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Derek B

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Posts posted by Derek B

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stryker


    Made in Canada for US Army.................at US$2.9m must be a basic version or pre-owned.


    The unit cost to purchase the initial Stryker ICVs (without add-ons, including the slat armor) was US$3 million in April 2002.[93] By May 2003, the regular production cost per vehicle was US$1.42 million.[94] In February 2012, the cost had risen to US$4.9 million.[4]


  2. 5 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    If they wanted to invade Cambodia in the dry season, they'd work.  Or safely transporting a high-value VIP like Yingluck. I've seen a few similar types at a US Marine Corps exhibition, and they are HUGE!  But with all the armor, the passenger area in back is tiny.  Might be OK in BKK floods of perhaps 2 meters.  A 90 million Baht SUV. 

    Could of bought British me thinks - cheaper and right hand drive too

  3. 18 hours ago, Badbanker said:

    Sadly this Article 12 (2) and (9) has been used against people without them knowing about it on many occasions when arriving in the kingdom.  This has become the most common excuse to deny foreigners entry into Thailand.


    The real reason is that the person has too many visa exempt entries into Thailand in the computer and in their passport!  


    I know that in the past year on some days at land borders, 30 plus people were denied entry on visa exempt stamps and sent back.


    I have gone so far at to recommend that friends who visit Thailand on a regular basis on a visa exempt stamp, actually have the requisite 20,000 baht cash and a return ticket in hand and put them on the counter with their passport when approaching the immigration officer.


    Most times it works, but sometimes it doesn't!


    Where did the 20,000 baht come from..........is it not 10,000 baht?

  4. Some one close anyway put the thief up to it. 

    Personally I would tell the wife/partner I am off and see what happens.

    He should leave the village and leave it to the elders to sort out and the mystery will be resolved with the passport & plastic being found in a field by someone wanting a reward.

    In addition someone will get drunk & be seen to have money all of a sudden perhaps a new M/C too and the appropriate face saving actions will come about.

    A safe should be his next purchase or a ticket home.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    You got that right being targets in Issan. Scandalous people sometimes, and I agree it was an inside job from someone from perhaps like a cousin who new they brought money like this every time they came. Dog poisoned again? Yikes. What do you think the premise behind this is? Way too many times already.. 

    Poisoned the dogs so they would not bark & raise the alarm possibly?

  6. 2 hours ago, KKr said:

    for a serious institution abroad, a 10 million USD foreign exchange position is not a very large position.
    Just imagine the implied foreign exchange risk from changes in production cost for a major car producer. JPY dropped by only 9.6 % against the THB.


    Didn't Toyota manufacturing recently move to another ASEAN country to avoid flooding due to a lack of Thai investment in water infrastructure to prevent flooding of their plant.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/20/2019 at 10:05 AM, RichardColeman said:

    This story does not add up to me. An Egyptian tourist deliberately speaking English to a Thai ?

    English was most probably his second language (at least before his throat was cut) and she would most likely not speak Egyptian or Arabic - most if not all of the Egyptians I have known & worked with speak fluent English - quite a few were pussy magnets though........I guess old habits die hard.

  8. On 7/18/2019 at 6:58 PM, Orton Rd said:

    what a laugh- 'animal cruelty' in a country where cock fighting is legal (and they DO use blades) where animals like pigs are kept in appalling conditions and where they are quite happy to let millions of soi dogs wander about in various states of decay, and where even the house dogs are banged up like prisoners rarely taken out. We all know why dogs have special status and it's not religion.

    What is that special status?

  9. 16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    The sad thing is, I doubt she or her family regard this as more than an inconvenience for them. Because that is the cultural norm in a highly segmented social structure. Would be different if any of the victims had been of equivalent or higher social standing.


    They provided her with a car, knowing full well she was underage, had no license and no insurance. They let her drive around anyway. They tried to use family connections to make the case disappear, and then complained bitterly at the small amount of community service punishment; complained when the probation service said she had to do the community service at an approved hospital and not the one she wanted where a relation was in charge; and complained again when the courts stopped her from driving again for x years - petitioning for the ban to be lifted.


    At no time has she or her family shown any responsibility or remorse. Just an annoyance at the inconvenience. But again, that's the social norm for hiso's.  


    Until such times as families of wealth and connections aren't allowed to behave like this, the justice system has no chance. Many here are simply above the law, and many more believe they are also too. 

    Everyone in Thailand thinks they are above the Law...................

    • Like 1
  10. 16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    The army is there to protect the elite, the powerful, the super wealthy, those in power, and those that are connected. This is a tough nation for a common man or woman to live in, as their rights are not well regarded, nor protected. It is up to this family, to do everything in their power to shame the perpetrator of the manslaughter of these students, and her callous family. Nine corpse Praewa should be made to suffer, in whatever way is possible. Social media is a good place to start. 

    Exactly.................a dedicated Thai language web site...........or a Hi So publication like Hello magazine that dishes out dirt.

  11. 20 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    That's one of the major problems here, once you win a case for compensation, how to actually get that compensation paid ?? It's very hard to enforce without taking them to court again...


    Little people loose, big people don't give a rat's a.s

    I such a case as this I would for the first time ever contribute to a go-fund-me plan to employ a decent honest lawyer to pursue the driver & her insurance company for compensation to at least that recommended by the court plus aggravated damages from not paying up todate. Problem being where would one find a competent honest lawyer willing to take on a high society lawyer.


    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, KKr said:

    World War II bomber found on moon
    Back on April 24th 1988 a tabloid newspaper reported that a Lancaster 
    Bomber has been found on the moon.

    hardly an example of bad journalism of the quality "news"papers "Sunday Sport" and "Express" that were enhancing the story by confirming each other. 
    21 years on, people still quote this titbit of a so previous century joke. 

    personally, would rather investigate the more credible lower right headline ????


    Sunday Sport - World War 2 bomber found on moon

    image from Sunday Sport on Flicker

    Not a B52.

  13. On 7/8/2019 at 9:14 AM, NCC1701A said:

    He is more than popular. I would say he drives women crazy with desire. Women want him and men want to be him.

    He is the most interesting man in the world. A true genius. Brilliant. Charismatic. Extraordinary. Good-natured. Humorous.


    Screenshot_2019-07-08 Thai man invents pollution free generator that doesn’t need fuel.png

    Nikola Tesla 1856-1943............................some of his notes are still missing believed to be with the FBI in the USA.


  14. 3 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

    And where would you go to get these tests and get that document signed - a private GP would be my guess. 


    My NHS GP would not sign as blood tests would be required and as I had no symptoms he would not sanction the tests. I subsequently contacted an Aberdeen workplace clinic and was quoted about 800gbp and would of had to wait a good few weeks for the test results. I have since heard from other folk who stated their non UK Doctors adopted a different approach and simply signed off on the certificate based on no "apparent" symptoms.

    If you apply for an O visa (I think it is) in Thailand it is only valid for 3 months but no medical or police certificate is required and then convert it to a retirement visa but you still need to obtain a multiple entry permit.


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