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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 15 minutes ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    Sorry I live in jomtien and to sit on beach and relax is impossible 

    Government has put sign up 

    No music fine 2000b

    But every night meny cars with big music and with Thai people drinking and they have to drive home drunk 

    Police do nothing here 

    Jomtien has become a nightmare and I know meny Thai people think the same 

    So you post to me is wrong meaby because you never been here... 

    THEY NEVER DO anything about cars blarring out loud music NOTHING AT ALL ....

  2. 1 hour ago, KittenKong said:

    Yet another noisy week to leave town for, along with Songkran week.


    What a pain these events are. And why do they have to spill over into Jomtien anyway? The whole point of living in Jomtien is to stay far away from all the pointless noise and activity in Pattaya.

    agree with you 100 percent....keep the rabble and noise in PATTAYA....

  3. 11 minutes ago, G950 said:

    "He was pictured with another official in daylight pointing at the kilometer marker in question. They were sure this was the place"


    The first picture with the naked chic has trees behind it while the second picture with them pointing to the marker is at the beach with no trees in sight. How is this the same "place". 

    cant you see that they are taken at different angles??

    In my opinion that is.....

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  4. seems to me that the Police were TIPPED off about the day and possible time that these guys were going to dump, otherwise HOW did Police know they were going to be there.??

    This road has been a dumping ground for years and SUDDENLY police are there.....WHERE were THEY before????

  5. 10 hours ago, Tracyb said:

    Remember the days when we had to pay 300 Baht departure tax at the airport upon exiting the country?  The fee was then added to airline tickets’ price too make things “easier and quicker for departure.  I wonder where THAT money goes??


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