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Mike Teavee

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Posts posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Firstly... why doesn't this (& a couple of the other larger threads) appear in the "Content I've Posted in" Stream so I can follow it, always have to remember to search for the latest news... 


    Secondly, why didn't anybody tell me (you have PM guys!!!) that Elementary (S7) was back... One of my favourite TV series of all times has been back for almost 1 month (I really thought the ending on S6 was intended to kill the series off so haven't been looking out for it)!


    Bright side is I have 4 episodes to binge watch (can't see me making it out tonight)




  2. 11 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    Not only are you drinking it, you're purchasing it direct from immigration. I already made it clear that the 2014 crackdown and official comment was indicative of the direction they were moving in, not the cause. But as an example of the xenophobia and paranoia that exists within their ranks it serves as a good example.


    It's quite true, immigration now have a perception that people have been abusing short term visas to stay here long term, but they didn't used to see it that way. There's even been comments on here recently where individual officers have apologised for all the hoops that have to be jumped through now, and they're not blaming the foreigners for it, they're blaming the generals. It baffles me that people are propagating and excusing this nonsense on their behalf. 

    SO I'm drinking Kool Aid because I believe that Immigration have a perception that people are using Tourist/VE visas for long term stay, but you think that 'It's quite true, immigration now have a perception that people have been abusing short term visas to stay here long term" - Want me to pass you a cup?  We're both agreed that they didn't use to see it that way so I'm not even sure what we're debating anymore... 


    I have no idea how Immigration can have a perception that people are abusing short term visas BUT are not blaming it on foreigners :s... It must be all those pesky Thais that have them?



    Think this has gone on for too long now... you drink your flavour of Kool-Aid, I'm opening a bottle of Vino take the taste away ????




  3. 45 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

    None of these were considered abuse until quite recently and the Thai authorities were quite happy about people staying long term using these options - it wasn't uncommon for an immigration officer to give advice on how to navigate the system. I remember one time receiving a compliment from immigration when extending a visa, for having a nice tidy set of back to back tourist visas over a long period with no overstays. I completely reject the suggestion that back then I or anyone else abused tourist visas by living on them long term, when those were the prevailing norms of the day. 


    Every year we're seeing new classes of criminals that never previously existed, whipped up out of thin air by the authorities and their apologists - people who were on the right side of the system and following the rules before they weren't. At this rate I'm guessing it won't be long before we start hearing the phrase TM30 abusers bandied about. 

    We're agreed that they were once happy for people to visit many times & even stay long term on tourist visas/VE, but are not nowadays. The difference is, I believe it's because of a perception that too many people are abusing them to Live in the country & you believe it's because 1 family member of 1 senior IO officer got deported from Korea... Oh & apparently I'm the one drinking the Kool Aid ???? 


    FWIW I believe I am a tourist in Thailand (despite having a condo & bank account there) but there is no hard & firm rules about what constitutes a "Tourist", so for the 1st time last year I got a Non-O ME despite knowing I would never spend more than 15-20 days on any 1 visit - You may have enjoyed a conversation many years ago with an IO at DM about your many entries to Thailand, but in the recent climate, I didn't & once was enough to convince me I needed to do something different about it (I travel for work & sometimes need to get a Visa for places that wouldn't look kindly on me being denied entry into a country (IIRC it's one of the questions on my SG EP renewal form) or having a "Naughty" stamp in my passport)


    The "Rules" (Including TM30) have always been there, it's the application of the rules that hasn't, in the past 3 or so years (Maybe because of the Junta) they have noticeably been applied more rigorously & it only seems to be going one way, hence the OP is (and many others are) having problems. 



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  4. 3 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Your history synopsis suggests you don't have much history here yourself. Every example you give is recent (the past five years), during which time there's been an observable change in attitude towards foreigners - my post explains why that might be so. 


