I’m 74 years of age and in general good health with no past real health issues other than being over weight for my height at 76.4 Kg . I am currently trying to reduce my weight by going on a diet. This diet I am doing I have to leave out or reduce many types of foods and drinks that I have come to really love and enjoy.
I’m hoping that being on this new diet will not only reduce my body weight , but in some way help extend my life span , by becoming more healthy.
I belong to a local Expats Club and attend the weekly get togethers where I and other local expats talk about many things , including personal health subjects. At the last expat get together those other expats who are also all in their early 70s . listened to my daily diet routine and my comments about how I miss many things food and drink wise that I now have to leave out .
I would say that the vast majority of those other expats sitting around the table and who had been listening to my diet comments , mumbled the words ‘’ stupid ‘’ and ‘’ waste of time ‘’ . Their other comments after hearing about my diet routine consisted of the following …......................
In their minds once you reach the age of 70 , any attempt to reduce your body weight , even if its done in an attempt to extend your life span or personal fitness , is a complete waste of time and in their view going on a diet at my age would have no real benefits or general positive outcome.
At my age ( 74 ) in their minds the only thing that attempting a diet or life style changes will achieve is unhappiness and mental stress . The majority of those expats sitting around the table said that I should instantly abandon my diet and just enjoy my remaining years eating and drinking what ever I wanted .
One 76 year old very vocal expat made the comment that he would never consider giving up the things he like to eat or drink by going on a diet or life style changes , that just maybe only add a few extra months to his life span .
The above comments made by those other 70 + year old expats got me thinking , could they some how be on the right track and at my age I’m foolish to attempt any life style changes in the hope that I live just a few months longer or should I follow all the other 70 + year old expats advice and just eat , drink and be merry until my final day arrives.
Do you agree with those 70 + year old expats and their comments .