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Somchai Logic

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Posts posted by Somchai Logic

  1. 15 hours ago, Eligius said:

    There will be more delays announced - more committees to investigate - more final details to be collected - more clarifications to be sought - and on and on it will go - into Infinity.


    OK, Thais: this is the society you have allowed to develop. You have made your bed (and are still making it by allowing this gang to ride roughshod over you all) - now lie on it and enjoy your self-invoked humiliation and contempt from the Betters that you LOVE to worship and grovel to!


    Hear hear... Som nom na :coffee1:

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  2. 6 hours ago, jonclark said:

    A truly tragic and "avoidable" loss of life. 


    Whilst the regulations and safety record of government run coaches has improved over the past ten years. Sadly private rentals lag very far behind with very little oversight or regulatory framework . I am stunned that yesterday 18 people died and 50 more were injured in two seperate coach accidents. 




    Unfortunately "Unavoidable" in Thailand :coffee1:

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