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Everything posted by DavidAlexander

  1. Take a thousand people (idiots), add unlimited booze and drugs, and well....hardly unexpected.
  2. "The International Union of Sex Workers (IUSW)".... Regardless of who it is, I also look at polls done by special interest groups as highly suspect. These numbers look like something I would come up with given a couple hours on the internet and a spreadsheet.
  3. Keep in mind, the cataract surgery cost has two parts: the surgery and the lens. The lens can be as much as or double the cost of the surgery.
  4. They have the breakfast buffet at Duke's twice a month now I believe. Went six years ago in the first month or two of living here and met a guy and his Thai wife I've been good friends with ever since. You never know....
  5. I wonder if alcohol played any part in that plan?
  6. I live in Chiang Mai and know several students at Chiang Mai University. CMU is the 3rd highest rated school in Thailand and has several international programs, taught in English. An international nursing or engineering degree can get you out of Thailand and into a much higher paying job in the West.
  7. Yes, so much cash she couldn't properly keep track of it and for some reason (ha) unwilling to put it in the bank leaving a paper trail. Assuming the secretary only stole an amount she guessed wouldn't be noticed - 5 - 10% at most, that adds up to enormous amount just laying about.
  8. Well, without too much detail (you can google it), they've been doing it over a hundred years and have gotten quite good at it. The standard IQ score is a very good predictor of academic and chosen career success. This simply means high IQ people become doctors and whatnot and low IQ people dig ditches and whatnot. The anticipated problem in some western countries is that automation is gradually eliminating low IQ jobs. What then?
  9. Back in the 70's/80's the government paid a few million to the University of Minnesota (Mecca of psy testing) to develop an IQ test that all ethnicities scored equal on. After three years they (quietly) gave up. Regardless of the design, it always came up Asian, white, hispanic, black.
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