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Tounge Thaied

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Posts posted by Tounge Thaied

  1. Is the U.S. finally getting concerned, always has been concerned, with the increasing cozy relationship Thailand has with China?

    The two dragons of the East and of the West have similar physical characteristics, their symbolic representations are drastically different however and, in a way, symbolize the cultural differences between the two. The most notable difference between the Asian and European dragons is that while the European folklore has portrayed the dragons as evil, fearsome and malevolent creatures, the Asian cultures regard them as benevolent beings.

    The question becomes... which of the East and West is the evil malevolent and which is the good and benevolent? 

  2. Know your place...


    Where are you... now?

    Where are we... now?


    In a top down, compartmentalized, hierarchial society, it can be good to know your place. Where are you right now? In the now, where are you? It is oft said, solutions can be found if we just think outside the box. Maybe our Dis... ease can be found outside the box? Hmm...? Are we ensconced, stuck, trapped, enslaved in a box? What archetypical symbol would you think better represents a slave society? What structure has historically represented the slave hierarchy? Are we all enslaved? Do you think, do you believe you are free? Ask your (S)elf, where are you right now? Do you know your true place?


    "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." -- T. S. Eliot

  3. 24 minutes ago, orang37 said:


    Do you see a connection between all this and your apparent inability to compose an on-topic reply ?



    I don't see a connection... go ahead and explain to me the connection. 

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  4. Governments in lockstep with private corporations choose the trickle down effect. Give all the money to their crony capitalistic friends first... with the idea that they will invest that money in their large corporations so the peasants can all have jobs. Oh money being given directly to the people is coming, think universal basic income, but that will come with all the fun strings attached. Money for infrastructure, money to clean the parks and create the roads... they've already got a system for that... it's called taxation. Nice little slavery system of take your earned income, make a few roads and parks, but then create a bunch of laws and enforcers to further enslave you... there not interested in giving you a job to free you from your plight. And before you hammer me with your opinion about my opinion here, I will be the first to admit, I don't have an easy solution to the ever increasing tyranny happening on this planet. Oh.. there's a solution, but know one is willing to do the work to get there. Such is the state of the current human condition. No worries... proposals abound, A.I., smart cities, 5G, a one world global government, digital money... yeah... it's going to get real fun... go read Orwell's 1984 nightmare, because that time has arrived. 

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  5. Prediction from a U.S. perspective... The narrative will change soon to...


    "because we have taken such aggressive measures containing this SARSCOVID2 outbreak, we have been able to keep the numbers well below other infections pathogens such as Tuberculosis and Influenza."

    Well done WHO, well done CDC. Guaranteed in the coming months Trump will continue to implicate China for the release and declare victory over the Novel Corona Virus. One more battle won by the globalists in the war on our freedom. All of the new draconian laws and rules put into effect aren't going away. Trump will face Hillary Clinton soon in yet another dog and pony show election... You watch, all the new laws will stay, the stock market will begin to bounce back, Trump will become even more popular, Hillary will lose again and we will forever be cemented on the road to more Zionist Tyranny. Ever listened to David Icke's talk on Sabbatian Frankism? The Zionists own Trump.



  6. 1 minute ago, bkk6060 said:

    Have a quality insurance policy and don't think about it.

    Why waste your money, if you were actually inclined to "think" about it. If you are healthy, don't take unnecessary risks, and keep an emergency fund, why not shop around for prices and not waste your money on insurance. Or another idea is take out a high deductible "catastrophic" policy at a significantly lower annual cost that only gets used when you have a major emergency/major surgery, otherwise you simply pay out of pocket for any non catastrophic needs. 

  7. 1 hour ago, ParkerN said:


    It's a known scam. Create a technical breach of anti-terrorism laws, then threaten to prosecute and if the victim doesn't cough up some dosh, go ahead and prosecute, the courts don't care about what's right and what isn't, they can't function without the police so there's quite a lot of back-scratching goes on. Justice is not on their mind, lists of crimes and fines is. I have a small personal experience of paid and unpaid back-scratching by the Thai judiciary


    Someone needs to take the BiB round to the woodshed and explain why scamming the people you rely on for tourism dollars isn't the smartest thing in the world to do; the money goes up the tree anyway so nothing official will ever happen, check out the Red Bull incident for a demonstration of how Thai law enforcement works, and he killed a copper for Gawd's sake..


    Bur then so far as I'm aware, nobody ever accused a Thai of being unusually smart, a low animal cunning is usually the best they can do. Preying on tourists or immigrants who expected better is their stock-in-trade. Unsuspecting victims.


    Having said that, not all coppers and judiciary are corrupt, but all do accept that others of their ilk are.



    There are those deep within Thai society that are putting a stop to the Foreigner invasion of their country. This is one way to scare off the foreigner. The other is to continue to implement draconian immigration policies. Case in point, the recent announcement that tourists will get a visa extension, non-immigrants will not. 

  8. 1 hour ago, GeorgeCross said:

    am i reading this right, for a retirement extension we don't now need to keep 400K in the bank all year, we can spend down the 800K then once the extension runs out, go get a new non-o and start all over again?

    sounds too good to be true! they can't actually allow this repeatedly? 

    Yes you can do this. I have had to do this, with my Thai wife extension, out of necessity two times because I was traveling outside of the kingdom for work at the time of my renewal. It is a big pain in the ass however, as you have to get your 90 day Non-O again, which requires you to then leave the Kingdom and return again, to then finalize the one year in the specified time frames. If you simply keep 400,000 in after 3 months and top up back to 800,000 2 months prior you can simply do an extension renewal that does not require you to leave the kingdom. 

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