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Posts posted by Terek

  1. I still don't understand about braking what law you people are talking about! carrying and usage of vape ? there is no one as I know, moreover there is proposal to completely legalize it. Importing? hmm, vaping items and liquids are being sold by street vendors here in Bangkok on Sukhumvit street, and police controls this business for sure....

  2. 2 hours ago, alexanderhu said:

    Terek: You're funny my friend. Well, the risk is mine not yours so it's a maniacal obsession for you but an actual risk for someone like me. I get your point though, things work in a different way here and I should understand that I won't get any legal clarification.

    I think there is 1000 more dangerous risks here and in general, this is not actual risk, you are overthinking in my opinion, and you will not get any legal clarification about it. Better focus on trading ???? what you are trading, news? 

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