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George Aylesham

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Everything posted by George Aylesham

  1. Actually this type of theft is not unknown even in Europe. When I was living in Brussels 40 years ago one of the city's upmarket shopping galleries on the Avenue Louise was seen to be blocked to customers at both ends by the police. Later it was discovered that the reason for the blockage was to allow the police thieves inside the gallery to go about their thieving without being disturbed.
  2. As this is all about money financial inducements to whistleblowers might help as well.
  3. Yes, you beat me to it - I was going to suggest he might have problems in taking out a life insurance policy.
  4. Granted but the health consequences of air pollution. in particular for children, are pretty well documented and backed by solid research. Although it may not actively bother some individuals, they are still as vulnerable as others to the damage to their health. 'Stay away' is hardly constructive advice which should rather be 'how can we reduce this serious health hazard?'
  5. No they don't need a visa but from November, but iike all non-EU visa nationals, they will need an ETIAS (similar to a US visa waiver), valid for three years from November of this year. and costing 7 Euros (free for under 18s)
  6. He's found his niche, he's doing something socially and environmentally useful - more strength to his elbow.
  7. Ha ha - but well done to Mr Karma working overtime here.
  8. Left hand - Right hand. Absence of joined up policies, similarly to many governments throughout the world.
  9. No accomplishments, really? Repeated media reports suggest the opposite.
  10. Visitors applying for a Schengen visa must have medical insurance - why not Thailand? At least it would reduce the endless requests for crowdfunding to pay the hospital fees for the uninsured.
  11. Yes, but at least the majority of farang will have had effective vaccinations.
  12. Not just disappointing but inexplicable as the UK has been run by the party of economic competence for the past 12 years.
  13. Possibly because, as I understand it, the Chinese only use Sinovac which is not very effective and not the newer MRNA vaccines produced outside china.
  14. One particularly worrying law is the interdiction on going commando - 'though I've never seen any news of it being enforced i the media.
  15. It's a bit sad that there is no mention of other non-medical uses of marijuana - that is to make paper or clothing, both requiring far fewer chemical or agricultural inputs.
  16. Thank you for a very wise response. Another aspect I relaxed about living here is that Thai people in the main are not judgemental.
  17. But I love Rooster's weekly articles - they force me to think early in the morning - (and from you being rude about Rooster, how much I like your comment and how much I love living in Thailand)
  18. But I thought the Thais were desperate to get the tourists coming back; will this help?
  19. Even if you're married and living in the West you don't get free sex - just try not paying your wife the housekeeping!
  20. Of course illegal workers are flooding in - Thai industry is desperately short of labour - like Britain. The trick is not to stem the inevitable but to ensure decent working conditions for all. And to be fair the government has made a start on this with its agreement with the Myanmar and Cambodian governments to facilitate what the EU calls 'freedom of movement'.
  21. If the aim was to breed tall mackerel surely there would be more to eat all round?
  22. Just a thought - if all the micro-brewers could create a single cooperative maybe their combined volumes under such an umbrella would be sufficient to meet the requirements of the law?
  23. But Corbyn isn't in the Labour Party. He lost the whip way back in November 2020.
  24. As Suvarnabhumi is busy sinking into the gulf of Thailand I'm not sure its wise investing money in that particular airport.
  25. A new cafe has opened a few days ago near us in Hang Dong called the 'Lazy farang'. Not nice.
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