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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. On 1/29/2012 at 8:15 PM, WarpSpeed said:

    You're lucky you only had an officer giving you a class in driving at least you didn't have to suffer through the 45 minute crappy, childish and patronizing video that must have been produced by teens for teens. I especially enjoyed the part about them portraying drivers who race cars on tracks or enjoy racing on the weekends as being bad drivers as compared to the guy who drives like a grandma. That is so bassackwards and insulting it's not even worth discussing. When you learn HOW to drive properly (I.E. proper car control) and the dangers of doing it on an open road and also get it out of your system in the proper, safe environment (I.E. race track) it makes you a better driver not worse.

    Just had mine renewed a couple of weeks ago and that was the highlight, the tests given are also a bad joke as not a single one is applicable to anything you do while driving..

    We had a light color check in which the yellow light was green as noticed by several other people in the room but they don't give you a look at the entire light set lit up before you begin so if the yellow comes up first (and of course it does) you think it's green not having seen the real yellow light before to compare it against and of course it's not in the position a yellow light would commonly be in.. Once you see the actual yellow light you know there's clearly a difference but not without something to compare to.

    Then the reaction test didn't work 3 times and was really pissing me off as I know I have much higher then average reactions and it wasn't reacting at all in spite of noticeably mashing the pedal, until the last time, the guy finally noticed due to my extensive protests that it was wasn't working so he rebooted the machine and Oh! Guess what? It turns out the farang does have excellent reactions after all. But still this test is a complete waste of time because whenever do you drive directly behind someone completely un-sighted waiting for them to stand on their brakes while staring only at their brake lights, same thing for any other lights for that matter..

    The peripheral vision test is also a waste of time being as no one reacts to any traffic lights after you've past them do they? Or out of the corner of your eye?

    No depth perception test this time though I was ready for it, guess they realized how impractical that one was too finally as not once in 35 years of driving have I had a need to line up perfectly next a post especially one which is in front of me and not next to me, I'd always stop before hitting it, not next to it....

    Then during my photo the technician kept posing me into something completely unnatural and slumped to one side instead of sitting up straight, it all seemed to me like let's F@#$ around with the farang day to me..

    But no medical necessary for 5 year renewal.. Curious that too, as like everyone else getting renewed, I got 5 years older since my last medical. Not complaining mind you, I think it a daft policy anyways but still seems a bit bass ackwards just like a rookie video AFTER you've already been driving 6 years in Thailand (actually 10 but only 6 on a Thai driving license)..

    totally agree, I had to sit and watch a video at Pattaya DLT.

    The audio was all in thai.....THE EFFIN SUBTITLES were ALL IN THAI....I do not understand THAI....so why was I subjected to this complete BUNKUM???

  2. On 5/21/2019 at 8:09 PM, Yellowtail said:

    Cooler than February?


    What does 24/7 5 days a week mean? (just kidding)

    its a maths question....or a shorter working week.

    Instead of there being 7 days in a week....this guys week is only FIVE!!!

  3. 14 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    Always the same with above ground power lines:

    Wind blows the poles
    Trees hit the poles or lines,

    Truck hit them

    Should I go on? Put it all underground, what is usual in many countries!

    where ARE YOU???



  4. On 4/30/2019 at 9:39 PM, aldriglikvid said:



    I don't have a Bike license from my home country, only a regular car driving license. I'm looking to get a Bike license here in Thailand (a car license is not a priority at the moment). 


    I've just produced the 1) Medical Certificate 2) Residence Certificate/Proof from Immigration


    Is that all I need before I head to the DLT? (Pattaya) 


    Is there any pre-booking needed or do I just go there? It's a 30min trip from where I stay so I don't want too many unnecessary trips. 

    Can I do the Theory Exam + Driving test on the first day?


    i renewed mine in Feb.....did NOT have a med cert. When you arrive one gets a ticket and waits to be called upstairs.

    You then have paperwork processed and do the 3 tests.

    Then watch a vid for one hour.....audio and subtitles ALL IN THAI !!!

    Get there early as they only do a certain number of driving licences within their working day.....

  5. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Ideas to reverse the decline !!

    First thing is stop all this stupid nonsense of teachers going to useless seminars, when they should be teaching.

    Teachers scouring the internet, looking for something to go to so they get a few days away, all expenses paid.... Crazy nonsense.

    Stop the corruption of filling teaching posts by who gives the most money under the table.

    When you have teachers who know absolutely nothing about anything outside of Thailand, what chance is there for children to learn.

    ever heard of a programme called GOOGLE CLASSROOM??

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  6. 2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

    I thought Transferwise only got money into Thailand, I understand they cannot send money out of Thailand.

    Only a Thai bank or Deemoney or Western Union can send money out.

    AND Western Union can only BE USED to send to an individual...

    I could NOT send money from thailnd to the Uk.....but could using W U

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