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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. It sounds like the thief got hold of the man's personal details, then used them to create an online account. There has to be an electronic trail somewhere.

    I only have savings passbook accounts here, which require my passport and my presence to withdraw money. I refuse offers of credit/debit cards, and deal in cash only. If I'm using an ATM ( emergency only ) it's an Australian debit card, and I will only use an ATM here which is in front of the bank supporting the ATM. Already had one instance where the ATM refused to disgorge my card, and I had to get a bank staff member to retrieve it.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

    Yes, if you're here on an extension of stay, the application very pointedly refers to an extension of 'temporary stay"  which seems to imply you have no legally defined status as a resident in any context other than for tax purposes. And even then, "assessable income" has a restricted definition.





    And the wording from Siam Legal seems to suggest that income must be derived from sources "within the country."









    I think that should settle the issue for the Nervous Nellies on a government pension - thanks.


  3. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    easily 5000 baht with prostitution

    In their dreams.

    Can't discuss the specifics on here, but would be far, far less than that for the vast majority of BGs.

    Perhaps for some exceptionally beautiful free lancer working the escort market, but not a normal income.

    You'd be surprised. Some bargirls are making that with multiple short-times in one night.

    I can remember one very innocent looking bar girl, mid-twenties, who worked in Singapore and was averaging 10 customers a day. She was coming to Chiang Mai to rest up from that, with 2-3 short-times a night.

  4. 19 hours ago, SteveSamui6262 said:

    From my vantage point behind the lines, I notice motivated girls/women are not working the bars, but instead utilizing the Internet to meet foreigners, and shortly thereafter they are getting flown out to first world countries and doing better than trying to achieve success in crrupt Thailand.

    Who are you trying to kid? The motivated girls/women are heading off to places such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia and South Korea where they can earn far more on their back than anywhere in Thailand. It's not a coincidence they are also the most beautiful from poor villages.

    They are not all success stories either. Some have their passports stolen, and become trapped.

  5. I can't see prostitution as a problem. As I see it, Thailand has acquired a reputation as a country for sex for good reasons.


    1/ Compared to many other countries, sex is cheap here.

    2/ Thai women can do a lot better financially in the sex trade than in "respectable" jobs.

    3/ There is no stigma attached to working as a bar girl, masseuse or whatever.

    4/  Thai women for the most part are considerably more attractive in terms of body shape and femininity.     

    5/  Thai women enjoy sex. At least, most of the ones I have met do. It's irrelevant whether the sex is paid for or not.

    6/   Thai women are uninhibited behind closed doors. It's different in public.


    Leave it alone, PM Prayut. You just don't see it's not a problem, but an opportunity for many.

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