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Everything posted by LosLobo

  1. As a purveyor of innuendo, perhaps Geoffery Berman could offer you a reason: Geoffrey Berman, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, discusses his dismissal in his book titled “Holding the Line.” In the book, Berman describes his firing by Attorney General William Barr as politically motivated and details his clashes with Barr over various legal matters. He suggests that his independence and the investigations he was overseeing posed a threat to President Trump’s re-election, which led to his dismissal. The book provides an insider’s perspective on the tensions between the Department of Justice under Trump and the Southern District of New York, offering a detailed account of Berman’s experience and the political pressures he faced. Holding the Line review: Geoffrey Berman blasts Barr and dumps Trump | Books | The Guardian
  2. It seems you've provided the 'what' in your original post, and I've already provided the logical and likely 'why' in mine.
  3. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has exclusive jurisdiction over the civil enforcement of federal campaign finance law. This includes handling investigations, audits, and administrative fines related to campaign finance violations. The Department of Justice (DOJ), on the other hand, is responsible for the criminal enforcement of election law violations. This includes pursuing cases related to election fraud, campaign financing crimes, and civil rights crimes. These distinctions clarify the separate roles of the FEC and DOJ in the context of enforcing election laws and are relevant to understanding the legal proceedings in cases like that of Donald Trump. The FEC’s role is informative in such trials, but the determination of criminal violations is indeed made by the court, based on the evidence and applicable criminal statutes. FEC | Legal resources | Enforcement Federal Prosecution of Election Offenses Seventh Edition May 2007 (Revised August 2007) (justice.gov)
  4. Your post seeming only poses innuendo, without offering an explanation for Bradley Smith's blockage. Perhaps the Federal Election Commission (FEC) can investigate potential violations and provide guidance but does not have the authority to determine whether criminal law was violated in a court. I suggest that determination can only be made by a court based on the facts of the case, the applicable law, and the arguments made by the parties.
  5. Interestingly, today I came across the concept of the 'Dark Triad', a condition which perfectly describes Trump's persona to a tee and why 'he is not fit to lead a nation'. And coincidentally the term shares the same initials. The Dark Triad refers to three interconnected personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. These traits are characterized by callous manipulation, selfishness, and ruthlessness. Here’s a brief description of each: Narcissism: This trait is characterized by grandiosity, pride, egotism, and a lack of empathy. Individuals with narcissism can be selfish, arrogant, lacking empathy, boastful, and sensitive to criticism and insults. Machiavellianism: This trait is associated with manipulation, self-interest, lack of emotion, absence of morality, and deceit. Individuals with Machiavellianism are highly manipulative and are willing to ruthlessly deceive others to obtain what they desire while having a genuinely cynical view of the world. Psychopathy: This trait is characterized by continuous antisocial behavior, impulsivity, selfishness, callous and unemotional traits, and remorselessness. Individuals with psychopathy are emotionally cold and impulsive, prone to taking significant risks. Individuals with dark triad traits are motivated by their own gain with little regard for others. They can be incredibly duplicitous and aggressive. High scores in these traits have been found to statistically increase a person’s likelihood to commit crimes, cause social distress, and create severe problems for organizations, especially if they are in leadership positions. Dark triad - Wikipedia
  6. I was very disappointed with Season Two after Season One.
  7. Interesting analysis of today's court case...
  8. Perhaps you need to consider the reasons behind the dismissal of U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman, by Barr and later Trump, during the investigation of Individual No.1 after Cohen's 2019 arrest for campaign finance violations.
