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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Interestingly, I note Savannakhet are not listing a 12 Month Multi Entry Non O based on marriage now - only a 3 month single entry.
  2. And possibly because of the fact that you get ripped of in Vietnam - Multi Non O $200 US (6500 baht) whereas it was 5000 baht at Savannakhet I believe.
  3. I think most people know that they should be carrying 20k but most don't because they get a much better exchange rate inside Thailand.
  4. As I have said from the start UJ............once they go over to E-visa. It seems reasonable to assume that all embassies and consulates will 'modernise' at some point. I'll be happy if they don't as I will no longer be able to obtain my visa. Additionally, as I think you know, even if an embassy/consulate has not gone over to E-visa, some locations do not offer a full range of visas. I believe for example, that Vientiane does not offer 12 Month Multi Entry Non O visas based on marriage whereas Savannakhet does (or did pre covid). I believe they only issue a 3 month single entry? Singapore is also stating that 12 month 'spouse' visas are not available and appear to be only accepting nationals or those with legal residence for certain other types of visa.
  5. It is not only partially true. Read the application rules on E-Visa. 2018 is a long time ago - the Thai Embassy in London went over to E-Visa in 2019. Perhaps you don't realise but to the best of my knowledge, applications at E-visa offices are not considered by that embassy or consulate - they are forwarded to Bangkok - the embassy has no discretion. Please back up your claim by stating which E-visa embassy or consulate will allow visa applications from persons other than nationals and those with legal residence.
  6. You can do a visa run and enter visa exempt yes. What you can't do is obtain a visa at a consulate or embassy that has gone over to E-visa in country other than your home or where you have legal residence. My post was in response to advice to leave and obtain a visa in a neighbouring country - which you can still do but in an ever-decreasing number of countries. Once that country/consulate/embassy goes to E-visa, applications will only be accepted from nationals of people with legal residence there.
  7. If you're trolling - bad taste. If you're serious - shame on you!
  8. This war isn't being waged by 'Russians' - its being waged by a meglomaniac dictator that just just happens to be Russian. If the Russian people weren't fed the continous diet of lies and fantasies that they are, they wouldn't support their 'leader' or his 'special operation'.
  9. No. When an embassy or consulate goes over to the E-visa system, visa applications are only allowed from that country's citizens or those who have legal residence there.
  10. Becoming more and more difficult to get though unless you return to your home country. If Laos and Vietnam go over to E-visa that'll be them out of the picture too.
  11. I general I would agree - Thailand seems to have better mobile coverage than the UK. However, I think it depends where you are and I'm just reporting my experiences in trying to video call with my wife - most times if she stays on mobile signal, we have problems. At my own home in Thailand (yes we have different homes for the moment), I have the opposite problem, I often get buffering on wifi but the mobile signal is strong and always 4g. I think people need to read the small print in their fibre contracts - mine is supposed to be 100/100 - when I called 3BB to complain that at times I was only showing 12mbps I was told the 100mbps claim is actually 'up to' and such speeds are only available to 5g compatible devices. It was better last time I was over in January though. I'm guessing but I think the better mobile coverage in Thailand overall is down to them 'coming to the table late'. The UK has had a very well developed landline (normal copper cable) system for many years. Whereas by the time Thailand began to develop at speed it was probably cheaper to develop a mobile network than one using cable. I think that postion will now change though due to the demand for fibre internet.
  12. Note: This only applies to the UK - I have no idea of how other countries behave in this matter. I won't be keeping my UK home when I make the move but I will be hiving off some of the proceeds as a safety net. Remember this, even though there have been changes recently, if you get sick and need permanent care or need to go into care, you will at some point have to sell your home to pay the costs. Unless you have a patient wife or are rich, if you get sick in Thailand it could cost you a fortune. I would simply go back to the UK and rent. Once I leave the UK, I won't have and don't want, any assets there - I have no intention of letting the UK government 'steal' my kids inheritance. There are ways of making sure that doesn't happen.