    In case you'd forgotten, you were talking about visa exempt entry abuse. The deportations were entirely to do with people on visa exempt entries, and predated the subsequent crackdown - the chief's comments at the time were indicative of the direction they were moving in. At that time the nationalities singled out were Korea, Russia and Vietnam but this widened out to include every nationality. In fact there's been a general move to restrict people on back to back visa exempt entries since around 2006, but using them was hardly "abuse" as it was always one of the acceptable methods to immigration, until they decided it wasn't.

    You're correct, I only have 11 years of visiting Thailand (& only spend 1/3rd of my time there now) but do remember when I 1st visited in 2008 I could come & go as often as I liked (Once visited on 5 separate occasions in a 4 week period) with no concerns, nowadays there are reports of FIFO workers who have used VE for years having to get a Visa to spend their down time in-country as do people like myself who spend 5 days in, 10 days out.


    Twisting the point somewhat, it was clear that the VE abuse I was referring to was people using them to effectively live in Thailand - Pretty sure the Korean deportations you were talking about was mostly Thai's visiting on a "holiday pass" & working (it doesn't take too much imagination to think that not only were they working illegally, but some were doing illegal work - i.e. "Massage" parlours etc...) 


    IMHO, using VEs to Live in country, in a pattern that went:-

    • 30 days VE,
    • 30 day extension
    • 1 (maybe 2) day border run
    • Rinse & repeat

    ... is Abuse & I believe that's why they cracked down on it. 


    Same with ED VIsas for people who weren't going to school, METV Visas for people who were using them back to back to live in-country Non-Os without the proper finances & now even forcing Non-OAs to have medical insurance.



  5. 4 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

    Thai ask many questions that I would never ask in the west.  Questions like, "How old are you?" How much money do you have?" , "How much do you weigh?" etc. The call you fat, short, etc. They don't mean any insult at all. If I don't want to answer I don't or make something up like "I'm 50+ or older than you, so you can call me "pee".

    If they ask about money, I reply indirectly like, It's too much for me but not enough for her".

    BTW When people ask where are you going or where have you been, it not being nosey. It means they care. We ask "How are you?" Which is a way to say I care about you.

    Or the classic one...  "Have you Eaten"? or "Have you taken your Lunch/Dinner" (used to be more or less the 1st thing I'd be greeted with in the Philippines) 


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  6. 5 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Too bad people are drinking the kool aid on all this. It's absurd to claim that visa runners and long term stayers on tourist visas were breaking any rules that existed at the time and are somehow responsible for the current crusade, which has more to do with paranoia, tit for tat measures and general xenophobia. 


    "They can deport us, we can do the same to them" were the comments of the immigration chief back in 2014, after it was reported that 8000 Thais were deported from South Korea, while only 20 South Koreans were sent back the other way. A Thai friend told me at the time that the chief was particularly irked since one of his family members was among those ejected. Since then, efforts have continued apace to demonise those using visa exempt entries (and more recently tourist visas and most other categories). This escalated significantly after 2015 when it was revealed that one of the Erawan bombers had paid his way in at the border. Indeed, the current TM30 video from immigration goes as far as to explain why it's necessary to enforce the law on reporting any temporary address changes within 24 hours - to ensure that we're not sat at home assembling bombs! 

    So them specifically putting restrictions in place like only 2 land boarder crossings a year & closer scrutiny on anybody who has more than 6 entries per year (I'm in & out approx 20 times a year) had nothing to do with the perceived abuse of the VE system?


    History shows they started on People (allegedly) abusing the ED Visa, then changed the ME TV Visa to make it harder to get, then clamped down on Visa Exempts and have now clamped down on Non-O & Non-OA visas... 



    Q) What does deporting people have to do with it, we're talking about people being denied entry - Some mind blowing Kool-Aid you're sipping on there partner... 


  7. 5 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Non O multi, leave/enter one day before expiry get 90 days, then 60 days extension to stay issued locally ( 1900 baht ) makes 17 months give or take a few days.  

