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Derek B

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Posts posted by Derek B

  1. 3 hours ago, Logosone said:

    Interesting how foreigners and Thais are treated differently. They say Thais are next, but this case of Nanny Sweetie, where a woman went to work in SKorea illegally and then went partying ignoring all self-quarantine shows she got off with a slap on the wrist. She just had to apologise.


    Fair enough, she was not infected with Covid19, but the same applied to this foreigner. The foreigner pays a 20000 baht fine, the Thai lady does not.



    Maybe the Chiang Mai Governor is too busy fighting fires in the hills which is also a serious health issue.

  2. 23 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Am I missing something? 

    Two months of at least 800K on your thai bank-book BEFORE application date.

    That's correct if you apply for your very first extension of your Non Imm O - retirement Visa.

    But OP is talking about 'another 1 year extension'.

    And in that case he would have to show that during the full 12 months previous to his application, he kept 800K in his account during the first 3 months, 400K in the next 7 months, and 800K in the last 2 months.

    That is what my agent has told me too except I need a one year full bank statement from Bangkok Bank which takes 5 days as it has to come from Head Office in Bangkok.

  3. 4 hours ago, bangkokfrog said:

    How is it possible to verify an overseas medical certificate at the airport given time differences and language problems? I wonder whether, if I were to start up a business called Shifty Frog Medical Services and start issuing such certificates, anyone in immigration would raise an eyebrow. Perhaps I could also start up Shifty Frog Assurances to provide Covid-19 insurance certificates for good measure.

    If found to be fake it would be grounds for immediate deportation & re-billing of medical costs if any.


  4. 3 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

    They don't seem to want to give out the particular location on these. They say the boxing place but where did the people go from there. It would be nice if there were a map by district or province for Thailand. Some nations seem to do that. Maybe there is but I haven't seen it. Just seems they aren't providing very good info.

    I wonder if the venue has now been disinfected.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Patanawet said:

    Why on earth are you looking for masks?

    Are you sick?

    Do you not believe or understand the WHO advice on the use/misuse of masks? 

    Is it your intent to deprive health workers who are desperately short of these items?

    Please don't tell us that you are following the advice of the foul mouthed, engineering trained, health minister.

    Well if you live in Chiang Mai you should be wearing a mask of sorts never mind COVID-19 & the WHO. Every police man, GOV worker or Health care worker I have seen of late and for many months past has had a new mask on for sure.

    Enough said on MASKS.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    I'm still absolutely unable to find facemasks or alcohol other than the initial amount I was able to scrounge up. Just asked yesterday at another ten pharmacy.


    Conspiracy to sell (millions?) of TONS of facemasks (did I read that correctly???) to Communist China might be an issue. So too the death of Chinese in Huay Kwang related. Another huge amount reportedly bad masks, soiled sold to Chinese for 2m baht.


    Western countries should really note this nation's alliegences and treat accordingly. Tariff on western food items is ridiculous. Virtually no western products in stores


    Just have this horrible feeling it's gonna get ugly for us farang by govt edict. None of what comes out of it ever makes a bit of sense.




    "Just have this horrible feeling it's gonna get ugly for us farang by govt edict."


    Not enough moneyed farang to make a real difference now. Many Thais in the villages are secretly worried about their aged farang benefactors though. I wonder how many ventilators there are in the Provincial cities and who will get allotted one - the beneficiaries will not have a say but the Health Minister might.

    • Haha 1
  7. 22 hours ago, CLW said:

    A medical certificate is not of much help. It most likely won't include a proper test such as RT-PCR just a temperature check and other symptoms. Also it can't be older than 48 hours which means any traveller can be a potential carrier of the virus without showing symptoms at the day of testing because of a long incubation period of the virus. 

    Exactly...........a bit like the medical certificate for long stay visa applications.

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