  9. As they say the 'rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree'. Donald's ancestry appears to have shaped the man he is today. The family patriarch and grandfather, Friedrich Drumpf, was expelled from his native Germany for failing to complete mandatory military service. He later moved to the United States, where he ultimately became the owner of a brothel. Historian finds German decree banishing Trump's grandfather | Donald Trump | The Guardian
  10. Before the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was signed under the Obama administration, Iran’s breakout time – or the time it would have taken for Iran to gather enough fissile material to build a weapon – was only two to three months. The JCPOA was designed to increase Iran’s breakout time to one year or more. This was achieved by requiring Iran to reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98%, and keep its level of uranium enrichment at 3.67% — significantly below the enrichment level needed to create a bomb. As of now, the situation has changed. Iran’s nuclear program has been advancing. According to estimates from February 2024, Iran can now make weapons-grade uranium (WGU) for seven nuclear weapons in one month. This is a significant reduction in breakout time compared to the period immediately after the JCPOA was implemented. However, it’s important to note that Iran has not made the political decision to produce nuclear weapons, according to Western and Israeli intelligence. The Historic Deal that Will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon | The White House (archives.gov) Iran nuclear deal: What it all means - BBC News What to Know About Iran’s Nuclear Program: Breakout Time (fdd.org) An Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons programme is unlikely – here’s why (theconversation.com)
  11. 'All legal'. Trump LLC was found guilty of tax fraud are you suggesting Trump's personal taxes would be any different? Jury Finds Trump Organization Guilty of Tax Fraud Scheme – NBC New York
  12. This must go down as the excuse of the century along with 'the dog ate my homework'. 'Alina Habba has unlikely excuse for Trump falling asleep in court: ‘He reads a lot’ Alina Habba has unlikely excuse for Trump falling asleep in court
  13. Donald Trump aka Dozo the Clown, the presumptive Republican National Committee (RNC) nominee for the 2024 leader of the free world. https://x.com/MeidasTouch/status/1780364225636118823 And ground hog day again on Day Two. Trump Fell Asleep AGAIN at Day Two of His Trial
  14. Do you think that voters should have had all the information about the candidates, including any potential scandals, in order to make an informed decision during the 2016 election? Have you come across any news or reports about other jurisdictions where Trump's actions following the 2020 election necessitated indictments involving election interference? How so? Finally, will you accept the court's decision is this case?
  15. Have you ever considered using logic and reasoning in your posts? Your statement using the logical fallacy 'Absence of Evidence' would suggest otherwise. Just because there hasn’t been a conviction yet, doesn’t mean the charges are invalid or untrue. Legal proceedings can take time and a lack of conviction doesn’t equate to innocence.
  16. 'Difficult to do both'. Logic would suggest otherwise. The statement presents a false dilemma and a dichotomy either/or fallacy. It suggests that the only two possibilities are that he was either dozing or paying close attention at the same time, when in reality, there could be a range of behaviors in between these two extremes over the four hours that he was in court.
  17. If Sleepy Joe Don can fall asleep at the most important of his 4,000 odd court cases, how will he fair if he has to enter the codes....
  18. The problem is that Trump allegedly interfered and attempted to influence the outcome of the elections in 2016, which could be seen as an attempt to deceive the American electorate in their decision-making process. Two of Trump's other criminal cases are about the 2020 election and likewise are alleged election interference. Similarly Russian collusion, and both impeachments, more election interference. Seems Trump doesn't give two hoots about letting the American people decide.
  19. Now you're calling a quotation from the article you posted, supposedly supporting your beliefs, bull<delete>, is this representative of everything you post?
  20. The summary in the second-to-last paragraph of your article struck a chord with me: "Trying Trump is good and necessary, as are all the other steps that have been taken to safeguard democracy since his ascent to power." This reinforces my deep-seated beliefs about the legitimacy of the 91 indictments against Trump, as well as the investigations into his election interference, such as The Mueller Investigation, the coercion of Ukraine that led to his impeachment, and the subsequent impeachment for insurrection. It seems that this conclusion may not coincide with, and might even contradict, your viewpoint which implies that all your efforts to state otherwise may have been futile.
  21. In Little Maga Mike's conversations with God, I wonder if he receives dispensation for lying, bearing false witness, and worshipping a false idol. During his press conference with Trump, besides lying, he appeared to be swooning over his Messiah's every word and nodding his head like a bobblehead cat in agreement with every falsehood.
  22. Hush money trial will not be delayed because of publicity The New York judge, Justice Juan Merchan, overseeing Donald Trump’s hush money case, has denied Trump’s request to indefinitely delay the trial scheduled for Monday. Trump had argued that pre-trial publicity and bias against him in Manhattan would make a fair trial impossible. However, Merchan ruled that an indefinite delay was untenable and noted that Trump himself had contributed to the publicity through his continuous media posts. Trump's hush money trial will not be delayed because of publicity, judge rules | Reuters
  23. I can understand why you blame Biden for global inflation. As it takes logic, reasoning and critical thinking to see that inflation is a global phenomenon, influenced by a variety of factors such as supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and increased demand as economies recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  24. For those with certain socio-ideological sensitivities perhaps the Motion Picture Association could start a new film classification. 🙂
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