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Posts posted by Terek

  1. when go go bars re-opening? maybe someone have idea . I am very OK with situation personally, saving a lot of money :)) but I know also girls are bored and want to work

  2. 15 minutes ago, Xaos said:

    NYC has had 11,000 Covid deaths.

    Tokyo, the World's largest and densest city, has had 93.

    NYC is locked down.

    Tokyo was never locked down.

    Both have had the virus for the same amount of time.

    Why is NYC's death rate 250 times higher than Tokyo's? Just saying... 


    IMAO there is something not right with data, I think corruption, someone taking advantage of situation to steal more money


  3. 2 hours ago, markpbfree said:

    Remember, it only took one case to get this virus started.  I hope they have sense enough to wait until this thing is under better control.  One person infects two, two persons infects for and then it grows and grows and grows.

    excuse me, but it's not some dangerously deadly virus, we live with coronaviruses and other respiratory illneses hundreds of years, every year there is new kind of flu viruses, this one is far not more dangerous than previous ones, so if you think that people will not not get infected, then it's mission impossible and nonsense ...

    • Sad 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Bruno123 said:


    Worried like me? What does it have to do with me?

    It is for the protection of everyone, not just about the whims of a selfish few who care only about themselves.

    As usual there is always someone who thinks he knows better...

    Your heavy breathing will ensure that particles are spread beyond any 1.5 metre spacing. Just selfish in my opinion.

    I am wondering, when all of you virus panic makers will have enough of all this BS and switch to something different.  I am wondering, where you are getting your information, are you able to do some research and listen to authorities in virusology not mass media panic making agenda ..... have a good night

  5. from one side I understand that all this is nonsense , statistically it makes no sense to even take it serious as medical problem, a lot more different problems in world, so it is political and  economic tool professionally managed, turn off the internet and virus will be over fast. I personally can adjust to everything, and will find something positive in every situation, so go on , don't be shy, lets continue this emergency for some year or two :)) I am just looking how much money I save not going out spending at bars so that's good for my wallet 

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  6. 9 hours ago, brain150 said:

    Over the last 50+ years I had the flu and many other "viruses" and never even thought about it.

    Maybe because it was not all over the media ???


    Like these 25,000 people starving every day ? 
    So ... with 19,000 deaths from corona in total over 3 month that's equal to a "normal" day of starvation.


    I wonder why everybody cares about it so much ? Social engineering ???


    Just as a perspective:

    In EVERY average month there are 750,000 people [mostly children] starving to death ! EVERY month !!!

    That's 9,000,000 EVERY year !!! ... nobody ever gets even worried about it.


    ... this is a Social Experiment !!! 

    If I have a choice between these Government measures and living in permanent fear or the virus,

    I take the VIRUS each and every time !!! Because I can't fight insanity but I can fight a virus !!!


    I have the best defense system in the Universe - it's called the human immune system !

    ... what this hysteria does is making the human body a threat to humanity - that's INSANITY !!!


    how dare you to hurt people with facts :))

    this is just a test, it seems fear still works great to control masses , nothing is changed, so I even not surprised of how it is played out, but good to know there is some sane people left

  7. OK,

    it turns out it is not so serious, not thrombosis, not veins, not broken bones, but some mysterious soft tissue inflammation..

    2 doctors looked at it, vascular specialist and orthopedic specialist, we did ultrasound for veins and x-rays for bones.

    They prescribed anti-inflammation medicine and took blood for test, after week next appointment. Good that it is nothing serious, but bad that it is not clear what it is, leg is visibly swollen compared to other and hurts when making steps. I have visited Samitivej hospital, such a nice place, I can tell only the best about doctors and staff. I hope all will be good.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Darwin awards come to mind.


    I don't think the "no earlier than next week" was due to appointment unavailability. Rather the "other plans" he spoke of which he apparently values over his life.




    I noticed the same doctor you  recommended - Pootracool practices also at Samitivej. I have been at Samitivej time ago once for little check up for insurance, so I know that place, it's ok, huge  territory,  a lot of walking, never been to Bumrungrad.  So, is Bumrungrad better opinion ?

  9. thanks for information, I am still alive ???? doctor's visit can be done not earlier than next week. I don't feel bad now, even went to Gym, but leg is still inflated. I am healing it myself with Reparil gel and tablets, also Blue balm from Royal Thai Herb, cool balm, a lot of menthol gives nice cooling, supplementing garlic extract capsules and turmeric, vitamin C. Also I ordered some more supplements from iherb I think can be helpful for my condition - Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Butcher's Broom Root Extract, Aged Garlic Extract, Ultra Omega-3, Doctor's Best, Vein Support,  maybe someone can comment is these any good if have experience.  

    By the way, year ago, I also had inflated but both legs and not much pain, healed it myself with Reparil gel and tablets.



  10. thanks Sheryl, I think I will follow your recommendation, as I understand appointment can be booked online, nice service, I hope nothing bad will happen till next week, as I have some other plans for tomorrow already. I have read this condition can be dangerous, but anyway I don't think doctor will be able to treat it at Friday evening, condition seems not to get worse if I not walk a lot.

  11. Hello,

    maybe someone can recommend doctor, hospital, clinic in Bangkok to check my swollen leg.

    Blood vessels seems to be inflated. 2 weeks and it seems get better only at mornings, after walking it again is swollen and in pain. I have some suspicion , it may be thrombosis. My father had problems with veins by the way.  As I understand doctor who deals with these conditions is called phlebologist .

    I have good health insurance, but never used it and have no idea which hospital, clinic, doctor would be the best to see for my condition. I try to avoid doctors generally. But if it will not get better there will be need to do some checks. 

    So, maybe forum members have some recommendations which place and doctor is the best?


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