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tinca tinca

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Posts posted by tinca tinca

  1. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Your right they are deadly here in Thailand. That video shows how wrong it can go. Absolutely shocking. As a car driver here I don't always know what to do. If you stop for a Zebra crossing people behind you honk the horn and on the sides they still pass you.


    I feel that in Thailand all things should be regulated by traffic lights (not that they are always obeyed) 


    Though in the Netherlands had my bad experience too. I was used to Hoorn (smaller town) that cars always stopped for them (you could enter them without looking a lot). Then I went to study in Amsterdam and foolishly thought it was the same. I was lucky my friends pulled me back or I would have been hit by a car. In Amsterdam they don't always mean that much (at least back when I studied there). But of course they meant a lot more then in Thailand. 

    GO to the UK and see how zebra crossings work......there are very few ...possibly NO deaths when people use them....WE ARE EDUCATED IN WHO HAS THE RIGHT ON SUCH !!

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  2. On 3/12/2018 at 10:14 PM, jay1980 said:

    I thought 15 year olds could only legally ride a scooter 110cc or under so unless i am wrong probably best to one that falls into this category?

    how do you think and when are the COPS are going to stop and check to see what age the driver is and what cc the motorbike is??? They most probably do not know the cc a young person can drive !!!

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  3. On 3/9/2018 at 10:37 AM, keith101 said:

    If it was a National Park i would not have problem paying a small 20 baht fee but as it is not why should anyone be expected to pay for the Councils problems in not doing the necessary upkeep on the island , tourists are already spending money there and this should be enough as long as people don't slip it into their pockets .

    WHAT COUNCIL !!!!???

  4. 23 hours ago, johng said:

    Surely in this day and age,there should be a smartphone app ...it could even record the exact GPS location and or photo of reported address...errr maybe better not have the app !

    what !! you expect thailand to get into the 21 st century???

  5. On 3/2/2018 at 9:40 AM, Trentham said:

    I turned up a to do the test and found I had neglected to bring one document. The lady who assisted me was very helpful so next day when I turned up with the correct paperwork I took her a box of chocolates. When all of that days applicants were called in to the examination room she called out to the examiner that I was her friend. I was called aside and given my licence with no test - oral or driving.:smile:

    SO YOU SHOULD not BE ON THE ROAD.....!!!

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, Nurseynutcase said:

    Oh dear, oh dear,  such a generalisation.  Is this directed at all TV posters?  If it is I find that your attitude is extreme to say the least.


    I will continue to enjoy my fags and have a drink with my many friends of all nationalities.  Thankfully I will never be in a position to meet someone like you.


    BTW - what dollars are you talking about?  Singaporean, Aussie or US?  Sorry to anyone whose currency is the dollar and I have missed it out.

    could be hong kong dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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