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Everything posted by aldriglikvid

  1. Most made-up internet-money, I'm sorry "Coins", have lost in one week what the general stock market declined in a total of 1,5 years during the GFC. Bitcoin has lost -3% since we began this discussion yesterday. Embrace it's a ponzi and instead look for productive assets. I'm just trying to help you here.
  2. What's the value, then? It is down the toilet YTD -72%. But, you know that before it happened - right?
  3. You guys keep pointing to completely unverifiable claims of successful trades, to legitimate a "currency" that has fallen -70% in 12 months. Do you see an issue with that?
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-10/el-salvador-s-bitcoin-holdings-devalue-60-amid-crypto-selloff Crypto-era is over buddy. You could've made a lot better money in productive assets. So sad to see this.
  5. What has this got to do with BTC? I told you in my first post, I use my currency to buy real (productive) assets of different sorts. I would, however, not buy Bitcoin as it's a non-productive asset. Bitcoin not only lost -72% in 1 year (when has that happened to the USD?) the volatility of BTC is unreal, making it certain it will never (ever) be a tender. A handful more exchanges went bankrupt since last night, tons of "coins" down -10-20% just over night. You guys gotta be careful investing in this made-up internet-money of yours.
  6. Let's be perfectly clear here mate: I was the one who argued that trading isn't linked to any particular currency, or unique to Bitcoin - not you. So please, don't spin it and say "Trading btc is no different to trading forex". You tried to make an earlier argument that validity of BTC was because you can trade it up in 2 weeks. If you engage in debates, at least try to do it honestly.
  7. You claimed that Fiat wasn't legitimate because of 8% inflation and that idea that central banks are "printing" it. I just made clear Bitcoin is down in real terms on a 1y, 2y, 3y level as a CURRENCY. You then tried to change subject that because you made some trades in it, it's legitimate. You can trade in USD or other FX buddy, don't need made-up internet-money to do it.
  8. I asked about the legitimacy of Bitcoin, and you said it's easy to make 20% in 2 weeks. Come on, at least engage on a honest and intellectual level. Here's a 10day chart for your made-up internet-money, including that 10% gain yesterday that you claim so vigorously. I'm also submitting a 1 year chart. Are we still making Fiat-jokes?
  9. My question remains: Claiming you made 20% in 2 weeks. I just wonder, why settle so low? I mean, you make it sound like you can do it overnight without any risk. Just saw that your made-up internet-money is down -22% in 5 days. Haha, you whining about "fiat" compared to that?
  10. I'm sorry? It was a reply to you, claiming you made 20% in a week. I just wondered, why settle so low? I mean, you make it sound like you did it overnight without any risk.
  11. I didn't say property, buddy. There are several stock markets that are up, and there are more stock markets than Nasdaq, son. Your made-up internet-money is down more than the Sri Lankan peso or Turkish Lira in 1y, 2y, 3y. If you say that you can "trade" that away, that's just nonsense (because it's adds another level of risk). An undisputable fact is that Bitcoin, and all the other made-up internet-moneys and ponzis, have faired far, far worse than USD compared to an equal weighted FX basket. Bitcoin is in the toilet YTD and it will go lower. Why did you only trade +20% gains in 1 week, and not +40% or 60%? Not want to, right ????
  12. I don't invest in Fiat, I put in productive real assets with a return for above inflation. Bitcoin, or the other made-up internet-money is not productive assets. The only thing you could hope for, which hasn't worked for 3 years now, is that another sucker will buy it higher from you. If your exchange isn't defrauded and your wallet already hacked, that is.
  13. Are you guys still investing in made-up internet-money such as Bitcoin and the other Ponzi's? If you can't spot the fraud a mile away, I don't know what to tell you. So, 9 if the largest exchanges worldwide have either ben outright criminal frauds, hacked clean or ponzi's. But not yours, right? ???? Chasing that legit 17% APY.
  14. You're probably right. Correction: I wrote October above, but I meant September. Purpose of the thread: I arrived 25th of september on a new STV. My home country embassy told me that the overall scheme would end (as we all knew) but my extensions will still be doable if enter before september 30th. Just to check that my embassy wasn't misinformed, I mailed a couple of others and they all said the same thing: scheme is ending but if you enter with your new stv before sep 30th you can still do the extensions. Again, you're probably right with your assumption; I'm simply somewhat disappointed my trip is cut -6month short and I'm lifting all rocks to find a solution.
  15. Hi, Just starting a thread regarding STV Extension possibilities, as it might help others with the visa. Background: new issuing of the visa ended oct-31. Embassies throughout Europe have given different opinion if the possibility to extend the visa via its original construction is still possible, or if went full stop oct-31. I do not, in any way, argue that European Embassies have better information; I'm simply stating that information is very vague and that, perhaps, different decisions are being taken at different local immigrations throughout Thailand. Anyone tried a STV extensions post oct-31 and how did it go? Bless. ????
  16. This website have two different processes stated, if you either convert in-country or if you apply from abroad (from what I can understand). The first option looks the easiest and that's what I'm planning: arriving on a SETV and contacting the school at day 1. https://prolanguage.co.th/student-visa-services/
  17. Admittedly, I'm one of those who thinks it feels great and experienced no problems "so far". However, I only choose this option if the girl is a lightweight and if there's a ceiling to hold on to. Remember, Thais will say "yes" if you ask them even if they can't do it properly. OP: there's no place that does it as a standalone service, however - I've never been declined when asking for it during a Thai massage. In any of my years here.
  18. Thanks guys! Last Qs. - What are the usual closing times i.e. when should I arrive at the latest to have sufficient time for an entry/re-entry (+margin of error)? - Purchasing an e-visa from https://www.evisa.gov.kh/ beforehand seems very convenient. Are there any reasons I not should apply for one of these?
  19. Coming from Pattaya, what are the preferred borders at Cambodia (in terms of ease of entry and proximity)? I'm able to access a car, and I was actually thinking of killing a couple of hours myself.
  20. Hi, According to the website, I have all that's needed to apply and to be accepted. From my understanding, however, these are usually applied for in your home country (correct?), so I wonder if it would be any problems if my entry were from any of the aforementioned countries. Thanks
  21. Wow, rarely that we see these money-schemes so publicly explained:
  22. Slightly off-topic: what border checkpoints are generally considered to be the friendly/easy ones?
  23. Thanks mate! You convinced me for another Aerox ???? Haha.
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