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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. My GF has a chalet-style unit on her property in a Thai village about 30 km outside Chiang Rai. Several friends who have stayed there have commented on how user-friendly it is, small kitchen, lounge, single bedroom, TV, aircon, ensuite bathroom. We are thinking she could get some extra income by listing it on AirBNB. Target market would be English-speaking tourists.

    What would be the implications in terms of a TM30? There is no hotel accommodation within 20 km. If needed, can she do a TM30 online?


  2. 20 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    You know nothing at all. Educated enough? You don't even understand the meaning of victimless!


    Close to the wind? In what regard? It's very easy to make yourself look a fool if you have no idea of the facts when discussing a person. 

    It's also easy to make yourself look like a fool by refusing to accept anyone's opinion but your own. I've explained it to you. I can't understand it for you.

  3. 18 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    I believe it is nobody's business except mine if i wear a helmet or not, yes. It is a victimless crime.


    Again, as you know nothing about my business set up, you are not qualified to to leave an educated remark.


    Crowd funding, i doubt it very much, again making stupid statements based on no facts. 

    BS. Your relatives and friends become victims when you become a paraplegic or vegetable through your own decisions. I am assuming you have friends, although if your attitude to other posters is any guide, unlikely.

    I am educated enough to know when someone is sailing close to the wind.

  4. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Strange the things we miss here. I miss tinned spaghetti which I've never found anywhere, and big meat pies at a price I can afford.

    Decent fish with my chips too. The horrid mush they serve here shouldn't be describes as fish. Chips are fine though.

    Fish and chips at Duke's is reasonably edible. The Alpaca Cafe on the 1317 ( Chiang Mai ) makes the best spaghetti marinara I've had anywhere.

  5. 6 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    Correct, Chiang Mai wants the police report before issuing a replacement tax disc - The police report costs 20 Baht and takes 2 minutes.

    Wasn't required when mine was stolen (twice) - just took the green book to the DLT in Lamphun Road. Thieves take them to stick on their own bikes, relying on the police to not inspect them too closely.

    Mine is now stuck on with heavy duty cloth tape, and it's obvious to any thief it is more trouble to get off than it's worth.

  6. Get your wife to work at one of the clinics to establish a good reputation AFTER she has finished the orthodontics training.

    $200,000 is a limited investment in dental equipment - the most sophisticated stuff is $500,000 plus.

    Have you really studied your market? If it's somewhere that does not have a high farang population, your return on investment may be a lot lower than you are projecting. A government refund of 900 baht on patients means your wife would have to generate high volumes just to pay the rent, let alone generate a return on the capital invested.

    My advice would be to hasten slowly.

  7. You would need to purchase a water softener, and have it in line with your flow system. These are ion exchange resins or zeolites, which function by exchanging the calcium and magnesium ions for sodium. Ion exchange resins can be recharged by flushing them with concentrated salt or sodium hydroxide.

    The other option is to use chelating agents such as EDTA or nitriloacetic acid. These don't remove calcium, but complex it so it stays soluble.

    Not a good idea to try precipitating out with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate. The precipitate is so fine it will coat everything, including pumps and valves, and is very difficult to remove short of using acid.

  8. Try to learn some Thai, you will need to communicate. Come here on holiday first. Rent, don't buy. Leave 80% of your assets in the UK.

    Forget about dating sites, they are BS. There are two standard questions you will get from an overwhelming majority of Thai women you meet for the first time, be it bar, massage shop, coffee shop or restaurant. These are: "Where you come from?" "You have Thai girlfriend?" The rest, as they say, is up to you.

  9. 12 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Lol, not that simple mate, a few hoopla hoops to jump threw when the ATO does that audit and says please explain, yeh sure you have an Australian address, but you have been living in Thailand for more than 183 days, oops, to easy the way your saying it, your abode under legislation can be a park, i.e. a place where you normally reside, and if your out of Australia for more than 183 days and in one spot, your toast, trust me on this, I have read every single point in legislation and cases that went to court.


    You can prove your residency as Australian, but it is more complicated than what you say and is based on individual cases, so not so cut and dry, a lot of xpats just put their heads in the sand, but when the time comes, its going to hurt, i.e. if it ever comes.

    You may be right. However, I think the ATO has a lot bigger fish to fry than a few expats living overseas. After all, we live overseas because it's cheaper than Australia, n'est ce pas?

    In any case, I have to return to Australia every 6 months for a medical check which would cost me megabucks in Thailand, and costs zero in Australia. Plus stock up on 6 month's worth of prescriptions using the PBS. I have an Australian address, so unless our politicians squeeze even more by cutting the period to 3 months, I'm not affected.

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