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Everything posted by surreybloke

  1. just another battle with the builder
  2. I forgot add WHY do they have this annoying habit of putting bathroom sinks outside the bath room
  3. I visit LOS 3 times a year and contemplating building a modest property. I am keen to supervise construction and design. Many issues come to mind. The first time I visited LOS was err many moons ago. One uk pound bought 75 b . I remember staying in Kheo san road and being confronted with a modest room and no hot water. Times moved on and realised shower heaters exist. But I cannot understand why I have to shave in a sink and they never have hot water. Have I missed something. I thought I saw some sort of in line heater in global house a while back. Any comments . Similar thought exist for the kitchen sink.
  4. Is there such a thing as online comparison sites ?
  5. sorry not much of a post but has KFC stopped selling those lovely ice creams
  6. Ah the steam thing, its fairly new as I understand. Still invasive although where does the invasion takes place I ask as if I cannot work it out. .
  7. Friends I have a problem shared by many I think . My prostrate is getting a little large and causing issues and squeezing the pipe. We are talking about what I think is known as BPH. My UK doctor has put me on medication but it is not as effective as I would like. Waiting lists for surgery are probably long. Has anyone had surgery had surgery for this in Thailand. Was it successful. Would anyone care to shares any comments. Dare I ask if it effected performance in the bedroom ?
  8. Also implants need lots of visits.
  9. You are as i understand it in the US. Have you considered traveling south of the border. ?? A lot of dental establishments claim they do implants. If your doing implants get implants that are also available in the US. Implants need the tools to fit and REMOVE them. Dentists are sometimes reluctant to discuss which brands they use. Check that you are suitable. You will need a CT scan. The lower jaw has a thing called the radial nerve which if disturbed will leave you with a numb feeling on lower face.
  10. I visit LOS about 3/4 times a year and this is my plan going into my golden years. Not sure I can live in thailand full time. Issue if getting a sim that lasts instead of buying a new one every time I arrive. I did think of buying one of the annual data packages. Any thouhts comments
  11. Cannot comment on that clinic but good physios are worth their weight in gold IMHO. You need to do the exercises and take the meds. A lot of folk use TENS devices . Transcutaneous_electrical_nerve_stimulation
  12. Just read this. I was at a trade show in the uk recently . Speaking to the reps on the MK stand. Mk are owned by Honeywell. They are as I understand it about to market a single width RCBO with double pole as a type A. Made in China BTW Remember Schneider manufacture type a rcbos in Thailand. Can you buy them in the land of smiles. ???? 5555
  13. Just had a look at toeic scores . 500 is very basic. Surprised at that. BTW I was talking to a dentist at St Marys hospital in Korat recently. She was telling me that she wanted her 2 year old daughter to go to an international school. We both agreed that language learning needs to start young. In my case the lady is 16 and i suspect writes better than speaks . Lacking in confidence IMHO.
  14. YES thanks to all particularly "Kingston Kid" for his detailed pm. Interesting the comment about toeic scores.
  15. All of the above my view is that she needs to mix with english speakers once she gets started Sadly the little town where she lives might be a challenge.
  16. She is keen. So question, independent tutors ? native or thai ?? .
  17. surreybloke

    Isaan Woman

    check out the mother first
  18. Hello all , As above I have agreed to sponsor a 16 yr old doing some English learning. Her school are errr let us say ineffective. She live about 30 mins drive up route 2 so not far from Korat. Her mother looked at the Shaneenglish school. Anyone aware of any decent tutors or classes. Even getting her started would help. Any thoughts pls
  19. Thank you to all. Can I just say the local land office were friendly/relaxed/helpful.
  20. i am still trying to investigate this but I am looking for some guidance on insulating walls. The rough idea is that downstairs is fairly cool . So creating some sort of convection current and through the existing roof. maybe look at using rotating roof cowls
  21. The uk based lady has a family house in Isaan. Fairly typical property consisting of the old wooden structure with wooden windows and thin slatted wood walls. . The house is built up underneath and extended. SO the issue is the upstairs is unoccupied . It is like an oven and not mozzy proof. Air con seems wasteful . Any thoughts such as lagging the walls or using fine mess net on the walls and roof vents.
  22. Thank you all. So that is straight foreword. Lease or a usufruct or a superficies. Superficies Thailand - Agreement and Contract - Isaan Lawyers Phew plenty to think about. Where did I leave the head ache pills.
  23. Wow thanks for that. I was not thinking of paying anymore rent than a token amount. The idea is to stop the ladies niece and useless boy friend from taking over the family house. So family has a a big house and we are buying a neighbouring house and clearing it to build a modest sized single storey property that is essentially mine. We have been an item for many years.
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