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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. This is a beatup. One can only be non-resident if one declares it to the ATO. As long as one has an Australian address, they are an Australian resident irrespective of how long they stay overseas. Medicare cuts out after 5 years, but any return to Australia prior to that reinstates the 5 year period.

    • Haha 1
  2. OP, you can't take it with you. Having said that, you need to be sure your GF won't hurry the process along.

    Get a private investigator to check her out, financially and otherwise. If she is cheating on you, kick her out.

  3. On 2/12/2018 at 8:31 PM, Expat2be said:

    Me too.  I had heard it complicated the process but by the sounds of it it’s worth doing I have course would not want to tie up the money if I don’t need to


    Thanks for the feedback


    If you don't want to tie up money, rent a condo. Don't buy. Then you have the flexibility of not being tied to one place in Thailand.

    There are many posters on this forum who argue the pros and cons of condo ownership. Plenty of discussion threads for you to assess the merits of the respective arguments.


    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    If anyone physically attacked me and I put him down, I would make sure he was unable to get back up for my own protection even if it meant kicking him in the face, my own protection must come first. So it could be that it was self defence, but definitely not if he was kicked multiple times while unconscious.

    The best way to immobilize someone without putting their life in danger is to smash an ankle or knee. Doctors can only do so much with head trauma.

    There are so many versions of what happened I am being reminded of Churchill's aphorism about the truth being attended by a body of lies.

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    Sorry, are you making a joke or are you serious?


    If you are making a joke I don't get it.


    If you are serious can you tell me how algae can grow without sunlight?  





    It's another example of the poster's imprecise terminology. Growth of slimes and moulds in pipes in the absence of light is referred to as biomass. You are correct in asserting algae needs light to grow.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Currently 129 index in Chiang Mai. I can tell when smoke season is here by the patina of dust on my car. Won't clear until mid-April, based on 8 year's previous experience.

    It would be humorous if it was not so stupid. The Thai government has big billboards on major highways which proclaim burning off is prohibited - in English. Presumably we falangs are major contributors to the smoke problem.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, grollies said:

    So by adding phosphate to drinking water doesn't encourage algael growth in lead pipe?

    Phosphate is a nutrient, so presumably it encourages biomass of some kind. Whether that's algae or not in a closed environment is questionable. It's the reason environmental authorities place limits on phosphate discharge in wastewater, as it causes algal blooms in receiving water bodies.

    I'll spell it out for you. At best your first post was ambiguous, and you were plain wrong in claiming algae assisted water flow in pipes. It does the opposite. Now you are trying to bullshit your way out of your dubious understanding of the mechanical, biological and electrochemical processes involved. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you any further.

  8. Perhaps the OP should take comfort from the fact baldness is associated with elevated testosterone levels, which could mean his sex drive is going to still be there at a later age.

    I've been bald since about 40, and decided to have nothing to do with combovers, wigs and hair transplants as somewhat pathetic.

    IMHO a fat wallet is far more significant to most Thai women than the fullness of a man's follicles.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, grollies said:

    In the UK phosphate is added to drinking water to encourage this growth inside lead pipe to prevent lead leeching into house supply.



    You segued from the algae flow claim to the "growth" inside lead pipe. IMHO most logical people would infer the term "growth" was being applied to a living organism, i.e. algae. The term passivation is universally applied to any corrosion inhibition process where the metal surface is protected by an insoluble layer, called passive.

    Sorry if that sounds pedantic; however, your post is at best ambiguous.

  10. 4 hours ago, grollies said:

    The reason concrete-lined pipes are used for drinking water is to allow algae to grow in the mains in order to reduce friction losses when pumping water. In the UK phosphate is added to drinking water to encourage this growth inside lead pipe to prevent lead leeching into house supply.

    You mean the UK government is still poisoning its citizens?

    Algae biomass in a pipe would decrease flow rates, not increase them. That's why cooling towers and aircon filters have to be cleaned regularly. It's true phosphate addition would encourage algal growth:  however, it's far more likely the phosphate is added to passivate the lead pipe, preventing lead ions from contaminating the water supply. Lead phosphate has a solubility product of 1X10-57 M5. In non-technical terms, it is highly insoluble.

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 2/11/2018 at 3:15 PM, VocalNeal said:

    I agree with BWA. better to put it in a large open top jar to let the chlorine gas off otherwise OK. Most or at least a lot of people get their water from a vending machine which is fed from BWA water main.

    Additionally BKK water is quite hard and therefore has a high pH which is also better.

    A high pH reduces the disinfection efficiency of chlorination.

    The easiest process to get rid of bacteria, viruses, oocysts, chlorine, chloramines and off-tastes in water is to simply boil it.

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