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Everything posted by GoFaster

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 162 seconds  
  2. Pure Ghee is not vegetable. It is from milk. The terms "pure ghee" and "cow ghee" are often used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences between them. Pure Ghee: Source: Can be made from the milk of cows, buffaloes, or goats. Processing: Typically involves a longer and more traditional method of churning butter and separating the ghee from the milk solids. Flavor: Can vary depending on the source of milk and processing method, but is generally rich and buttery. Nutritional content: Varies depending on the source of milk, but generally contains saturated fats, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and omega-3 fatty acids. Cow Ghee: Source: Specifically made from the milk of cows. 1 1. Ghee: Health Benefits and Nutrition - WebMD www.webmd.com Processing: Can be made using traditional or modern methods. Flavor: Generally has a milder flavor than buffalo ghee. Nutritional content: Similar to pure ghee, but may have slightly different levels of specific nutrients depending on the breed of cow and the feed they consume. Therefore, the main difference between pure ghee and cow ghee is the source of milk used in their production. Pure ghee can be made from various sources, while cow ghee is specifically made from cow's milk.
  3. On the plus side Patong will smell a little less offensive
  4. To save him from having to point at stuff and losing face.
  5. Why do you not right click your mouse and use the translate the page to english function
  6. Get a portable power bank and use that. Easy option. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/power-bank/?spm=a2o42.login_signup.search.2.c7b56108ahwOFA&q=power bank&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--1794898311143868985__abId--344807__Score--1.144606338815296__pvid--7c32ece1-a6dd-4c77-a355-fa74428fe023__matchType--1__matchList--1-2__srcQuery--power bank__spellQuery--power bank__ctrScore--0.6120910048484802__cvrScore--0.008595138788223267&from=suggest_normal&sugg=power bank_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  7. With uBlock Origin every couple of days click on the 3 gears and then click on Purge Caches and then Update now. Lots of discussion on Reddit about the latest ways to avoid these ads
  8. Dr Rachael busts that theory.
  9. What do you think would happen if you refused to do the pointing ?
  10. Will lump sums from an Australian Superannuation fund bought into Thailand once a year for living costs be subject to this proposal.
  11. https://myfermentedlife.com/kefir-cheese/ I was buying the New Zealand Mainland Vintage cheese until I discovered Milk Kefir and now I make the tastiest cheese . 1 liter of milk makes about 450 grams of cheese that I process with a couple of Jalapenos and its awesome. Will never buy commercial again. I still have 1 kilo of the Mainland in the fridge untouched for 6 months now. Plus drinking Kefir every night before bed has dramatically improved my sleep in both quality and time asleep.
  12. Its because of the simples that we now have to show a 12 month statement designed to slow the rampant corruption between IO's and visa agents so thanks for that. But at least you know your limitations. If you can't come up with the 800,000 then you need to rethink your life choices
  13. So no ridiculous Hand Drawn Map or photo of you outside your residence then ?
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