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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 17 hours ago, The manic said:

    I learned to cook when i was five. i make my own rice porridge or buy instant knorr jok for ten baht a packet but only eat it once a week. Walk 10000 peds a day run 5 k 3 times a week, swim for 20 to minutes a day . Fast two days a week and most days try to avoid breakfast. I try to make the first meal of the day after 16 hours including sleep. I am 64 and recognise I might get age related illness or become susceptible to falls and may require some kind of care formal or informal so there is some useful info on this site. I am eligible for UK NHS treatment but dread it. My good quality Company related medical insurance elapses soon and will need some decent insurance for both Thailand and surrounding countries for immediate needs and think of longer term care. My friend is 73 and susceptible to falls but his long time paid girlfriend acts as a carer and driver. 

    I didn't say I couldn't cook. Why should I, if my GF is happy to do it instead?

    You may find running those kind of distances in the next few years will have you developing ailments such as torn ligaments and osteoarthritis. Gentle exercise is better, and swimming is always good.

    Once you hit 70 in Thailand, you will find medical insurance companies will want extortionate premiums, even assuming there are no pre-existing conditions. Then you have to decide whether to self-insure or retreat to the medical system in your home country.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Dick Crank said:


    one of those lark electric motorized scooters would fit the bill however. Don't see too many of those around in Thailand but there might be a distributor somewhere. 


    Probably pricey with import duties. Could use on the street to the side like bikes do. I think they are legal on sidewalks, indoor malls etc but not sure of the legalities in Thailand. Need to check into this more.



    The Big C in Chiang Rai has a regular parade of electric scooters, 3 wheelers. Think they are Chinese origin. Prices range from 18,000 baht for a fairly ordinary looking one to 50,000 baht for the premium model. I've seen them on the city roads there, sticking to the left hand lanes. Haven't seen any licence plates on them.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Wandr said:

    I didn't read the entire thread but I did see mention of Chiang Rai.

    What's in Chiang Rai that draws people every month . Just the ride? Which is beautiful. Food? The feel of the place?

    Restaurant range is much more limited. It does feel more laid-back, and it's also a starting point for features such as Phu Chi Fa, Doi Mae Salong, Mae Sai etc. If you are a golfer, Santiburi IMHO is the best golf course in all of Northern Thailand. It also has some hot women.

  4. 15 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

    I had the Chiang Mai kick just 12 years back. People who have lived here much longer will probably have the best view when it comes to answering op's questions.

    But what is actually ruining my kick is the enormous growth of Chiang Mai with all the negative things that come in the slip stream of rapid growth.

    Traffic, pollution, 'staggering' prices, migration, policing.

    I am not sure if night life is still good these days. I got fed up when people started over pricing while service went down the drain. What I know is that 10 years ago it was fun going out like in good old Nr 1 or in the boxing ring. The magic is gone; maybe that goes for me only and that new comers will still get the kick as I got way back when.


    Is the overpricing you are referring to related to night-time stuff? I can't say I've noticed any escalation in prices of daily staples, fruit and veggies in season are always cheap. If anything, rents in CM are going down with the glut in condos.

    The secret to the traffic is avoiding travel at 8 am and 4 pm, when the schools are coming in and out. Can't say there's much to be done about the pollution, except for buying an air purifier for the apartment. Policing? AFAIK they only work in the morning.

  5. 2 hours ago, stropper said:

    i think that you are wrong, people live in pain because they can not afford  an op, i personately wrote to every one before two new hips, stating that if the pain did not go  i was out of here, luckily i had the money and a great result, at 71 who cares, better to end it, golf hcp back to 5 so will be happily taking the pommie bastards money for a while yet !


    Golf handicap back to 5? Well done sir.

  6. OP,  with that budget you can buy a nice Mazda 2 with all mod cons, and park it easily.

    My free entertainment at the shopping malls is watching fat-arsed pickups and SUV's attempting to reverse into a parking space. Combine their size with average Thai driving skills, and it's a comedy of errors.

    • Like 1
  7. On 5/6/2018 at 3:33 PM, NancyL said:


    Some retirees have found a good Thai wife and extended family who promise to care for him for the rest of his life at home.  What they don't realize, however, is the difficulty of caring for a large man without special equipment -- the average Thai home isn't handicap friendly.  Also, they usually lack knowledge to cook easy-to-chew and digest food appealing to westerners.  Thai people think that rice porridge is the correct food for old people.

    It's a matter of educating the good Thai wife/GF in preparing the foods you like. Mine would not dare give me rice porridge.

    In my seventies, and mobile. I guess I might have to re-assess when I no longer have confidence on a scooter. I would have to have a lobotomy before I could drive a car as badly as most Thais.


    • Like 1
  8. On 5/6/2018 at 12:41 PM, MaeJoMTB said:

    Laos is a communist hell hole, probably the most boring country in the world I've ever visited.

    Nothing to do, no bars, no nightlife, no decent food.

