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Tounge Thaied

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Posts posted by Tounge Thaied

  1. 25 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    That seems to be what they expect you to do.

    Odd though that they stamped it as if you already had a non immigrant visa entry. I would of expected it to say tourist or VE.

    He was quick to point out that his was not a Non-Immigrant O, but merely a Non-Immigrant... something I don't know what. You should have seen the repetoire of rubber stamps on this guy's desk... it was endless. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Explain to them you will be leaving on 3rd. They could contact division 4 to find out if it is approved or not if they have not received it yet.

    If not best to get a re-entry permit to keep the visa exempt entry and the extension of it valid when your return. Getting a new visa exempt entry when you return could void out your visa application.


    Ok. I was already  given a re-entry permit see attached. So maybe the strategy on the IO's part is to continue the process when I get back. I will try to clarify.


  3. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Ask if you application has been approved yet.

    I suggest you ask them about it on the 28th instead of the 2nd. If it is approved be sure you get a re-entry permit for the 90 day entry from it.

    I will do that. What if he says not approved yet. I am not clear how this IO is processing this. Is it your understanding that I must have the 90 day before I leave? He clearly seemed to understand this at the time... I just don't know what to ask to get a clarification how this is all going to proceed.

  4. 5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    It may be approved earlier than 15 days. He should wait to see if is approved before getting the re-entry permit for the 30 day extension.

    Immigration may be able to contact division 4 to have it expedited.

    I'm going to stop in on Monday March 2nd before I go back to BKK and fly out and inquire if the 90 day O is processed yet. Any specific questions you recommend I should ask?

  5. 3 minutes ago, steve187 said:

    will you be back in Thailand before the 30 day extension runs out and did you get a reentry permit which will be dated to the same day as the 30 day extension end date, 

    re fees you should have paid 2000 thb for the non imm 'O' visa, 1,900 thb for the extension and 1,000 thb for a single entry re-entry permit total 4,900 baht 


    you will have to apply for the yearly extension in the last 30 days of the 90 day that will be given by the non imm 'O' visa, that extension will be another 1,900 thb

    Yes (I am back March 31st, Yes, and yes have three receipts totaling 4900... seems I was gouged an extra 3000.00? Or maybe I pre-paid for the next step of processing for the full year? (I am being sarcastic), I am pretty sure I got taken for an extra 3000.00. I have from March 31, until April 19th when I will leave again.

  6. Wanted to share my recent experience at the Buriram IMO when obtaining my Non-Immigrant O based upon Marriage. After writing this, I hope I have made this experience clear enough to understand.


    To start with... some background information.

    I travel in and out of the kingdom frequently for work on a multi-entry Non-O Marriage extension. 

    I had a previous Marriage extension Non-Immigrant O multiple entry that expired January 21 2020 because I was extended at work and could not get back in time to renew. This was originally obtained by U.S. income letter affidavit back in January 2019.

    I am now obtaining my Non-Immigrant O again from scratch by the 30 day exemption stamp to a Non-O 90 day, to a Non-O one year Marriage.

    I arrived in the Kingdom this month February 9th and leave the Kingdom again on March 3rd for work and on February 20th I arrived to the Buriram IMO to inquire what documents I would need to obtain the Non-Immigrant O based upon marriage by the monthly income 40,000 baht method (I have had a Bangkok Bank account for more than 12 months with regular monthly deposits). All the same documents required last time were listed by a pre-printed document handed to my Thai wife (see attached partial photo). I noticed immediately that there were only two methods listed to obtain the Marriage extension of stay. It stated 400,000 baht in the bank prior to application or an embassy letter showing proof of income (attached photo of document only in Thai unfortunately, 10.1 and 10.2 outline the two options). I asked the IO about the 40,000 monthly income method ( I described the method that is being used by other Farang in all of Thailand)? He stated not here in Buriram. I pushed the ability to do it as it is allowed in current Thai immigration law. He stated, yes he can submit but no guarantee it will be approved. He then reminded me that my application would need 15 days to process and that I am already 12 days into my 30 day exemption stamp, giving me just 3 days to get the full application in for processing or "cannot do" without paying for an extension of 30 or 60 days. So today February 20th is a Thursday, I have tomorrow a Friday to get the full application in to avoid purchasing an extension.  I took the information sheet and left the office to prepare documents. 

