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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 18 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Interesting dynamics leading up to these kinds of end-states.


    A number of years ago, I drove around exploring the surrounding rural area where I live, and came across an impressive concrete flood control canal similar to the one below but much bigger/wider.  The top area on both sides was still dirt, so it appeared to me the work crews either didn't finish it properly, or they weren't done yet; although I didn't see any equipment or men around.  They could have been elsewhere, it was a very large project spanning many kilometers in both directions from where I was standing.



    I was driving over the same bridge months later and it looked like a bomb had gone off.  Shockingly large sections of the concrete side walls had collapsed and broken apart, obvious that rainwater invaded from the unimproved dirt top areas, eroding the earthen foundation behind and under the concrete.


    Dunno, maybe they ignored thousands of years of knowledge and experience, and didn't let the fill settle long enough, or they started too late in the year, or simply got behind schedule, stretched thin, and got caught out by rain season.  I wondered if political pressure played a part as money was being thrown at infrastructure improvement projects, and in the desire to show "The People" all the good works being done for them.  Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.


    thats not a canal IT IS A DRAINAGE DITCH

  2. 1 minute ago, manchega said:

    the police tend to be some of thw worst drivers, I have had to undertake police many times on toll ways and even country roads such as the bkk to hua hin type,  they sit in the third lane, doing a crawl , not even attempting to reach speed limit.


    life is too short to wait, best would be to put them down like dogs, but not in thailand I guess , maybe in thailand the phrase would be put them down like immigrants from surrounding countries that are not as high in status compared to thai people.

    send them back to retake their driving test and watch the video.....

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