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tinca tinca

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Posts posted by tinca tinca

  1. 1 minute ago, VocalNeal said:


    Maybe obselete but can you get a TM30? Then having taken that to a police station. They give you a receipt which has address and use that to get Cert. of Res.

    Can help you with a good visa/et al. agent if you want Cert. of Res. 1200 baht. 

    C OF R at soi 5 jomtien.....is about 360 baht why pay 1200???

  2. On 11/19/2020 at 12:39 PM, colinneil said:

    Reading your post has given me a side spitting laughter session.

    You clearly have not read all the posts on this thread, as i clearly stated in Buriram prison you get 2 meals a day not 3, and the food was utter sh++e, no way was any more than 15/20 baht used per meal.

    Now here is something for you and others to think about....Government schools are allowed 20 baht per meal for school lunches, so there is no way on this earth prisons are allowed 162 baht per day, if you believe that, i got a bridge for sale.:cheesy:????

    get cooking some lanky hotpot......you could mek money matey.....!!!!

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Duh! Thief didn't think he'd be seen stealing two year old's tablet - caught on CCTV everywhere




    A thief who stole a two and a half year old girl's tablet at a gas station told the cops he didn't think he would be seen. 


    Video footage retrieved by mother Montha and taken to the Na Jomtien police showed 38 year old Pattanakiat having his car washed, taking the tablet and getting into his Suzuki.


    The evidence was clear and damning and soon after a Facebook post and the police investigation the thief was in custody.



    Picture: 77kaoded


    Montha had been at a Shell gas station in the Na Jomtien jurisdiction when her daughter's 5,000 baht Samsung tablet was lifted from a table. 


    The little one got her tablet back from the police.


    While the thief admitted everything and was charged with theft. 


    Source: 77kaoded




    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2020-11-23

    if he was charged.....what were the penalties....FINE??? or jail time???

  4. 8 hours ago, soisanuk said:


    If Chonburi (Pattaya, Jomtien Soi 5) Pattaya Immigration, they will accept only the passbook (it should show all transactions/balances) for the 3 months -- if a net entry, then they may want statements from bank.

    That said, they have not always been consistent - some given a date to report, others not.  Also, those doing the reporting before the 90 day ends have been told to return - those reporting after the date, no problems.  Those reporting say that nothing is written down, no acknowledgements given, etc.  So, it appears they do not have a tracking system for such reports.


    When doing your next extension at Jomtien, they will require copies of your passbook for the preceding 12 months to show you met the 800k for the 3 months after last extension and have not let it fall below 400k for the period up to 2 months before the next extension (at which time it must be brought back up to 800k).   As mentioned, if you have not kept the passbook up to date and have any "net entries" (all deposits/withdrawals shown in total for a period), then Jomtien will want Bank certified statements for the period.

    nothing is NEEDED only passport.....if signing in again.......

  5. 13 hours ago, Robin said:

    TAT is still under the delusion that the world is full of rich people who are desperate to visit Thailand, and that they will do and pay anything to achieve this...  As TAT thinks that Thailand is the centre of the world, they cannot conceive that any tourist would consider going anywhere except Thailand.

    So long as they cling to this deluded idea, nothing will change their policies

    Maybe in 1 year's time, when the actual tourist arrivals are still below their latest prediction of 681, they will begin to wonder if Thailand is still the world's favourite tourist destination, but they it will be too late.


    How many people have actually died of Covid in Thailand???  

    Probably less than die in road accidents in any year.  Yet not even Prayuth is suggesting closing down all road traffic to save Thai lives.

    think it is still only 60 deaths from population of about 70 million

  6. 1 hour ago, Saltire said:

    As a 65 year old with a few pre-existing conditions I have only one real worry in Thailand and that is getting a massive hospital bill. I have good UK cover but am pretty sure if anything happens to me and I try to claim there is a good chance it will be denied on the basis of the pre-existing conditions and I will have to pay.


    I was pleasantly surprised therefore when a few days ago I fell down a 3 metre embankment on the farm and hit my head hard, knocking me unconscious for about 5 minutes. A few head gashes to be stitched do it was off the nearest government hospital one hour drive away. This is a relatively small regional hospital, two hours more to the large provincial one.


    I was very wary but there was in fact nothing to worry about. The place was hygienic and efficient, and thankfully pretty quiet. It was recommended I get a CT scan as I had hit my head hard and they were concerned about bleeding in the brain, so I agreed to a 2 night stay for tests and results. The first night I slept in the general ward and the second night oone of only 2 small private rooms was available so I moved. It was better than many hotel rooms I've stayed in, and was worth the extra 500 Baht. The staff were very attentive and must have taken my blood pressure at leat 20 time during my stay, as wekl as temperature, puls and a glucose level.


    Costs: CT Scan 3500 Baht, all other expenses, 2 nights, 2 doctor consultations, IV and all medications (including the backpack of meds to take home), all inclusive 1800 Baht.


    I am posting as I would love to know if this is typically the cost of a government hotel in a non touristy, non Bangkok area? How does it compare to your experience?


    While a little reassured now I still worry that I am too far from a real hospital, a point I talk to the wife about often but now she realises the problem and we will look at moving closer to civilisatiion at some point.


    PS This is weird, but I have suffered from lower back pain for a very long time but I just noticed today that the pain in my lower back has completely gone! Getting up from a low chair or bed was always a bit achy but now I am leaping up like a young man! Should have fallen on my head sooner ????




    in 2012 i had CT scan....BKK Pattaya hospital.....21,500 baht i cost me.....

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