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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. So lets see if there are less buses on the roads,and then there less cars on the road ,and less motorbikes on the road ,then there WILL BE LESS TRAFFIC". WOW this guy must the Poster Boy for the image of Thai thinking. But all joking aside, I would thing that most of those in the government pretty well belong along side of him in the brains department.

  2. When the worlds largest economy threatens to adjust their trade packs with the rest of the world.there will be a lot of words and threats back and forth but in the end things will settle down with a lot of gain to the US.and even some gain to others.The world needs the trade with the U S as the U S needs them but when you are the top dog of the pack you get the choice meals. Canada will cave in soon if they do not want to trade with Mexico via the sea lane routes which would be 40 times more expensive..

    • Like 1
  3. Why would anybody spend money at Starbucks for crappy coffee ? The average Thai cafe or push cart on the street has better tasting coffee. Oh Wait a minute,now I know" YOU"  want to be seen there with the "IN CROWD" WHOOPEE.    Or you do not know what real coffee taste like with out all that extra crap in it." Hey coffee lady where are my extra pumpkin sprinkles? "

  4. 18 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    Transferred? They should be suspended and send home without income!

    Transferred to an inactive post means that they will be in an office (that office must be very large now) with no direct action with the public thus they will only receive their "real" pay and can not partake in the dividing of the moneys that is received in VERY LARGE brown envelops from the extortion of businesses (in the old Mafia in the US called insurance) in their areas.So there will not be any big bonus this new years for their wives new Benz.

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  5. 21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    There have been stories of people 'caught' for a little weed on the Islands before...  


    Run a search of this forum and you may find some useful information. 


    Once your friend is in the system, I suspect it would be difficult to get out of it by paying off the police. As you have already identified you need to find an honest lawyer - this is where it gets difficult.


    I would suggest to avoid Island lawyers who may simply be in cahoots with the locals to profit from an inflated fine. 

    Equally so, your friend will be paying a premium to make this go away quickly via the legal system. A good lawyer (from the mainland) will know which wheels to grease to get a quick court date, fine and be released. 


    Also be very careful of overstay: Your friend, when (if) released may be released after her Visa expires, she could then face further complications, so ensuring she has access to funds or someone who can provide her a flight direct to her home country may prove vital. 


    I'm sure you will get some good advice on here.


    You will need thick skin as most of the replies on here will be from guys whose lack of intelligence shines through when they are unable to help themselves from voicing the obvious and predicable diatribe about using drugs in this country when its clear you need help not some twit telling you your friend has made a mistake !!!

    Well put Smith 237

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