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EVENKEEL last won the day on July 18 2020

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    By the sea

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  1. Why would you not simply drive your kid to school yourself? And not to a Gov school,
  2. Next we'll have Trump pardoning crack smoking family members. Oh wait...............
  3. Check under your beds immediately before bedtime to make sure no nazis are hiding there.
  4. I wish I could offer you a tissue to dry your tears. Did I quote you personally? No I didn't. Sooo please stop the drama.
  5. Four more years of petty remarks about Mrs Trump's wardrobe, how she walks bla bla bla. Much like a bunch of old ladies gossiping.
  6. Maybe by poor Thais but what about the rich hard working Thais? Contrary to what many farang think the Thais aren't all poor.
  7. You're the obsessed one, you tell me.
  8. I'm assuming not all will be pardoned. But what about the ones just being given a tour by security. Or the ones not harming anyone strolling about and taking pics.
  9. That guy makes me want to try some good cooking.
  10. I love that guy
  11. Assumptions never play out well. Glad you cleared it up. Thank you.
  12. The overflow used to be called S#!t River back in the days when the base was still open. When you crossed the bridge leading to Olongapo you knew. It's been cleaned up but still all those homes by river still dump into it I'm sure. My last time there was 2019. Barretto is good fun for awhile, just couldn't see staying there permanently.
  13. The adults are back in control.
  14. I've heard that rumor as well. Are you saying Michelle is a man?
  15. Not to worry, there'll be numerous tell all books written shortly detailing Biden's mental collapse.

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