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Posts posted by Lacessit

  1. 1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

    Ah!  Which story are you reading/referring to?  Is it the unabridged original or the plagiarised re-issue?

    There is a fairly simple solution to incoherent posts, otherwise known as unabridged originals. I stop reading after a couple of sentences.

    Plagiarism is defined as claiming credit for someone else's work. I don't think that was Shoeless Joe's intention.

  2. 2 hours ago, Blackheart1916 said:

    Can you point me to these investors? I would love a few tips from them!

    Those investors with perfect timing are not going to give out tips to anyone. Quite amazing the number of gurus who claim to be good at investing willing to teach you their secrets. For a fee of course, and because they want everyone to share in their good fortune.

  3. 2 hours ago, smotherb said:

    Well, I've always preferred a girl who shags only me; so it should take a little while to get into it.

    Unless you are clairvoyant or have mental telepathy, I don't know how you would verify that - particularly in Thailand.

    I used to know a massage girl  in Chiang Mai ( massage only ) who was not particularly attractive. She still managed to juggle a husband, a policeman boyfriend on Tuesday, and a gik on the side as well. Still baffles me how she kept them separate.

    • Like 1
  4. Thailand seems to have many small cars with a 1.2 litre engine, running on compression ratios between 11 and 12:1. Hooked up to CVT or conventional automatic transmissions. Mitsubishi Mirage, Honda Brio, Nissan March, Suzuki Swift, Toyota Yaris etc.

    Just wondering if there is any data out there on which engine is the most reliable, how CVT transmissions compare with conventional autos, what the maximum km for these engines would be. The older Nissan Sunnys and Toyota Vios's with the 1.5 litre engines seem to do quite well - up to 400,000 km.

  5. 19 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    I would say that they reason that you do not see them going after speeding motorist is because they do not have anything that will catch the motorist with, they cannot catch anyone without the right equipment.

    IMHO the video is all that is needed in this instance to determine the speed of the car before the collision. Pretty clear the driver would have run the red light if the scooter had not been there.

    The speed cameras I see on the Chiang Mai - Chiang Rai road don't seem to do anything. There used to be four, now there is only two - presumably the others are dead for lack of maintenance.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, loogkreung said:

    It’s like the guy who wanted a todger like a black man’s. after all the twisting and pulling at the surgery it worked...it went black! While on the topic of cosmetic surgery can anyone recommend one that does penis reduction?

    Why on earth would anyone want that? I've heard of breast reduction, but as far as penis reduction goes, I would take every inch available, and enjoy.

  7. 1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

    Shouldn't all drivers be able to stop, no matter of what's on the road? You don't have to contribute to an accident, I got hit twice, once when a motorcycle became airborne. 


              The left lane was occupied with a lot of other bikes and she wasn't on the fast lane, that's the right one. She's on the left lane and the driver should never drive again. But a 500 baht fine will do it. 

    I suggest you look at the video again. You seem to have problems with eyesight.

  8. The car's brakes did not fail, they worked very well after the motorcyclist was hit as the video shows. Just a BS excuse to try to avoid responsibility.

    Having said that, the motor cyclist did contribute to the accident by being stopped in the fast lane. In the scooter lane on the left, the car driver could not have hit her and could well have been cleaned up by a larger vehicle. Not sure if they were facing a red light.

  9. Salvage what you can and rent somewhere else. Tell the owner you want a refund of any rent paid in advance, as the contract is voided by his inability to provide habitable accommodation.

    Personally, I would not be getting involved in owner/condo management disputes as to who pays. That's a slippery slope. Get your own stuff cleaned if possible. Based on a fire in my father's unit caused by the negligence of a cleaning company, it's almost impossible to eliminate smoke and carbon ( that's what the black dust is ) damage entirely.

  10. 13 hours ago, Will E Vormer said:

    Mine was a whack on the head from a bag grabbing motorbike thief. I was drunk and in a quiet soi at night in Thong lor.

    I still go out at night, drink alot, visit Thonglor and walk down quiet soi's.
    Just not at the same time.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

    One can drink a lot in their home or condo in reasonable safety. Elsewhere, it's an invitation.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    There were many Thais working there - construction workers (male), people in restaurants (m/f), and ladies working in Spas - real spas, which usually only serve female customers.


    There are some ladies of the night there, as you would expect in a place of high wealth. Thai, Filipina, Chinese, Lebanese, Indian and Pakistani, East European and Africans; even some South Americans, or so I've heard. Russian and Chinese organized crime rumored to be active there too.


    All about the money.

    True. I get the feeling one would have to stay in air-conditioned buildings 24/7/365 to survive, however.

  12. On 2/2/2018 at 4:35 PM, jvs said:

    No i can not read Thai,i just arrived yesterday.Is there still hope for me?You do not know anything about me yet you assume a lot.My time to assume you are renting?

    AFAIK all I assumed is you can read Thai, not a lot of assumption. Yes, your assumption is correct - I don't "own" property in Thailand. To save you from making any further assumptions - no, I am not skint, and can easily afford to buy a house or condo. I choose not to, renting gives me flexibility. And it's peanuts compared to rents elsewhere. Is there still hope for you? Fuctifino.

  13. 12 hours ago, masuk said:

    I had a KIA in Australia.  Great car.     I looked at buying one in Thailand, but as they are not assembled here, they cost a lot more than their nearest equivalent.

    I ended up buying a Suzuki.  Same price as in Australia, but minus most of the safety features, 1 (ONE) air bag v. 7 in the Aussie version.  No demister heater.   Needed on cool, rainy nights.

    I have wondered about that myself, most low budget cars here omit the heater/demister.  Some don't have ABS or ESC, which wouldn't pass muster in other countries. I've put it down to the bean counters here - every accessory they can leave off a car adds to the profit.

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