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Posts posted by Swimman

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lemonltr said:

    At what stage does the 'hippocratic oath' become the 'hypocritic' oath? 

    The "Hippocratic oath" is archaic and is no longer relevant to the practice of modern day medicine. In the UK it has been replaced by "Good Medical Practise" - (a copy can be downloaded from the link) published by the GMC. 



  2. 2 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    I took offence at a recent story in the Chiang Mai media about how no one in Chiang Mai had applied for the O-X visa because, quoting a local immigration head, "none of the local foreign retirees can afford it". 


    That's just plain stupid and he should know it.  I know several retirees, Hubby and I included, who have more than 3 million baht in local banks, but we don't care to trade in our good international health insurance plan for substandard Thai health insurance plans, especially when we'd still have to do 90 day reports, TM30s and whatever that "annual check in" feature entails.  For us, it isn't a matter of the money, it's because the plan offers absolutely no benefits over what's available now.

    You must be easily offended -- I allow such throwaway comments to pass over my head - I would advice you do likewise.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

    I can't workout what point you are trying to make here, all I know is that I am afraid and I have no wish to go through this again. Any product that is capable of causing this has no right to be available on any market.



    If that is the result of paraquat contamination you are very lucky to have survived.  

  4. 1 minute ago, attrayant said:



    Did you just really say, essentially, that accidents happen?  We already knew this.  I've already said earlier in this discussion that the compound is quite toxic, so I am not sure what your objection is. 


    If you search the literature, you will find reports of 'trained' electricians dying as a result of being electrocuted, 'trained' lab technicians becoming infected with diseases from accidental needle pricks, 'trained' construction workers dying from job-related injuries, and so on.

    Enough!  Please come back after you have used this stuff on your property and allowed children and pets to play with it.  The stuff is lethally toxic and banned by some 32 countries but you are arguing for its continued use? - Perhaps you also support the use of DDT another banned highly toxic chemical.

  5. 3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    But once again, the danger is to untrained applicators and others who are occupationally exposed.


    The nonsense in the OP is bad enough.  Let's not add our own craziness to the debate by using the old canard that "countries X, Y and Z ban [something], so we should too!"  Also, the fact that something can be used to commit suicide is not grounds for banning it.

    You are entitled to your opinion which I am not obliged to agree with. If you search the literature you will find case reports of 'trained' users dying as a result of accidental skin contamination.

  6. Paraquat is banned in the UK and western Europe. The Drs are likely correct in denying a link between paraquat and diseases such as necrotising fasciitis and Parkinson’s but the fact remains that paraquat is a dangerous poison which has NO antidote and it is disappointing that these doctors are supporting its continued use. More detail can be found in the link.



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  7. 1 hour ago, Trevor25222 said:

    Western countries sell low-dose codeine mixes over the counter.   Codeine is a controlled drug in Thailand: can bring in 30 days' supply if declared and approved by Thai narcotics control bureau prior to travel.   A doctor's letter is not enough but might mitigate your punishment if caught by customs officers.

    Australia has recently banned the OTC sale of all preparations containing codeine. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, Trevor25222 said:

    Why does Thailand think it has to be so uniquely dogmatic in these matters?   


    Thailand is not unique in this respect. Try the  Gulf States for example which are much stricter than is Thailand.  FYI Australia has recently banned all OTC sales of low dose codeine preparations.

  9. 1 minute ago, KhaoYai said:

    I may be new here but I'm certainly not new to Thailand or similar forums so with respect Swimman, your posts 10 & 15 appear to be the ones with attitude.  Whatever, there is no need for any attitude or one-up-manship on anyone's part.  This is a serious matter and its caused my mate a lot of grief.  Unless we can find a way of 're-educating' the IO without her losing serious face, he's going to have the same problem next year and I'll have it in 2020.

    Your mate has the option of escalating/appealing any decision an IO makes. It is not your place to "re-educate"  an IO. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 minute ago, JackThompson said:

    You have it - it happened to me.  They were especially unhappy when we showed up the 2nd time with the unnecessary paperwork they invented the 1st time, so created more imaginary paperwork with an extra dose of rudeness.  It's a good thing I didn't know what was being said in Thai to my wife, at the time.


    Of course, go to an agent, and you don't have to meet but a fraction of the qualifications - fake the money - etc.  "Bad Guys" who pay them via the brown-envelope system are welcome to get extensions there - which is the point of the whole rigamarole.

    Mmm -- Am I hearing from someone with an attitude problem? 

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Section 4 . This act DOES NOT apply to duty and performance in the kingdom of aliens, PARTICULARLY in the following positions.

    (6) for the advantages of educations.

    With all the thousands of people caught teaching in Thailand without a permit, and yet not a single one prosecuted. 


    I actually was prosecuted in a different case by the ministry of education. But they could not add working without a permit. 

    The important factor was that my visa was a marriage visa. I know well this law. 

    If you know the law you will be able to post the Royal Decree referenced in 4.6 

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