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Everything posted by tomgreen

  1. I’m 74 years of age and in general good health with no past real health issues other than being over weight for my height at 76.4 Kg . I am currently trying to reduce my weight by going on a diet. This diet I am doing I have to leave out or reduce many types of foods and drinks that I have come to really love and enjoy. I’m hoping that being on this new diet will not only reduce my body weight , but in some way help extend my life span , by becoming more healthy. I belong to a local Expats Club and attend the weekly get togethers where I and other local expats talk about many things , including personal health subjects. At the last expat get together those other expats who are also all in their early 70s . listened to my daily diet routine and my comments about how I miss many things food and drink wise that I now have to leave out . I would say that the vast majority of those other expats sitting around the table and who had been listening to my diet comments , mumbled the words ‘’ stupid ‘’ and ‘’ waste of time ‘’ . Their other comments after hearing about my diet routine consisted of the following …...................... In their minds once you reach the age of 70 , any attempt to reduce your body weight , even if its done in an attempt to extend your life span or personal fitness , is a complete waste of time and in their view going on a diet at my age would have no real benefits or general positive outcome. At my age ( 74 ) in their minds the only thing that attempting a diet or life style changes will achieve is unhappiness and mental stress . The majority of those expats sitting around the table said that I should instantly abandon my diet and just enjoy my remaining years eating and drinking what ever I wanted . One 76 year old very vocal expat made the comment that he would never consider giving up the things he like to eat or drink by going on a diet or life style changes , that just maybe only add a few extra months to his life span . The above comments made by those other 70 + year old expats got me thinking , could they some how be on the right track and at my age I’m foolish to attempt any life style changes in the hope that I live just a few months longer or should I follow all the other 70 + year old expats advice and just eat , drink and be merry until my final day arrives. Do you agree with those 70 + year old expats and their comments .
  2. Ive just remembered I had this un opened box of pills, that I never gave to Mee Mee , looks like give these a try ?
  3. I have a large bangkaew bitch ( Called - Mee Mee ) who has developed a red patch on her skin , other than that red skin area, Mee Mee seems to be in general good health. I live in a rural location and the nearest vet is about 190 km away ( round trip ) Before I make that long journey I thought I would ask if any one here may have an idea what the red skin on my bangkaew may be due to. I know its difficult to diagnose a problem , but any advice or suggestions that may help Mee Mee before she has to take the 190km trip on the back of my pickup to see a vet , would be most appreciated.
  4. I have an Android mobile phone that I use as a secondary back up mobile phone and I don’t use it that often . This android backup mobile phone has a TrueMove SIM card installed that I some times top up the credit amount . I have noticed that even if I don’t make any telephone calls or connect to the internet for a few days , the TrueMove SIM card credit balance still goes down. I have an Android app installed on this mobile phone called … NetGuard ( paid ) . https://play.google.com/store/search?q=NetGuard&c=apps This NetGuard app can block any other app from connecting to the internet via Wifi or SIM card. Even if I block all the apps from connecting to the internet on my mobile phone using NetGuard and make no telephone calls or SMS messages etc, still my TrueMove SIM card credit balance goes down. The amount the SIM card balance goes down is around 80 Baht over 7 days . I’m just wondering if any one else has noticed their mobile phone SIM card credit balance disappearing for no apparent reason . Any thoughts , suggestions or comments on how to stop the SIM card credit balance from being deducted , would be most welcome. Thanks .
  5. I have a saving account with krungsri bank and normally I go to the bank around March time to request the forms so I can claim back the tax that has been taken from that savings account . In the past I have had no problems and used my Tax ID card ( 13 digits ) and eventually received a tax refund payment cheque in the post. Due to a family bereavement I totally forgot to go to the krungsri bank in March this year ( 2022 ) to request the forms to claim back any tax taken for the previous year ( 2021 ) and only now just remembered that I had not claimed the past tax back . Its a days travailing to the krungsri bank where my savings account is held , so before I make that long journey I wanted to try and find out how I stand with missing making a claim for a tax refund I also wondered if its possible to make a claim for any tax taken from my savings account , but online some how . Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome - Thank You .
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