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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 12 hours ago, poanoi said:

    they were, i only just became 50, but my experience is

    immigration office wont give me visa no matter when i qualify,

    so i wont even try. i paid 25k +500 for every 90 day report for this first retirement

    The figure of 25K sounds about right for the retirement visa, because it includes the cost of conversion from the O-A visa. Extensions will be about 12,000 baht through an agent.

    Your post is confusing - you say you've paid 25K +500 for the 90 day reports, and also say the immigration office won't give you a retirement visa. What visa do you currently have?


  2. 10 hours ago, poanoi said:

    thailand visa has cost me 40k+ baht per year on an average,

    that would eradicate whatever cost of living there is in caribbean,

    and once there, or any other place belonging to a EU member,

    i can never again be subject to visa extortion, i can plan long term economy etc,

    like buying a condo, and most of all, no more fcn visa runs or extortion

     My visa agent costs me 12,000 baht a year, that's retirement visa extension. multiple re-entry permit, and 90 day reports. Would cost me about 6000 baht if I could be bothered to do it all myself. Have never been extorted by any police in Thailand. It sounds to me like your circumstances are different.

  3. 4 hours ago, strikingsunset said:

    i suggested taipei earlier - i don’t think there’s much difference in living costs overall these days- last year i was at a “Hash” in Taipei - all the girls: women looking for partners were called into the circle - 6 walked in !
    Another issue in Taipei is the average salary is quite low - so it is possible to live a “ local style “ life affordable - i love the place - totally safe.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    If one was renting a studio apartment in an average condo there, what would be the monthly rental in US dollars?

  4. I had CNG removed from a Toyota Vios by my regular mechanic. He did have some experience with LPG installations. Obviously, the first thing to do is empty the tank by driving before you hand it over.

    AFAIK the removed stuff can't be sold, dealers make their money on new installations. I think my mechanic simply added the tank etc. to the pile in his backyard.

    I'm not aware of any updating requirements in the Blue Book, have renewed the registration for several years after removal with nothing being said.

  5. The elephant in the room seems to be which cryptocurrencies will succeed, and which will disappear. Until stability is reached in this area, I'm staying out, because I can't understand if these electron streams have value.

  6. 14 minutes ago, gaff said:

    Thanks to the genius OP, the thread is interesting.


    Can you tell me what I could do if it happens to me, to screw him as much as possible ?

    I am ready to take his house and all his belongings, even if he has to sleep in the street.


    Could I ask as much money as I want, a lot more than it costs to fix my car ?

    This is an expensive car, and I want it back as it was when I bought it.


    What can do a lawyer to help me screw the guilty self insured idiot ?


    This is a serious request, if it happens to me, I will have no pity, no mercy.



    An 8 MB car? What are you driving, a Lamborghini?

    Good luck with trying to sue an uninsured Thai. There are plenty of them around, and it would cost you more in lawyer's fees than you could possibly recover - assuming you were successful in the Thai legal system.

    • Haha 2
  7. 11 hours ago, PocoLoco said:

    My wife is not a mirror of the average Thai population.

    My GF can be rightly accused of being poorly educated, superstitious etc. etc. She has more attractive attributes which far outweigh the negatives. She is street-smart, loyal and loving. She is a good driver, very careful. That's because I have trained her.

    IMHO it is not the fault of individual Thais they have negative attributes. It's the fault of the system they live in.

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  8. There are bad bar girls, and there are good bar girls. Look at it from the perspective of bad news sells.

    For every gold digger, IMHO there are bar girls who just yearn for a good man ( jai dee ) to give them a chance in life. Rest assured they will be grateful forever. The voice of experience.

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