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  1. Just opened Google search link, started reading and noticed this thread is from 2018 😅 so 7 years passed and they are still starting crackdowns 😂 let's see how it goes this time and will it come to Pattaya, cause my condo is day by day becoming more like some very busy hotel with people moving luggage daily and sleeping in lobby, not to mention other areas and noise and dirt. My part I have did, reporting to police and District office.
  2. Agree. Western liquids are absolutely different quality. When I rarely vaped in Thailand in past I was buying only USA liquid from reputable brand. Now stopped even that because of unrelated health issues. But that's why regulations is important, not everyone knows it and can find it. Now they are just killing people with cigs and cheap smuggled vapes that are harmful for real.
  3. He was fooled. Better let him appeal it. No panic. Just interesting what they wrote in ticket.
  4. Daft is to be ignorant of laws. Also not having lawyer and connections in police. Anywhere in the world.
  5. He was probably fooled and fined for something else. Read the ticket. That's why I asked initially what is written there. Maybe there is new law.
  6. You mean mentioning about arrests there? There is crackdown on sellers and importers going on, so there can be even more. Nothing to do with users. Maybe better listen to lawyer and not so much shocking press releases. They are doing their job, but as I know there is no changes in laws since 2019.
  7. You cannot fine anyone or put in jail with some vague AI overview moreover if there is nothing about possession and usage in mentioned law and no one ever have been fined based on this law. Maybe better listen to real lawyer who defended clients for real?
  8. Nonsense. There is nothing about above mentioned fines. Better listen to lawyer 😅
  9. Somewhere between Bangkok and Pattaya, just asked at pharmacy, they have no idea about it, maybe anyone know exactly where they have it, if have at all.
  10. What laws? I can write 100 years, that doesn't make it law. References on your mentioned cases and says exactly, extortion and unclear charges.
  11. Have you even read what you are posting? These links leads to usual extortion cases and unclear charges. I suggest to consult with lawyer who deals with this if you don't understand how law works.
  12. Who to trust more, National Institute for Health England or banana republic paid politicians, up to you. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/using-e-cigarettes-to-stop-smoking/
  13. No it is not. Can you read English or Thai?
  14. Who has been fined or jailed and exactly for what? Read the article. Lawer explains and tells people have successfully defended themselves. You can contact this lawyer for legal consultation. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/no-vaping-and-vapes-are-not-illegal-in-thailand-heres-why/
  15. Laws are laws, everything else can say whatever.
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