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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 1 hour ago, seahorse said:

    More Christian perverts. Scum.

    Perverts are perverts  every where but it seems like that it is easier to cover their perversions with the cover of :religion" and /or" Charity Services". Those that are the most guilty ones are the people that even they are not involved but  know of this while it is going on and pretend that nothing is happening. They need to go to jail also. .



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  2. The Snake Oil salesman. says " Ok people gather around here and put in your order for this "Wonder Drug" It is so good that it can cure Cancer,hepatitis,serous es of the liver and can even grow hair on a billiard ball.". " Come one ,come all,You know that it has to be great as the medical department has not said any thing against it and the government has let me sell it in the open with no police interference" Step right up and buy this great cure all as it is only sold in Thailand."

  3. 37 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    so thais can't play cards, foreigners can't have decks of cards in their bridge games, but thailand has a lottery and horse racing and muay thai fights with betting. 

    I had a Farang friend that belonged to the Club back in the 1970s.I went there many times.as well as the turf club in Singapore.Of all the horse and pony racing circuits in Asia, Thailand was known  to have the most dishonest races in Asia. Sometime there were stories of jockeys calling in sick because they were threatened  by both sides  to both win and to loose.and horses dying after their "vitamin" injection.

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  4. 1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

    He’s running out of money. That guy spends like crazy. Just one example, his female barber goes wherever he goes. He gets his head shaved at least twice sometimes thrice a week. She gets 1000 dollars per shave! 



    Floyd Weatherman's net worth is 340 million dollars .Thats more then a shave a minute.for life.. So you have no idea what you were saying right ? Just guessing in the air.  Funny ,Funny

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  5. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    Dear Mafia guys


    Bring loads of your money to the Vatican, say 50 hail marys, cross yourself 50 times and you will be free of Sin.

    Come back and repeat every  2


    In the meantime we'll form a few discussion groups to see if we can do anything about our priests shagging your kids.

    Don't forget the money .Now if you only give hale the money then we will only quit shagging half of your kids.

  6. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    what ????


    it is the most sane peaceful thing that stupid people ever thought of


    Mary was a virgin - can you imagine the headline on sky news tomorrow, it's an April 1st spoof that isn't even good


    I have no issue with people wanting to believe in something but when it interferes with me then I have a serious problem


    Domination of women and young girls - what happened to wining and dining and trying to make an impression - oh you don't have to bother with that when you maintain control and excuse it for some sick belief that somehow excuses your right to treat women like they are subhuman 


    It's all pretty sick really, we now have mosques all over the west preaching that western values (laws) are destroying Islam……………….I know the solution


    If you don't like our western laws then …………….off back to where you came from 

    Great first line sir

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