    That night my wife and I put together our:
    Updated Marriage certificate

    3 photos (one outside of us together, one inside the house together, one inside the bedroom together)

    Our hand drawn map

    A copy of my passport

    Copies of my wife's Thai I.D. and House book


    The next morning we went to the bank to obtain a bank letter, a 12 month statement and an updated bank book. The bank teller tells me cannot give me a 12 month statement today. He can only give me a 6 month, that a 12 month takes 4 days to process ( I just about lost my cool). Now because I only have three days to get this application done, to leave 15 days left for the apparent needed processing of the 90 day Non-O, and the fact that the IO is already telling me my application may be denied, this essentially forces me to deposit 400,000 baht to be able to get this application done before I leave again out of the Kingdom for work at the first week of March (when I leave again for a month of work abroad). I really want to get this done before I leave again.


    I arrive to the IO and it is very quiet... only one person ahead of me in the queue. What a relief. He processes my entire application, gives me a date for obtaining the Non-Immigrant O 90 day on March 7th. I ask him, because I am leaving the Kingdom again for work on March 3rd, is that ok for leaving before the processing of the Non-Immigrant O 90 day, as I am required to leave out of the kingdom with the non-O 90 day and then return to process the full one year? He says, oh yes you cannot leave. So I said, well I must leave for work that is my booked ticket already by my company. He goes into the back office and emerges with a solution for me. Somehow, if I purchase a 30 day extension to my 30 day exemption stamp that somehow solves the problem of not having a fully processed 90 day O before I leave. So alas, in the end I had to pay for another 30 day extension of my 30 day exemption stamp to allow enough time to process the 90 day non-immigrant O. Which required the entire application process and stamps in my passport to be re-done. Total time for day two was 4 hours. Final points. I somehow paid 8000.00 baht with reciepts showing only 4900 baht for processing fees (I only tallied up the receipts after I left the office). So did I get scammed for an additional 3100.00 baht? Final point, I confirmed that I can take the 400,000 baht anytime I want, but just need to have the 400,000 back in the account 2 months prior to my next extension renewal. That about sums it up... I will answer any questions or clarifications in the comments that ensue. 


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  7. 14 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Given the current latest health insurance requirements, the Elite is shining a bit brighter, assuming of course no further changes.  And the Elite visa folks process the 90 day reports in general, and no border hopping required. One still pays the yearly extension fee of 1900 baht I think it is.  If the Baht exchange rate gets better the Elite starts looking better, especially if money is not a big issue.  Paying 500,000 baht for five years (possibly six) versus putting 800,000 baht in a Thai bank and not having to deal with trips to immigration, proving funds, getting bank books, etc.  I retire and want some simplicity after dealing with government agencies and DOD requirements for decades. 

    To each his own as they say... $15,000 invested in an index fund at a 7% rate of return from the age of 50 to 70, not putting any additional savings in there and you quadruple your money to $60,000. Free money just adding up... passive income. But like you said if money is not a big issue for you already then spend away of course for the convenience. I'll spend the half day annually to do paperwork for that kind of ROI. If someone gave you $2250.00 every year.. to go do their retirement paperwork for them, would you do it? One day's worth of paperwork for $2250.00.

  8. 1 hour ago, olfu said:

    Reasonably Elite Visa for Thailand at 15 000$ look overpriced but it only cost extra 300$ a month which could be compensated by living in cheaper hotel.  

    Personally, I would just put the 800,000 baht in the bank and renew the retirement extension annually. Unless you have gobs of money to spend, this is a waste to me. It's certainly nice to have the option though. In my case, I am married, so I would need to put only 400,000 into a bank. Oh and hey... I don't keep any money in the bank for my annual VISA extension. I just show 40,000 coming into my account every month. I just saved myself $15,000. Once you get the renewal paper figured out, it really isn't that much of a hassle. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Roy Baht said:

    Basically, for a Vietnam DL tourist visa, the BEST case scenario is that (regardless of length of your visa—90 days, 1 year), you will have to apply for an extension every 30 days (sending your passport along with paperwork and waiting 5 days) to stay in country for an additional 30 days. Otherwise, you will have to make a border run every 30 days

    Doesn't sound good. You have to physically go and produce your passport every 30 days to get an extension? That's crazy. I don't think we have much to complain about then here in Thailand do we?