    Someone said the baguettes were really good, but they weren't, same soft sugary bread as Thailand.

    (Vietnam completely different their Baguettes. locally known as 'Banh Mi' are really good)


    Imagine deepest rural Issan, but without the good food and attractive women ...... that's Laos.


    Vietnam is great, this is an iced coffee (Phin Sua Da) and chicken baguette (Banh Mi Ga Xe) for $1.50c in a major chain 'Highlands Coffee', air con, sofas, free wifi. (Direct flight VietJet, CM to Saigon $75)


    I have to disagree on the food in Vientiane, cafes served up good baguettes and I had an very good spaghetti marinara, they also knew how to cook a decent hamburger. Quite liked the LaoBeer dark ale.

    I'd agree on the rest though - once you've toured the monuments, Vientiane has little else to offer. It's a criminal offence for a Lao woman to get it on with a falang, and as it's only an hour's drive north of Udon Thani, it's just as hot as Issan. A week there was long enough for me. AND they drive on the wrong side of the road.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, torrzent said:

    At least you are honest.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, it is a capital crime(whatever that means) not to be informed.  Sorry but I have now time to educate you and I doubt you could afford it anyway.  The internet provides all the tools you need. Go get 'em grasshopper!

    You would need to start with the Thai population, most of whom have no idea about what happens outside Thailand.

    As far as paying you to educate me goes, Australia is currently gripped by scandals surrounding private educators ( with taxpayer subsidies ) who have put their students deep in debt with worthless vocational courses. With your omniscience, you probably knew that already. So no need for sorry.

  10. 3 hours ago, watcharacters said:



    That seems to be elusive for this  one month long  possibly  newly reincarnated member  of TVF.    


    He doesn't seem to care about agreement of  others or making friends.    :smile:


    Water balloon maybe?




    I understand there are some TV members ( no names, no pack drill ) who change their ID's and avatars, but not their character.

  11. 1 minute ago, Dibbler said:

    You might compare Chiang Mai with Kandy, a town in the mountains 4 hrs drive E from Colombo. Similar results....



    And details here https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Sri+Lanka&country2=Thailand&city1=Kandy&city2=Chiang+Mai&tracking=getDispatchComparison

    What's the climate like? Are the Tamil Tigers still active? Is the food as good as in CM? Never mind, I'll Google it.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Dibbler said:

    Good question, here's my opinions having worked in Bangkok and Colombo, and lived in Bangkok


    quality of housing  BKK >  CMB

    cost of utilities and level of infrastructure  BKK >  CMB (also see details below)

    cost and quality of internet  BKK > CMB (Bangkok better quality internet but more expensive)

    quality and price of food  BKK < CMB  (comparing local food, Sri Lanka food is fantastic, as is Thai foo, Colombo cheaper)

    level of safety BKK = CMB (both reasonably safe for law abiding expats who mind their own business)

    level of corruption (large and petty)  BKK = CMB (both countries have entrenched patronage systems that breed greed and corruption, petty crime probably more in Colombo)

    friendliness of locals  BKK = CMB, I find them both friendly sorts

    ease of visas BKK < CMB (Thai visas take the prize for difficulty and complication, for short or long visas, longer queues in BKK to get visas at immigration and airports)

    cost of transportation (own car and taxis)  BKK < CMB (local transport in Colombo very cheap, especially tuk tuks and local taxis)

    mating opportunities - very good in both places

    scenic beauty - BKK < CMB (Colombo is by the sea but Bangkok has the majestic Chaophya river flowing through it)

    cultural appeal - very good in both places

    ease of day to day affairs - easy in both for unfussed expat that can tolerate disorder 

    cost and quality of healthcare - BKK > CMB (cost and quality)


    More comparisons about costs, comparing Bangkok and Colombo, Colombo generally much cheaper than Bangkok in most areas



    Further details here.  https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsa p?country1=Sri+Lanka&country2=Thailand&city1=Colombo&city2=Bangkok&tracking=getDispatchComparison



    This is comparing two capital cities. Chiang Mai is way cheaper to live in than Bangkok. Does Sri Lanka have a CM equivalent?

    • Like 1
  13. Water treatment here frequently operates on the principle more is better. So over-chlorination or over-liming is quite common. I would tend to be looking at the calcium content, as lime is quite a harsh chemical.

    I would suggest rinsing with water obtained from one of the RO roadside dispensers. A few baht for 5 litres.

    Don't have the OP's problem, bald.

  14. 12 hours ago, The manic said:

    12k is cheap. The going rate is 25k. Do they put 8000k in bank for you?

    I've been dealing with this agent for 9 years now. I switched over from the 800K ( my money ) to income 65K last year, no problem. I understand the going rate if one does not have sufficient funds for bank deposit or income is the agent deposits the 800K for a retiree, then charges 25K - 40K for the service. It calculates out at an annualised interest of 20% - 30%. Nice work if you can get it.

    Short answer, no.

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