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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 7 hours ago, themerg said:

     U1)  caustic soda,30 baht. OR try this : 2)  baking soda into drain then Distilled white vinegar, 150 baht. 3) Mister Muscle drain cleaner, 150 baht. 4) Straight bleach, 100 baht. These remedies can go separately or one after another. DO NOT MIX BLEACH WITH AMMONIA, this makes a deadly poisonous gas. Yes, I live on a ground floor house. All these items can be found at TOPS supermarket for under 500 baht. My problem was my toilet. Use into a full sink or toilet. It make take a while, but if takes time use more chemicals. These all will cause bubbling. Be patient, let the chemicals do the work. Flushing the toilet with chemicals in it will not help the problem, let the chemicals SLOWLY do the work. USE RUBBER GLVES.

    Perhaps you would be kind enough to post the chemical reaction which gives a deadly poisonous gas. Wearing my hat of a qualified analytical chemist, the only reaction I can perceive relates to exotherm created by mixing concentrated ammonia with concentrated sodium hypochlorite, in which case ( depending on stoichiometry ) either ammonia gas or chlorine gas is evolved. Under more dilute conditions, the result would be innocuous ammonium chloride.

  2. I'm reminded of what Alan Bond, a now deceased businessman known as the "shareholders friend" once said. Went to jail for fraud. Quote: " If you owe a bank a million dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank 100 million dollars, the bank has a problem".

    I'd suggest the OP is about to find out how honest his friend is.

    • Like 1
  3. Free yourself from Microsoft fatware at no cost. You can have Ubuntu, Linux Mint or a number of variants as an OS for nothing. Libre Writer and Libre Calc IMHO are just as good as MS Word or Excel.

    Microsoft lost  me with the abortion called Windows Vista.  It baffles me how normally sensible people persist with an operating system that:

    1/ Is the favoured target of every hacker on the planet.

    2/ Harvests personal data without even asking.

    3/ Has the arrogance to install updates without even asking if one wants them or not.

    4/ Charges a premium for a triumph of marketing over substance.

    I have had Linux and Ubuntu on my desktop and laptop for 6 years now. Have never had a virus. IMHO people who buy Windows are masochists.

  4. I've never seen another falang in my GF's village, Amphur Phan south of Chiang Rai. So answer is most probably.

    I don't know how many villages there are in Thailand; however, there seems to be one every 5km or so on every road. So I suppose it is statistically very likely if you are a falang in a Thai village, you will be the only one there.

    • Like 2
  5. 18 hours ago, Justfine said:

    What happened to the personal abuse theory you have?


    Oops that went out the window.

    Not necessarily. That's my take on the post, the poster can interpret it any way they like. If you want to dredge up a disagreement we had on another topic, I don't see why I can't return serve when warranted. Here's a thought - put me on your ignore list, I won't mind at all.

  6. 1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

    It is cheaper for me to call Thailand from Australia (Telstra) than the other way around with True. If you use True wifi check their current packages that are just a big ripoff. A fraction of the data for the same price.

    I use True Move on what would be termed a dumb phone. Pay phone credit at the 7/11 about once a month. I can call my credit union or stockbroker from Thailand for about AUD 2.

    Telstra? Most dysfunctional service provider bar none. God help me, I'm a shareholder. We must live on different planets.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Mansell said:

    I am guessing that BKK doesn't require it because to many farang there anyway to keep track of.

    Can you imagine how many warehouses full of paper there would be in Bangkok if the TM30 was enforced there?

    I only tripped over it on my last retirement extension in Chiang Mai, 8 years before that it never arose. Just another example of Parkinson's law.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Trujillo said:

    What is the intention of those standing by the roadside on a major highway, such as on the way to Doi Saket (Chiang Rai road) and seeing a motorcyclist coming at 60 or 70kph and running out and tossing a full, large bucket of water directly into your face? 


    Is this welcoming the new year? A kindly tradition? 


    Or is this a hopeful gesture to make the motorcyclist fall off this bike resulting in injury and, in the best-case scenario, death? 

    This seems like assault with intent to do grave bodily harm, regardless of the holiday. 


    Or do I just not "get it"? 

    Road safety here isn't great for two-wheeled vehicles at the best of times. During Songkhran, it's atrocious. My defence is to only use my car.

    It's the people, falangs and Thais, who endanger bike riders using the excuse of a festival, that don't get it. Perhaps if motorcyclists who were injured as a result of water thrown started suing the perpetrators things might change.

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