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Everything posted by tomgreen

  1. Thats good news about not having stents put in . Ive seen a few articles about aspirin being good to take to reduce the risk of blood clots forming / heart attacks. Tom .
  2. Hi and thanks for your comment. One area that I'm having a problem is where you say .... Find out where the problem is, sort it out and you’ll get normal LDL levels By that do you possibly mean the problem may be due to a poor diet . Also I would love to know how one can get their body into a state of homeostasis . Tom .
  3. So have I got this in the right order . There you were, you had been taking statins for high cholesterol years , you had an annual physical exam that included a CAC scan and the results of that CAC scan were very high . You don’t drink alcohol or smoke and you exercise and are not over weight along with normal blood pressure . You eat a healthy diet . So after having the CAC scan and finding out that the results were very high , what action did you take . Tom .
  4. Thats great to hear , and 40,000 Baht sounds impressive . Tom .
  5. its the preventive maintenance I would like to know about . Tom .
  6. My Thai wife's home cooked food is basically fry every thing in oil 😀 Tom .
  7. Thats interesting about Atorvastatin causing Creatinine to go through the roof. Tom .
  8. Thats interesting about being skinny , I always had it in my mind some how that over weight people were more susceptible to having high cholesterol numbers . Do you know what your current cholesterol numbers are . Tom .
  9. I would be interested to hear about the other ways to deal with high cholesterol ? Tom .
  10. Its great to hear that you have managed to get the numbers back into the safe zone , through only diet and exercise . Ive just started down the road of adjusting my diet to help with lowering my cholesterol numbers, but already I’m finding it difficult to come up with a range of enjoyable things that I can eat and drink while on my new diet . Tom .
  11. Well an expat friend has recommended a local Blood Test Facility , so I will be having a blood test there in a few days time . The range of test options at this local Blood Test Facility , looks comprehensive . My Thai wife telephoned that blood test facility and asked what the cost would be for the following tests.... 1. BUN 2. Creatinine 3. Sodium 4. Potassium And my wife was quoted ..... 300 / 400 Baht The completed test results would be available after 1 hour . So its going to be interesting to see what the upcoming blood test results will reveal ( attached are the options available from the local Blood Test Facility ) Tom .
  12. While waiting to have my recent hospital blood test carried out , and seeing the very long line of other people also waiting to have their blood taken , and taking into consideration that the the majority of those blood test results would be available within 1 - 2 hours on that day . I thought to my self , I wonder what sort of blood analyzers would be used and how those machines could deal with so many blood test numbers within a short time period on the same day. Tom .
  13. Thats interesting , so basically have I got this right . You were originally taking statins ,but stopped taking them after two weeks , now your last blood test results has shown a decrease in your cholesterol numbers ( - 25 % ) and you have made no lifestyle changes other than taking non cholesterol acting supplements . Tom .
  14. Over the 20 years that Ive been living in Thailand , I would guess may be 6 Thai government hospitals . I live in a small rural town and the Thai government hospital here is best avoided for any thing other than a cut finger . Tom .
  15. Thanks , its funny that you mentioned that some doctors try to sell the most expensive tablets , I did ask the doctor , how much will the Atorvastatin tablets cost ?. The doctor looked the Atorvastatin cost up on her hospital screen computer . The cost for the 3 months supply of Atorvastatin would have been over 2,000 Baht . I told the hospital doctor that I would buy the same 3 months supply of Atorvastatin from a large local pharmacy , which I did at a cost of 1,300 Baht . Tom .
  16. Thanks for the suggestion I had to Google ….. CAC scan [ What is a CAC scan? What does a coronary calcium scan do? The scan provides images of your coronary arteries that show existing calcium deposits. Called calcifications, these deposits are an early sign of coronary artery disease.] That CAC scan procedure sounds like it would be worth doing ' Tom .
  17. Its interesting to see you comment that you are going to see a Cardiac Doctor at the local Government Hospital , from my past experiences relating to local Government Hospitals the experience has not been that encouraging . Tom .
  18. Yes its a mystery as to why the hospital doctor gave ‘’ Me ‘’ the choice about taking the prescribed drug . I had to Google the … PVC medication . I learn some thing new every day . As Mr Spock likes to say , live long and prosper. Tom .
  19. Thanks for the encouragement , its appreciated 👍 Tom .
  20. Thanks Sheryl I'm going to get your recommended blood test done , before my next blood test appointment at the Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) Hospital in Korat on ( May 28th 2024 ) and see what the results are like . If the creatnine is still shown as elevated I will go to see Dr. Watanyu Parapiboon . My current weight is 79.1 Kg , I'm Five Feet Seven inches tall , Blood pressure = 117 / 71 / 65 , Non smoker , Non Alcohol drinker , Not very active . For the past month Ive been trying to loose weight , and cut out all Sweets / Cakes / Biscuits / Potato crisps / Fried food / Fizzy drinks / Fast foods / chocolates / Eggs / Baked beans / Etc Etc . Ive just ordered some fish oil capsules off Lazada. Tom .
  21. At home use an Omron HEM 1730 model blood pressure monitor . At my age ( 74 ) I'm amazed that my blood pressure numbers are always within the general '' Normal '' range. Ive tested the same Omron HEM 1730 model blood pressure monitor on family members , and those results were all different ( which I expected ) . When I go to Hospital for a blood test , my blood pressure is always shown as a bit higher than taken at home. .
  22. Thanks for the article link , I wonder why that study is not more commonly known ? .
  23. Thanks, Ive not heard about .... co-q-10 supplement . So I'm going to google it .
  24. I normally take my blood pressure at random times every other day ( see screen shot ) .
  25. Genetic , thats some thing I had not thought about. .
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