  13. 1. Thailand Pass is for any type of entry. Its does not confer any duration of stay, that is done in the normal way - either a 30 day exempt entry or a visa. 2. No you will not be refused. The Thailand Pass site only asks you the estimated date of leaving. But your insurance must cover the length of stay you state on the application. 3. A throw away ticket or 'temporary ticket' out should get you in if you are booking a one way flight from the UK. It should be for the last day you are stamped in for (30 day exempt). As for your planned length of stay - 150 days, I'll leave the visa experts to answer that but as far as I know, you cannot apply for a Non O in Thailand unless its for retirement. Tourist Visa or STV seems the best way to go for you. There is (was?) a Multi Entry Tourist Visa - not sure if that's available at the moment - as I say, I'll leave that for the experts. Note: as far as I know, both the TV and STV must be applied for in the UK or any other country where you have legal residence. I don't think you can apply in Thailand. I doubt your going to get your 150 days without doing a visa run at least once. As was pointed out to me recently - don't rely on the information on the Thai Embassy London's website information. That says that the STV has finished when in fact it was extended for a further year.
  14. Yes. Have you looked at the Thaliand Pass website Sy? You will need a new confirmation letter from the hotel that includes the antigen test kit. Paid AQ / SHA Extra+ hotel reservation confirmation for 1 day (Day 1), and the booking must include the fee for 1 RT-PCR test, 1 ATK self-test kit and airport transfer. https://tp.consular.go.th/en/plan
  15. Warning to anyone who has already booked their hotel under the old rules but been waiting for the Thailand Pass website to be updated before applying. You will need to contact your hotel and obtain a new booking confirmation letter before you can apply for Thailand Pass using Test & Go. The updated Thailand Pass website states that the booking confirmation must include the antigen test kit. Paid AQ / SHA Extra+ hotel reservation confirmation for 1 day (Day 1), and the booking must include the fee for 1 RT-PCR test, 1 ATK self-test kit and airport transfer. https://tp.consular.go.th/en/plan
  16. Keep it by all means but its pretty much useless for anything else. I had no idea what my first confirmation stated as it was written in Thai. They actually say what they are for and you need a separate one for each purpose - mine also had a 3 month expiry date on it.
  17. Yes, mine were issued whilst I waited. Strangely but not that strangely if you know what I mean, Kasikorn wanted yet another confirmation of address when I applied for a second bank account. The fact that I already had one account with them didn't seem to matter. When you say 'You cannot use pink card, lease or whatever as proof of address' - I presume you mean as an alternative to a confirmation from Immigration? I have certainly used my Usufruct to obtain the confirmation.
  18. Is this something new UJ or is it specific to Bangkok? I haven't had to apply for a confirmation of address for a long time but whenever I've needed one to register motor vehicles, open a bank account and apply for my driving licence etc., I just took my house details/Usufruct and Multi Entry Non O visa (no 90 day report) to Korat Immigration and they supplied me with a letter for 500 baht. Or is it because simply because I've requested a confirmation of address as opposed to an actual Residence Certificate (which until now, I thought didn't exist)? I don't think there is an actual charge for a confirmation of address but I doubt I'd have got one without paying.
  19. Thought so. Long time since I was there but I am actually thinking of re-joining. Remember 'Flip' ?
  20. E-mail sent to the Thai Embassy in London pointing out the inaccuracies - not holding my breath for a reply, at least not a polite one. Last time I pointed out an error on their website I got a very sarcastic reply and more or less told to mind my own business ????. They clearly don't take kindly to criticism, no matter how poiltely its put.
  21. And according to reports today, a weeping, captured Russian soldier says he wasn't aware they were attacking Ukraine, he thought they were still on exercises. Sounds about right, it seems many Russians regard Ukranians as their brothers. No doubt Putin will have told the more experienced troops that Ukraine has been shelling Russia.
  22. Well yes they are but a country that locks up any opposition leader that looks like a serious challenge can hardly be called Democratic - no matter how much Putin declares it to be. Reminds me of another country that does the same and also calls itself democratic.
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