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Mike Teavee

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Posts posted by Mike Teavee

  1. 33 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

    You don't say where you're from, but 300K is approx 3 x the average Gross salary in the UK (£29,000 THB or ¬96K per month), pretty sure there are not too many "Construction workers with mud on their boots" earning £90,000 pa.


    For those guys going on about him staying in Thailand, according to the OP he was 49 when he moved there, if we assume he worked for 30 years with a final salary of 300K, on a Final Salary Scheme (I confess, I have no idea how Swiss pensions work) he'd get 2/3rds of his final salary, 200K a month... no problem spending 3,000 THB+ in a bar every night of the week 


    Apologies.. Friday night (Pub) Maths... at 30 years service assuming a UK FInal Salary scheme basis, he would get 1/2 of his final salary... 150k pm.. still no problem meeting Immigration requirements or spending 3k pn in a bar.




    • Sad 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, simon43 said:

    Mike, happy to contribute to this thread.  I recently considered moving to Laos or Cambodia, but finally decided that if I have to make a move (which I do!), then it will be back to Europe.  I'm planning to relocate back to the tiny country of Andorra, between France and Spain, where I briefly lived in the 1990's.


    As mentioned in my thread running in the Pub sub-forum, Andorra is not just for the 'rich'.  It welcomes those with a modest income/savings as well.  I've done a spreadsheet of my monthly costs to rent an apartment, pay utility bills, eat food, pay for private health care etc and the total is only about $1,000 USD per month!

    Thanks for the post...


    I once spent 2.5 days in Andorra (fractured my right elbow 1st day snowboarding & couldn't fly back for 2 days)... so would really appreciate it if you could share a link to your thread, I for 1 would love to read more...


    Despite the stupid injury (caused by me being "Goofy" (Lefty) & making a mistake with the bindings), I really loved the place.


    Very pleasantly surprised (Shocked) that you can live there on $1K USD pm, obviously I was there on a short winter sport trip & it would have been very expensive (IIRC £500 for 5 days my mates mum got us a deal, I actually got almost £700 back from his insurance) so have never looked at the cost of living there   


    • Like 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    He used to earn at least 300,000 baht a month in Switzerland running a building extension firm. The company employed 50 people.


    Translation: He was a construction worker with mud on his boots who spent his money on tattoos and Pattaya bar girls that he thought would magically change once he married one and gave her a house.


    Yeah, he probably did bring 10M Baht into Thailand from an inheritance that he burned through.


    If you're spending 3000B+ in a bar every night, that ain't gonna last forever, darling.


    Sorry you had to find out the hard way, you take a bar girl out of a bar, but you can't change the fact she's damaged goods.



    You don't say where you're from, but 300K is approx 3 x the average Gross salary in the UK (£29,000 THB or ¬96K per month), pretty sure there are not too many "Construction workers with mud on their boots" earning £90,000 pa.


    For those guys going on about him staying in Thailand, according to the OP he was 49 when he moved there, if we assume he worked for 30 years with a final salary of 300K, on a Final Salary Scheme (I confess, I have no idea how Swiss pensions work) he'd get 2/3rds of his final salary, 200K a month... no problem spending 3,000 THB+ in a bar every night of the week 


    • Sad 1
  4. Apologies for a 2nd negative post, but I haven't seen "Good Omen" mentioned & being a T.P. fan, thought it was pretty poor, could have been done in 1/2 the time for 10 times the enjoyment ... 


    On a Positive note, I am really enjoying a few "Real Life" type shows (Aussie Gold Hunters has a newish season, Civil war gold is warming up & the lost gold of world war 2 (Philippines) ended on a high) + [as Recommended on here] hooked on Bing Bang Theory, Jane the Virgin & iZombie 


    Could do with a really good Elementary style detective series though... any recommendations? 


  5. On 5/28/2019 at 1:26 AM, chrisinth said:

    I told myself that I wasn't going to, at least until a proper copy was available, watch John Wick 3. But a bad lapse in concentration and I ended up downloading an HD CAM release. I thought it was a good watch.


    If someone happened to be on TPB for instance, they should look for the 1.17GB CAM released by ETRG (John Wick 3 2019 HDCAM x264 AC3-ETRG); not the greatest of quality but the best I have seen to date.

    I also told myself that I wasn't going to watch it until I could find time to go to the cinema, then realized on Wednesday (Public Holiday in SG) that it was probably my last chance to watch it in "Gold Class", so s$84 SGD (approx 3,650 THB) for the 2 of us to watch the biggest load of <deleted> that I have had the misfortune to have to sit through... 


    It was just a none-storied series of p1$$-poorly choreographed, laughable (I wish) "Fight" scenes... absolute tosh & I'll be making a point to not pay a single cent to watch JW4 (Which this movie basically was made to build up to) 


    Good job I got laid after it or it would have been a total waste of money ???? 










    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, RJRS1301 said:

    So I am guessing he will not be applying to extend his permission to stay? 

