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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 24 minutes ago, LongTang said:

    I don't understand why to insist on this point? The OP has already exposed his story to the world, so he has nothing to lose at this point.

    The fact there are so many people whose families been affected by it may actually increase the amount of potential sympathizers.

    my mother died from the disease, she was 77, ok this was in England.

    My Father and I could not cope with the situation and she was put into care home...lasted about 9 months in there before she passed away....

  2. 12 hours ago, BadSpottedDog said:

    Thank you! We would do that, but now immigration is saying that 400k has to stay in the bank account for the whole year! Moving my Mom in a year will be even more difficult with her condition, so all the plans are in motion to move her Tuesday. No one really knows how much more severe the changes will be. Better safe than sorry. ????

    my friend had the disease.....he was in his early 70's and went back to the Uk to seek the best medical care he could. That was about 9 months ago

  3. On 5/22/2019 at 8:44 AM, jacko45k said:

    Apparently not, it seems to vary. These 'rules' are being applied to people with Visas and without.  Heard of a few. Usually land borders (except Poi-Phet) are Ok though. 

    The 15 days flight out does not make sense .


    What type of Multiple Entry Visa do you have?

    is there NOT only one kind of MEV....the one that allows you to go out and re enter as many times one wants within a 12 month period???


  4. 28 minutes ago, Ridler said:

    Did you really sit and type that stupid reply? Really! 100 years? Then you should get 250 years for being so stupid

    the poster is trying to make the point that the BMW driver SHOULD serve some time for his actions.....like many other thai drivers.

    The other day a big ford ranger nudge the back of me, I got out spoke with him ....ALL he said WAS SORRY !!.........I drove away as no real damage was done.

    The point is that he should not have been driving too close to me.....but THEY do it all the time

  5. 21 hours ago, mikebell said:

    So they fanned out across Pattaya?  All three of them?  Obviously cleaning up near some VIPs' houses.  They could do this every day for a year and not get to the bottom of it.  It's like painting the Forth Bridge - a job for life. Thais do not care about their environment and will tip and pollute anywhere to save a baht.

    NOT true about the Forth Road Bridge....it only takes a year to paint it !!! NOT a job for life.

    Unlike here IT WOULD BE A JOB for life to clean up ALL the **it and dumped rubbish.....

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