    Ahhh... Sorry, I forgot to add the 60 day extension to the final 90 days stamp - you're absolutely right, 17 months it is ???? ... 


    Ironically I'm also on a Non-O ME but am trying to get the extension as soon as I can (Not easy when you're in & out 1-2 times a month) so plan is to get stamped in (for 90 days) 3 weeks before the Visa expires, get a Re-Entry permit, carry on in/out 1-2 per month until 30 days before the permit expires, then get the extension 60 days after that. 


    All this palaver because of people abusing the Visa Exempt set-up ???? 


  8. 14 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Not just wrong info' at entry points. I've been told that I can't be 'legal' in Thailand when I say each of my 1 year visas I can make last 17 months, by 'knowledgeable' ex-pats? 

    If you're on a 1 year Visa then I'm assuming you're on a Non-OA which can be made to last 24 months, If you're on a 1 year Non-O ME then you can make this last 15 months (With Border hops every 90 days)


    If you're actually on an 1 year Extension to a previous visa, then you can only make this last until the "Permission to Stay Until" date, as you can apply for the extension 30 days (even 45 in some places) early, then technically you can make it last 17 months, but really the 1st month is on the old extension/visa 


    2 hours ago, jacko45k said:
    14 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Sort of related. Met a guy today who claims he was told by a female IO in swampy that they had stopped issuing 30 day extensions on a VE entry and he would have to go to his own country after 30 days and get a visa. His outbound ticket is dated 6 weeks from now.

    No-one believes it but he is concerned about it.

    Why would immigration officials at the airport be issuing Extensions?

    It's not hard to believe that with the language differences & "Chinese Whispers" effect of a guy telling a guy, it could have been the IO on arrival told That One GUY that HE would not be able to get another Extension/ VE Entry but would need to go to his own country to get a Visa


    In other words stopped just short of denying him entry this time which she would have been well within her rights to do as he didn't have an outbound ticket within the duration of his permission to stay (Another possibility is that she was warning him of this for next time he enters - I.e. If you're staying longer than 30 days you need to get a Visa).


    On a semi-related point, I don't think I've ever come across a report where an IO has suggested going anywhere else but your country when it comes to getting a visa.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, mstevens said:

    Yes, that's what the script in Thai says - you can come, but only for 24 hours. Never heard of this before, it's almost like a minimal grace period so one can collect belongings / tidy affairs etc. Harsh, if Thailand has been your home for years.

    Could understand it if it said not permitted to re-enter for 24 hours (if he'd been doing "Turn Around" style border hops) but very harsh to say he can come back but for only 24 hours - Never heard of that one before 


    OP as has been mentioned, a land border might be your best option.

  11. 1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


    You also have to look at the motives involved in moving to these places. It is a poster looking to move somewhere so that the income disparity is higher and the national health care system takes care of them.


    Now if the health care system is that good they are going to catch on sooner rather than later. It is slightly unethical to move to a country to exploit the entitlements meant for their citizens. In this sense it might last a little while but they will cut off the tit quickly if too many people take advantage.


    The examples of what I have seen off this thread have very little to offer their new host country and seem predicated upon that which will only benefit themselves. I am sure Colombia and Mexico are settling of fireworks to welcome the new caravans in.

    As a Brit I probably have a different view of national health care as it's all ways been there (though I've had Private Health care through my various jobs for the past 30+ years & renew my annual travel insurance each year) but again, I can see what you mean & know the UK is clamping down on foreigners "Abusing" it (having already "Clamped Down"on TAX/National Insurance paying citizens like myself because we choose to be not-ordinarily resident there).

    But without getting dragged into a lengthy debate, just wanted to say that you could argue it's highly unethical of a country to attract Retirees then squeeze them until they can no longer stay (especially ones who have built a family & invested a large chunk of their wealth into the country) 



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  12. 1 minute ago, Cryingdick said:


    I guess I understand that but isn't the crux of the matter that laws change in such places like they did in Thailand? Do you really think Colombia or Honduras is some stable place where the laws are respected? 

