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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 6 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    An old Boxster    :clap2:

    Even an old Boxster would be worth about four to six million baht here with a fake blue book. If a car is older then 10 years old then it can not be imported to Thailand even if you  wanted to do so legally paying the three hundred and twenty five percent tax..A friend of mine just sold his 80s model Corvette for three and a half million baht and it had a legal blue book.

  2. 4 hours ago, DGS1244 said:

    The UK government require a UK guarantor before helping which is normal. Any comments about travel insurance is superfluous, all been said so many times before.

    Many times The UK requires a relative to sign a statement of repayment over a set number of time. My mate went back to England with a head injury and they required a licensed nurse to travel with him reserving two extra seats with life support equipment on the flight.. The cost is tremendous.

  3. On 9/5/2018 at 2:07 PM, Guderian said:

    Maybe .... there'll be a coup or something in Thailand.


    We already had one in 2014 in case you missed it, and it didn't hurt the Baht at all. Nor did the one back in 2006 as far as I can recall.

    We have had a great many coups over the years and that is not what effects the baht to most currencies.The status of The Australian GNP and other national policies with Thailand are the reasons that the baht to The Aussie dollar changes.With the Thailand people making more money their cost of living goes up as does ours along with it.Since a lot of Farangs are on a fixed income we have to cut back.I can no longer afford to play golf as often as I used to and have to cut down my Pattaya trips from BKK .And like most Farangs I truly do not want to go to what was my home .After all these years my friends are here not there.I could not enjoy the conversations that I have there as I do here with all the different nationalities while meeting new ones everyday.No I will just tightened my belt and stay here.

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  4. After the  elections there will be fewer of these gambling raids .You will notice that in all these raids there is the military involved.The police will not be raiding any of these gambling areas or all night clubs and bars on their own because that is where they get their money to pay for their new motor bikes,Benz cars and other luxuries .While the military is still in charge these raids will happen.It also is to show the police who really is in charge.

  5. 6 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    Hitchhiking is very normal to do in western countries, it can bring you free to far destinations. I also did many times when I was younger and it does not mean " No Money ", because if I did not get a ride, I took the train or other transportation.

    You are right sir.In the 1950s and 1960s as a young Marine  I hitchhiked all over the  US both in and out of uniform.I had great adventures and learned a lot about people.Would do it all over again if I were younger.

  6. 19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    and what you MORONS? 


    RIP Myanmar woman who just wanted to live, another victim of the do nothing Thai government and police.  

    It is the normal ,stupid,ignorant,driving tactics of the every day driver on any roads..Until Thailand has a proper police (with true knowledge of highway safety) patrolling the highways and roads of Thailand this will never change..50 years from now ? Maybe .

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