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Posts posted by listenup

  1. You can buy what I call a desktop oven - It's a little oven that sits on your kitchen side, with proper tempture gage and so on. I used to have one and it worked well. You can buy them in Tesco's or a department store such as Central, I think they go for about 2,000B to 4,000B

  2. Unkownposter - Why are you recommending CHESA? 1) The food is poor and 2) it's swiss cuisine (or meant to be :o

    As for the best French restaurants in town, I'd go with Palm on this one - Le Normandie at the Oriental

    The food at the Indigo is very poor, I took a group of foodie friends there and no one was impressed.

    La Maison was a let down as well, my Pigeon was overcooked... not acceptable when paying top money.

    If you want to recommend where everything is perfect (cuisine, wine list, service, ambiance) then Le Normandie is the one!

  3. After seeing that single vanilla pods in Central Chidlom were 350B, I did a search on Ebay and bought 20 for 350B (5 pounds)! The seller wouldn't ship them to Thailand so my Mum was kind enough to ship them for me. The P&P come to 350B (which included 2 DVD's).

    So the tip is: it might be worth checking out ebay for some foods that are expensive here!

    Anyone else do something similar?

  4. I have a great idea for a business in Thailand and am in need of an investor. I'm hoping for some advice on how to deal with potential investors, as I'm really worrying they will steal my idea. For sure, I can bring a lot of my experience to the table, but that doesn't mean a potential investor could employ someone with with the same knowledge as me and run with the project leaving me behind. The business project is simple, has no competition, and is easy set up - An investors dream!... This is why I'm worrying.

    In the UK we use Non-disclosure agreements, but from previous experience with working in the city, there are many ways to get around these, god only knows how the system in Thailand is regarding NDA's.

    If you have faced a similar situation before, what did you do? What advice could you give me?

    I appreciate any help and advice.

  5. Me and a mate had planed to have a big night tonight, but he has just let me down at the last minute. If anyone's up for a drink tonight, yep, late notice but thought it's worth asking! hahaha, PM me if your up for it and I'll pass my number on.

  6. I'm trying to set up a paypay account and have tried Bangkok Bank's be1st card and also Siam Commercials SCB (matercard) card but paypal will not except either, they say I should contact my issuing bank. You can only imagine what will happen if I try and explain what problems I'm having at my local branch, so I was hoping someone on here has experienced the same as me, and could offer me some advice?

  7. The members on this forum do make me laugh sometimes... the OP asked for help on how to market his business, not how to run his business.

    With the exception of carmine6, everyone just wasted there time by replying to this thread.

    Anyway, back to the OP Q, here's some ideas on the top of my head on how you could promote your Thai language school in BKK:

    WEB: Firstly, create a very detailed web site which will in able to you promote the site via banner advertising on Thai related sites (including here on TV), give Google adwords a try and also maybe do some keyword research to learn what people are typing into the Search engines to find language schools here in Bangkok (I recommend Wordtracker - search Google and you'll find it) and learn some SEO so you can get your site within the top search engines results. Another option is to look for Thai related Blogs, ask the blog owner if they would write a review of your site/business. To continue with the web thing, why not create a different site about Thailand (Shopping in Bangkok, Travel in Bangkok.. etc. etc.) which you can use to promote your site on - This just gives you another route to market your site. Another option would be to do some link exchanges with sites that offer services in Thailand (Taxi companies, cooking courses etc)

    PRINT: There is a free mag with the Bangkok Post on a Friday, maybe ask them to give you a review. If you can think outside the box, and give them a good reason to review your business, they will give it a go (maybe use carmine6 for this). You'd be surprised how easy you can tweak your story so it's interesting, giving the publisher free content. There is also another free weekly mag that I can't think the name off you should check out. Also, maybe give Bangkok Post and The Nation classifieds a go. As for leaflets, I'd recommend getting some business cards printed, with either the 2008 calender on the back, or a list of some really useful numbers... people will then be more likley to keep these in there wallets in they have something of value to them - with your details on the other side of the card. Another idea is to partner up with business like restaurants/pubs/bars... these are the places farangs hang out... cut a deal that you'll pay for the business cards (there so cheap here) with your business on one side, and there's on another, if they will give you to each customer with there "check bin"

    Just a few ideas!

    Good luck! :o

  8. I love my coffee, and that means I love starbucks coffee. How can you compare Starbucks to the old lady on the soi, or the wooden coffee kart you see everywhere in Bangkok's shops. Admit it, it's the price that puts you off, not the taste/quality!

  9. HELP, need advice on a computor problem.I have just bought a tower from someone & when i switch on it loads up but i don't get the green start button or amything else on the bottom line {blue border }I'm new to computors so i haven't got a clue what to do to get it right.Hopefully there is somebody on this board who can help.I will add that i only bought the tower .

    If you live in Bangkok, take it to PanTip!

  10. As for me: My school was in a terible state, with the roof falling down etc. BBC turned up to do a doc on it, and there I was sitting behind the desk with my mates on the 6pm news!

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