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Posts posted by listenup

  1. Why do so many people us bisto? yuk!

    Here's how i make mine to eat with roast beef/lamb:

    After roasting the joint of meat, remove the meat to rest and take away as much as the fat as possible.

    Then, have the baking tray over medium heat on the stove, sprinkle flower on top.

    Get a whisk, and mix the crusty meat stuck to the pan, meat juices and flour together.

    Then add some red wine... continue to mix so you have a runny paste.

    Then add some water or even better, some home made beef stock.

    Mix together and sieve into a saucepan.

    continue to add some water/stock to rinse out the baking tray... make sure you add all of that precious meat gravy into the saucepan.

    Then, bring to the boil - this will remove the flour'ry taste.

    Wolla! You have the best home made gravy you would have ever eaten!

  2. Web property! You're already there, you work with the web.. invest in established web property. :o No governments etc dictate anything to you that way, nor can they mess you about. Plus you dont have to learn how to walk in a new field.

    Good advice oxford - Why not just improve your skills in other areas of internet marketing, if you are there now, you are ahead of a lot of people wanting to make money on-line. It's the right place to be right now... if you can see that, it's a no brainer where your money should go....


  3. Hi,

    I have just found out that my girlfriend is pregnant. As far as I knew she was taking the contraceptive pill although I found out that she stopped taking it for 2 to 3 weeks and then started again. Anyway, this post is not directed at my girlfriend. What has been done has been done.

    I know a lot of people disagree with aborting pregnancies and those people are entitled to their own opinions. I however am comfortable with this and therefore need advice on having an abortion in Thailand. Firstly, what are my options? Secondly, is this legal? If so, can anyone recommend a doctor/hospital that can help?

    Thank you in advance.

  4. Hi all,

    I'm a UK national and think it's time I opened a UK bank account and get a credit card. I closed my bank account when I decided to move to Thailand.

    As I've been out of the UK for 2 years without a registered address, what are my options to open up a bank account with a debit or even better, a credit card?

    It's super embarrassing booking into a nice hotel and explaining that I don't own a credit card and asking if they will except cash as a deposit! hahaha

    Any help is much appreciated.

  5. When ever I have family come to see me in Bangkok, I put them into Sofitel in Silom. It's a great hotel, the reviews speak for themseleves: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g2...ok-Bangkok.html

    If your prepared to pay $100+ per night, why are you worrying how much the net is going to cost? :o

    I'm not worrying, just curious since I'll be working a lot while there and maybe online 8-10 hour some days. I don't mind spending money on a trip, I'm just trying to avoid a credit card bill later on for all of the "little things" that always seem to add up to more than the original trip itself :D

    If your going to work 8-10 hours per day, I'd suggest finding a hotelk with bigger rooms. The rooms at the sofitel in silom are are big enough to relax for a bit, sleep, dump and shower, but not ideal for working long hours in! Just my opinion though!

    You could try President Park ( think that's the name?) in Suk, they have bigger rooms, a little cheaper than Sofitel, centrally located and have net access.

    Maybe other member's could recommend hotels with bigger rooms?

    Anyway, enjoy your time here :D

  6. Does anybody know a shop in BKK selling big size shoes 47/48 ,

    I've been searching for two months now, can't find any.


    Have you thought about Ebay? Ge them shipped over from the US.

  7. Hi all,

    I am looking to book myself a well deserved holiday and was thinking of the Maldives. I would like a villa/hut style accommodation located right in the waters, or on the actual beach itself. I don't plan on doing much, other than reading/relaxing and swimming...

    Has anyone else stayed in the Maldives in the last year or so? Where did you stay? Was it good?


  8. Wordpress is up and running fine from my end.

    I can use wordpress.org

    I can read blogs in the Google Reader

    I can visit blogs using Wordpress on their domains

    I can up-load a post on my blog, via wordpress.

    Try ctrl +F5 to refresh!

    You scared the s*** out of me when I read this post :o

    Good luck!

  9. That example is a pyramid selling system, nothing wrong with that. The system benefited everyone - The publishers, the guy that set it up and even Ebay. (The guy had meetings with the directors of Ebay) - This was done on a big scale!

    Blizzard - What a childish response - Not everyone has big money in their back pockets to put into new ideas!

  10. Thats for all the responses. I like the idea of approaching investors overseas, as this would give them a delay in setting this project up in a country that has cheap labor (compared to the west).

    Here's an example of why someone wouldn't be able to copy my idea if I was first to act and I was the first to get the business established.

    A huge internet marketer (yes, my idea is internet based), created an Ebay affilate program that made sure everyone got paid on the highest tier, as all prmoters collectivly were under the same user.

    For example (figures incorrect): Ebay has an affiliate program with a 20 tier payout structure... if you generate 1 sale per day for ebay, you get 1% commission, if you generate 5 sales per day, you get 5% commission, if you get 10,000 sales per hour, you get 20% commission. The guy created the technology to track every users sales/commission so that all users could generate the highest tier commission bracket. As the were 10,000 sales per hour across all promoters, if I joined and generated a sale per day, I earn 20% commission rather than 1% commission.

    The guy that set the above up actually sold the business a few months ago as he didn't know how to handle the customer care side of the business.... 8 months later he sold it for millions.

    Anyway, this is just an example. No one would have a chance to copy his idea now, as he already is the market leader and is 6 months ahead of anyone else due to having the system in place with customers, technology and marketing.

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