    No... I absolutely agree with you that laws can & will change no matter where you go, but having PR feels a lot more secure than being on a year-by-year visa & I think the recent changes (plus "Scares" around mandatory Health Insurance) are making more people put PR higher up their priority list.




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  13. 5 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    It seems some people are slow to learn. Leaving Thailand because of uncertainty over visas to go to another third world country where the rules can change anytime is a bit daft. Especially with the expenses that go with a move that is motivated by nothing more than desperation.


    So what happens when the next place is the same and they now find themselves poorer than they were in Thailand?


    I agree on the differences of the cheaper states in the USA not being much different. A few posts mention living in Chile on $3,000 a month. You can easily do that in the USA. One thing about the USA is you won't be able to have servants cheaply like in the more economically depressed countries on this list. However doing things for yourself costs nothing and is actually good for one's sense of self worth.


    Also if you are an American you are taking a very large risk betting the dollar remains strong. The whole proposition seems like it isn't thought out very well. It doesn't look so far like Latin America is so promising that anybody is jumping ship. We had one poster that explored the tourist ghettos of Mexico briefly and found even that small adventure too stressful.


    With the world how it is I think anybody that erodes the rest of their nest egg on a miscalculated move at an advanced age to another third world country is on a path to disaster. After 90+ pages the fact that there isn't a place anybody seems all that excited about should speak for itself.







    A large part of this thread (& the draw to moving to LATAM) is around options for getting Permanent Residency which for most of us stands at zero in Thailand. 


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  14. 6 minutes ago, Farang99 said:

    If you are talking about the UK you are no longer entitled to free health care if you have lived outside the UK/EU for a number of years.

    Outside of the UK for 6 months (there was talk about making it 3 months) & you lose your entitlement to free health care (read somewhere that you needed to pay 150% of the cost so worse than never having it) 


    HOWEVER if you're repatriating back to the UK you regain your entitlement to free health care the moment you land, I don't know how you prove you're repatriating (I guess having somewhere to live long term would do it).


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  15. 2 hours ago, simon43 said:

    Although I very much want to return to live in Andorra, there is one 'fly in the ointment'.  My online teaching starts each weekday at 8.00 am Beijing time, which equates to 2.00 am in Andorra.......  


    As far as Brexit is concerned, I'm fortunate in that I can automatically get Irish (EU) citizenship - my grandfather and father were Irish.  I haven't formally applied because the easiest route is to use an agent to collate all the required documents (birth/marriage/death certificates etc), and to walk my application through.  The total admin cost is about $1,000.  I'll go down that route if needed.

    The American bank I work for has it's main EMEA headquarters in Belfast and every one of the guys I work with on a day-2-day basis has gotten an Republic of Ireland passport to go along with their UK one.


    To sum up their word... "I'm feeked if I'm going to have to stand in a queue with foreigners every time I want to travel"




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  16. 15 hours ago, seasia said:

    Hi Mike


    There is a European alternatives thread but it is somewhat buried.

    I started it, mostly because I am having thoughts of heading to Europe and also because on JT s excellent LATAM thread, a few posters  gave European options, interesting but JT wanted the thread to be about LATAM.

    Colombia  sounds very interesting and viable.


    Fair enough as he is the topic starter.


    Portugal is certainly a popular choice amongst Brits, as well as Spain and France.


    Next Sunday I head to Italy for a 4 month break from Thailand, longest ever stay away from Thailand in the last 10 years.


    I will perhaps try to revive my thread with thoughts.


    Some excellent replies on there, very pleasantly surprised at the high quality of responses.


    Portugal gets a fair few mentions.




    If you have not read it, could be of interest to you

    Thanks for the update... 


