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cyril sneer

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Everything posted by cyril sneer

  1. I'm taking kratom too which is quite dehydrating (also what's started me exercising again)
  2. Tourism was already falling before covid Also covid will have caused a lot of bars and restaurants to close permanently and get sold off
  3. Currently taking the 7/11 stuff called Royal-D before a daily workout Tastes full of sugar and the packet hides the calories, are their any more healthy alternatives? Already drink coconut water daily
  4. the wife knows quite a few victims of fraud, maybe once a month I'll hear a new story, but it's usually because of stupidity and greed
  5. I don't think people would come even if they could just fly in like pre-covid a lot of tourist areas have effectively died and will take years to recover then you have would-be tourists that are no longer able to afford the holiday
  6. depends on the area would avoid if going to Phuket
  7. and teachers will keep borrowing money same as before without any lesson learned
  8. can you stop being a such a serious c for one day? can't be good for the health arguing with people a new topic everyday, however righteous and intelligent it makes you feel go fishing or do one of your other health-conscious hobbies
  9. when will we find out then? Will anything be open in the dark red/red zones that isn't open now?
  10. didn't the US offer Thailand Pfizer three times only for it to be rejected in favour of Sinovac? that's what the mrs claims anyway... can't argue with larger quantities being available though, it was probably produced before they invented covid-19
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