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Everything posted by NightSky

  1. It was my thought too as I’ve been around long enough to know it can happen but thaiwrath is a well known organization and the amount of media and photos of this story make it seem legit to me and I think it’s worth the risk to help the girl stand strong. I’m sure AseanNow did some due diligence too as they are promoting the crowdfund. Happy donating ????
  2. I’m sending 5k too, kids can be cruel with bullying but so can some adults too. Hope she stands strong. Hiv is ‘just another’ virus these days with the meds that stop it harming the body and prevent it being passed on or replicated although the stigma from history still prevails unfortunately. Hopefully education and time can change this.
  3. “Of course, if you are retired you probably do not pay tax.” pension income is taxed just like any other income.
  4. Tom cruise would say something along the lines of… If y’all gonna fly jets, may as well fly the best ????
  5. The video of the police reminded me of when I was a kid visiting my grandmas house when all females in the family were there talking, lots of neurotic women all talking over one another, no one actually listening, but all desperately trying to be the one who’s talking. A gaggle of geese etc..
  6. lets hope China or Russia don't take the reigns, at that point we really would be screwed.
  7. I didn't make any money on the property, I probably broke even compared to renting. Meanwhile investing in property in other countries has seen good returns. I wouldn't put others off owning its just where I am personally renting would be my preferred choice going forward most likely. My 'too little too late' comment referred to the government offering schemes to foreigners to invest, whereas for me I wasn't allowed to buy in my name only my wife's name and its too late as she/we already sold. If I were able to obtain mortgages in my name (even after paying taxes in Thailand long term this wasn't an option for me as I didn't own the property), then we might have held onto it longer, maybe. It wasn't even affordability, it was the fact I had limited options (and my wife had fewer financial options than I would be expected to have) In addition to this, the point is foreigners have their hands tied when there is no need for this other than to disadvantage foreigners who have setup a life in Thailand. Does this help? ????
  8. too little too late.. We just sold our home in Thailand (was in wife's name) and we're out. I would only ever rent in future.
  9. I looked at Dee Money although it seems cost effective for smaller amounts. Bank transfer worked out cheaper for larger amounts.
  10. Its been a while since I needed to do this and my wife now needs to send just overt 1 million baht to the UK. She has Thai baht in a kasikorn account. She asked at the branch and they informed her she needs to give them one days notice in advance about what she intends to do..? Has anyone had any issues transferring Baht from Kasikorn or other bank to UK recently? Also I'm guessing it will be better to do the exchange at the Thai bank rather than the UK bank, is this generally the case?
  11. If it was any other building it would be a travesty, however since its a bank, he’s a bloody hero!
  12. I'm normally against the death penalty although I hope karma visits him whilst in jail and he gets what is due..
  13. out of curiosity does anyone know if one can be scammed taxed upon entry with Thai gold jewelry.. ..even i it was exported from Thailand in the first place?
  14. Are you sure you need residence certificate? I never had to show one before, only the medical. also what if I’m no longer a resident during the year I need to renew based on having to travel out of the country but I need to maintain my license - I doubt you need to be a resident.
  15. Fir driving maybe but it does come in handy as a thai government issued id card
  16. Commodities (metals,oil&gas, agri, etc) and military defense stocks.
  17. I hope the woman is not hurt and can recover from this , bless her
  18. You do know that cruelty to small animals is a precursor to psychopathy don’t you?
  19. ..and this is the beginning of the implementation of the 'real reason' why the covid lockdowns have continued for so long, i,e, they want rid of this image and for this to go underground, Thai style!
  20. This is Putins attempt to bully the countries NOT on his list. Typical spoilt schoolboy narcissist tactics.
  21. Following your link and reading deeper he might have been suspected with links to rivalry shootings.. https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/guilty-pleas-in-jonathan-bacon-murder-coming-tuesday
  22. The omicron variant is on a par with measles for transmissibility, every other man and dog will soon be infected so I don’t know why they put on such a show for one person. Good grief!
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