    Hi Mods: I only started this thread as I couldn't find a similar one, @seasia has highlighted one above, could you please post a link to it and close this one so we don't dilute the conversation.






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  17. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Probably, but Malays and Indians also make up a large proportion of Singaporeans.

    However, I doubt that being of Chinese descent makes Singaporean women culturally similar to actual Chinese in China.

    So true... Singaporean (Nightmare, spoilt brats) women are nothing like (respectful, but you wouldn't want to cross them) Chinese women.


    Mine is Chinese by virtue of the fact that she was born there & lived there until she moved to Singapore when she was 18 - Married a local guy & took the passport (In Singapore you cannot have dual citizenship)


    Good example of how "Chinese" she is, she still has her ex in-laws living with her (Filial duty), gets a little bit uncomfortable when I stay over but her ex father in law has learnt to make himself scarce when I come over (Not being funny but his style of speaking to women, including his wife, doesn't sit right with me - When he talks to A like that, I tend to speak my mind).


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  18. On 6/7/2019 at 9:54 AM, Mike Teavee said:

    Edit: For the avoidance of doubt, I don't give any of my FWBs money (all 3 work, 3rd being a 42 yo Singaporean) but I do like to take them out for a good time which costs money (e.g. the Cinema seats alone cost s$84 which is approx 2,000 THB  which could get you a nice service provider at least for a short time) 


    Funny enough posting this has made me think a lot deeper about what I'm doing in life & have decided (have already) binned off Thai (31) & Filipina (36) chicks to focus on a relationship with my 42 yo Singaporean (FWIW I would never date a Singaporean again, but she's Chinese, moved to Singapore when she was 18 & took citizenship so figure I get the best of both worlds :))


  19. 6 hours ago, Boricua67 said:

    Do these guys have any friends? Someone needs to try and talk these guys out of doing these dumb things.

    Seriously, there is no way I'd try to interfere in any of my mates "relationships" (makes things worse), just have to be there if (When) things go tits up.


    My best mate ended up marrying a girl that I grew up with & knew wasn't right for him (She had zero ambition & he wanted to go places) I spoke to him about it but he was adamant he was happy, I was even best man at their wedding...


    10 years later he's getting divorced & a flight to Singapore to stay with me for a few weeks... 3 weeks in Singapore (broke up with trips to Angeles City & Bangkok) he now works/lives in Bangkok and is happier than a pig in mud ????


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  20. 14 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Apologies.. Friday night (Pub) Maths... at 30 years service assuming a UK FInal Salary scheme basis, he would get 1/2 of his final salary... 150k pm.. still no problem meeting Immigration requirements or spending 3k pn in a bar.




    @tomahawk reacted SAD to this & my previous post.


    Please expand, is it because of what I posted or the fact that it doesn't fit your narrative?


    YES.. There are people who work hard all of their lives & can expect (deserve) a decent pension when they retire... or is that SAD as well?






  21. 1 hour ago, SooKee said:
    13 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:
    Back to John Wick... Who did he kill on "Company Grounds" (Might be in JW2 but I can't be bothered to go back watch it as that wasn't great either) & Who is the lady (played by Halle Berry)'s daughter?
    Feel like I missed a JW 2.5 or something OR Maybe I watched it & my brain chose to forget it.

    IIRC he killed the guy whose marker he refused to honour and who then blew up his house. No idea about Halle Berry.

    I remember he killed the sister (or she killed herself) of the guy who had a marker on him but that's about it...


    Seriously... No back story how he had the marker for JW2

    No story at all for JW3


    Worse than Taken (One of my favourite movies) 2 & 3... 


  22. 1 hour ago, bristolgeoff said:

    you have joined the list of idiots who were conned of everything they own.why not listen to people who live there or post on social media about what happened.you now can post on social media and how you were conned  and lost all your money

    Please be sure to broadcast such from your mum's basement... 


    Do you even have a passport? Have you even been on a plane? 

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