thais are unemployed and have no money. The crime rate has increased but hopefully all will return to normal for the Thais.
  13. Imagine if it tourist attempted to do the same thing??? Tourist would be beaten up, thrown out, arrested,a big fine and possibly deported. Congratulations to the RTP Commando, and excellent result.
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