  10. 1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

    I add that if one is drawing SSA benefits, and then starts Medicare, say Supp B at about $144/month at the moment, the Supp  B premiums are automatically deducted out of your SSA benefits.  So if you have to show some sort of pension amount, the net amount every month will be less than you expect.  You won't have the option of using other monies to pay the Supp B.


    "Social Security Administration will automatically deduct payment for Medicare premiums. Medicare will offer those not getting Social Security income the option of paying directly, and then will automatically deduct when the Social Security income starts."

    I wasn't planning on signing up for medicare. Opt out and pay for my own insurance that can be used in Thailand. Are you aware if you can opt out of medicare so don't have to pay for it and not be able to use it in Thailand anyway. 

  11. You never let a good disaster, perceived or otherwise, to go to waste. That is a governmental authority mantra we often hear in the halls of power. Guaranteed there will be a litany of more draconian rules to mitigate the next great world-wide outbreak. I suspect that in the very near future, as just one example, you will be required to obtain a health screening that will include certain vaccinations before you will be given that travel VISA. It's governments way of implementing more controls and give the medical industrial complex more reasons to profit. Freedom of movement on this planet is being more and more controlled and I for one am not interested, using my example, of being required to obtain not fully tested, not fully efficacious rushed to the market medications. I am not a lab rat. Nor should we allow governments to implement more travel restrictions based on perceived emergencies. As OP points out, the flu virus, which has existed long before SARS or NCOV2019, kills way more people annually every year, we don't need more travel restrictions because 300 people have died from a virus in the last three months. 

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  12. 22 hours ago, Wiggy said:

    I wish the WHO would outline what those efforts are, because I haven’t seen any. 

    Thailand has an incredible moment in this crisis to show how responsible it is, how deserved it is to be a premier tourist destination. Should Thailand continue to show competence in handling this virus, it will come out in the end of all this able to command an even higher level of respect as a world class travel destination. IMO the numbers look good right now. 19 infected, 5 successfully treated and released, the remainder being successfully treated and no deaths. Well done Thailand, considering Thailand is one of the primary and closest destination for the affected (Chinese). 

  13. Thailand has an incredible moment in this crisis to show how responsible it is, how deserved it is to be a premier tourist destination. Should Thailand continue to show competence in handling this virus, it will come out in the end of all this able to command an even higher level of respect as a world class travel destination. IMO the numbers look good right now. 19 infected, 5 successfully treated and released, the remainder being successfully treated and no deaths. Well done Thailand, considering Thailand is one of the primary and closest destination for the affected (Chinese). 

  14. 13 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    I did manage to get my hands on 20 3M N95's a week ago. Now I've set up a recycling system, where used masks are placed in a UV radiation box I built ( germicidal UV light and a cardboard box ) for a day before put into another box to be reused after a couple of days. This way the supply should last for a fairly long time. Heat treatment in an oven might also be an option. 

    You're really getting into the spirit of this. Additionally, well ventilated masks will not hold a living virus for long. Purportedly anywhere from 1-5 days. The RNA enveloped Coronavirus eventually dies without a host. You can simply add this to your sterilization protocol as an additional assurance that the mask will be free of the virus. 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    I read an article today on the Guardian app and the journalist stated that N95 is the equivalent of FFP2, and that the FFP3 mask is superior to an N95. The general view was that they are not foolproof but at least stop you from touching you’re mouth and nose.

    European ratings are rated P1 (N95) P2 (N97) P3 (N99). 95%, 97%, 99% filtration of particles down to 0.3 microns when worn properly. 

  16. 2 hours ago, HaleySabai said:

    The "newer generations" who will without doubt, be the ones willingly bending over to receive the butt-end of cashless-convenience will not stand to look back and wonder "why".... but wonder how.

    Give a man a gun he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank he can rob the world.

    Ever heard of Agenda 21? 
    In a cashless grid like this one where everyone is tracked and traced at their every move and corporations are the only ones who “own” everything, there will be no real freedom to speak of... other than the illusion of choice which society has been trained to except as freedom.


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