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Everything posted by aldriglikvid

  1. There's ca. 1 100 local stocks available - and only a handful of ADRS, so that's a no-brainer for me ???? I use SBITO. Very satisfied.
  2. Thanks for the input! However, I have some small pushback: 1) Neither IBKR nor Schwab offers the domestic Thailand market (thus the reason why I opened a local brokerage to start with). 2) TH does not have capital gains if I trade (hate that word, I invest) in stocks on the local stock market, via my domestic broker. Only tax on dividends.
  3. Interesting thread! Since Thailand have 0% capital gains tax and only 15% withholding tax on dividends, I was in my 'early' stages of building a stock portfolio here (keeping the main one back home, as of now). As things were I didn't plan to declare these transactions to my home country - but do I understand it correctly that balances and transactions will be reported to the tax agency of the passport-country which I used opening the account?
  4. Hi friends, I recently applied for a Thai Elite, and was told the current backlog is 2-3 months. I'm planning to enter the country, via air, 2 months from now - and the TE might very well not be finished by then. However, I do live in a country where the electronic SETV applications are done - somewhat hassle free - in 2-3 days at the reasonable fee of $70. So, to cut to the chase: will entering on a SETV now, or next month, hinder my TE application? I guess not, but I just wanted to see if you guys heard anything about this.
  5. Not close. Taxes for dividends are 15% lower in my home country, than in Thailand, but no broker in my home country accepts the SET and the 1100 stocks on it. ????
  6. Hi, I opened a local Stock Trading Account here in Thailand, and I'm about to make a deposit and start trading. I'm familiar with the tax rates and I'm totally confident with all those details. I also now how to declare the taxes to my home country. However, there are two things that are not very clear to me: - I will be taxed for dividends received (which is fine, and expected) but is that tax to my "name" or have they set up a TAX ID for me? Do I need to file something every year, with the local tax agency? - Would invest in the stock market, via a Thai Bank, be perceived by Immigration as "working" and interfere with my Visa? I'm currently on a SETV and on the late stages of receiving a Elite. Please observe: I'm not looking for investment options, I'm not looking for "why don't you invest back home/with interactive brokers" etc. On topic only :)
  7. Yes, the TM30 is, for some reason, a lot (and I mean a lot) more important for IM-staff these days, than a couple of years back.
  8. Yes, the French mutual insurance company (as earlier mentioned) that's actually writing the policy is MGEN - but for me, as a foreigner, I'm only allowed to get it from their official partner ACS. If I were French, which I'm not, I could buy it via MGEN.
  9. Yes, thank you - I noticed that as well, and they confirmed it was active. They also mentioned that whenever I stay 12 months or longer, they have other relevant plans for me. ACS is a mutually owned insurance co (which I like) and they are based on France/EU law, ombudsman, board of complaints etc. Overall it's hard to find forums where people say that ACS doesn't pay when it matters.
  10. I do sympathize with you being unemployed, restless and no purpose in life - but please stay out of my threads with your off-topic stuff. Get a purpose, start living.
  11. Uninformed and silly to argue that it's "impossible" to benchmark global policies without knowing the home country, or that a local based policy is by definition better.
  12. I invest both in the public and the private markets, if you want any more detail I'm available in the DM's. However, I would like this very thread to stay on topic. Thanks!
  13. Hi, I'm below 40 and I stay around 9 months per year in Thailand. To date it has been consecutive Tourist Visas (and STV's) and this autumn it will be through a 20y Thailand Elite Visa. Currently I'm on ACS: Globe Partner (Travel Insurance): https://www.acs-ami.com/en/travel-insurance/globe-partner/ The way I'm thinking about these things is, in short, that I want to be covered in accidents and immediate/sudden sickness. Any long term permanent issues, such as a cancer or diabetes, I want to be covered for the "getting sick-part" and then go home to Scandinavia, for treatment. Is this a decent coverage for my needs?
  14. Thanks Jack! My main concern is that, I buy this Elite Card now - which gives me the ability to upgrade another 15y for 400k - and they rack up the price to 800k next year (or so). I mailed ThailandElite and asked them if the rules are fixed as per purchasee.
  15. What's the history of ThailandElite drastically changing the rules? Why I'm asking: I'm pretty close to the decision to buy "Elite Easy Access Membership" (5y) for 600k which gives me the right, but not the obligation, to upgrade to a "Elite Superiority Extension Membership" (20y) for 400k within 5 years. Would it be naive to me to assume that if I buy the first mentioned card, that the rules will stay "for me" for my 5 years (even though, perhaps, the main rules are changed for new buyers). Happy to hear your thoughts (and yes, we can't know - that goes without saying)
  16. Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback! What I'm thinking right now is that I'll order a cleaning service after 1.5-2 months = som air circulation and getting the condo neat and clean before I arrive.
  17. Thanks for all the input. On the topic of mold/mildew. Perhaps the the question that worries me most (and the owner is a stand-up guy, so I want to keep his place in good shape). Is there any product(s) I can buy for a reasonable buck to tackle this problem? Or am I overthinking it?
  18. Thanks Henry. As with "the office", do you mean the Juristic Office for my condo or PEA?
  19. Hi fellas, I'm going abroad for 3 months and I've only earlier left my condo for a couple of days, or a week. Any ideas of "Do's and Don'ts"? A couple of small issues on my mind: - Monthly Electric Bill (PEA) - how long can it be unpaid until it's problematic? Any way I can pay it online? I usually photo the bill with TrueMoney, super convenient. - Should I cover the sink (kitchen and bathroom) as not to have smell "coming up"? It doesn't smell now, but I don't know the result after 3 months of no activity/flow. - Should I flip the main power switch? Probably a Yes here, but I just wanted to know if you argue otherwise. Any other ideas? Bless
  20. https://www.set.or.th/en/market/information/tax
  21. Hi Fellas, I have a 40sqm bedrom with ~15y old tiling in it. To the best of my knowledge it's in great condition i.e. no bulging/breakage anywhere and it's straight. I would like to change the floor to a laminate. Would it be possible to put it on top of the current tiling? Any major downsides to this?
  22. Hi guys, I'm looking to fully remodel my Bathroom (approx. 10sqm) and would like to hire one shop/firm to do it all. Back home, I would probably do some parts myself - hire some friends etc. but I have to realize I'm in a disadvantage here, hence I look to fully outsource the work (and materials). Heard of any reputable names? Bless!
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