    Cannot meet the financial requirements.


    You & the other posters posting similar are doing just that... "Guessing"...


    Switzerland are still providing Income Certificates so he DOESN'T have to have 65K pm income coming into Thailand OR 800K in the Bank...


    Other pearls of wisdom from this thread... 

    1. Foreigner cannot own Property - YES WE CAN, but we cannot own the land it's on
    2. The Guy is trying to get deported so he can get sent home - if he is deported he will STAY IN A DETENTION CENTER until somebody pays for his flight home.. great plan... not... 



  7. 22 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

    In this context I don't like the word "Rule", or even "appropriate". Our days sex between people of the same gender has become appropriate while we would like to set age gap rules for sex between people of opposite genders? Funny isn't it. But, I know, ageism is the only socially acceptable discrimination left....

    Anyhow, as far as I am concerned I am happily married with a lovely lady who is 30 years younger than me. When I go off on a naughty trip I like my providers to be in their early twenties...

    Yeah, I couldn't think of a better word than "Rule" which is why i tried to highlight it with italics (The virtual equivalent of air quotes), maybe guidelines would have been better.


    To each his own, when I'm off on a naughty trip (very rare nowadays as I spend my spare weekends with my (31 yo) FWB in Bangkok which usually ends up costing more than hiring a service provider)  - I go for the mid 30-mid 40s 


    Good example is I had a cinema/food/back to mine date with my (36 yo) Filipina FWB in Singapore on Weds, the day/date cost me ~$350 (approx 8,000 THB) - I could have gone to OT & got myself a 20 something Vietnamese spinner for less than that but I know what I like ????  


    Edit: For the avoidance of doubt, I don't give any of my FWBs money (all 3 work, 3rd being a 42 yo Singaporean) but I do like to take them out for a good time which costs money (e.g. the Cinema seats alone cost s$84 which is approx 2,000 THB  which could get you a nice service provider at least for a short time) 



  8. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Not that I know of, give us a hint?

    Technically/traditionally it's been illegal for a non-married couple to spend the night together in Laos & Vietnam (hotel turned a blind eye when I went with my UK gf but same hotel refused to allow a Vietnamese girl up to my room when I went back a couple of years later) 


    Technically it's illegal for a Cambodian girl to marry a foreigner over 50... 



    To the OP, how much of an age difference is too much? I know it's depends on the age of the guy (e.g. in anybody's books it would be completely inappropriate for a 25 yr old guy to have a relationship with somebody 10 years younger than them, but not inappropriate at all for a 75 yr old to have a relationship with a 65 yr old)... but in your view, what's the maximum age that would be inappropriate for:-

    • 25 yr old guy
    • 35 yr old guy
    • 45 yr old guy
    • 55yr old guy
    • 65yr old guy
    • 75 yr old guy


    Also, fwiw at 53 I find 20 yr old girls to be attractive but am not attracted to them, I much prefer > 30 & < 45 as do most of my mates of a similar age so maybe it's something that happens later on in life & one day you'll find yourself being attracted to girls > 20 years younger than you.



    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

    First, I'll give you a piece of advice for which you'll be grateful in 10 or 15 years: no need to pop 3 Viagra, take one 100mg tab and then refill with a 500mg every 2 to 3 hours. No need to buy expensive Viagra the local Sidegra is just as good and comes  4x100mg and 4x50mg packages.

    This gets me going whenever I am on a boombooming spree at Nana and go though 2 or 3 nymphets in the same evening. And mind you, I proudly walk them to my soi 2 hotel and chuckle while observing the inevitable heinous looks.

    Jeez, I hope that was a typo!!! - Shudder to think what would happen if you took 500mg of ED medicine every 2-3 hours!!!


    • Haha 2
  10. On 6/3/2019 at 7:56 PM, ThomasThBKK said:

    Interestingly Cambodia & Laos came bottom 2 & VIetnam scored higher than Thailand.


    As an aside, the standard of English in Singapore seems to be declining & you hear far more people speaking in "Chinese" (Not sure whether it's Mandarin, Hokkien or what) than you used to, especially younger people (late teens/early 20s).


  11. On 5/31/2019 at 7:59 PM, Pravda said:

    If I was to move out of Thailand I would probably choose infrastructure, so it would have to be Phils.


    Makati or BGC. Bigger places also means better chances of making connections. 

    BGC/Taguig is expensive for property (The condos I was looking at were on a par with the one I rent in Singapore)


    Having said that it is a very nice place (an oasis in the desert that is Manila), am considering a transfer there with work, but if i were moving there for retirement, it would be somewhere in Visayas (Davao, Cebu, Bahol etc...) or Palawan (in particular Coron).


    Back to the OP, I agree with the comments about Siem Reap, lovely place & somewhere I could quite happily lay my head for a few years... 


    • Like 2
  12. On 6/1/2019 at 1:30 AM, Delight said:

     In the short term -say 18 months after a no deal brexit -it will be tough . Probably 35 Baht.

    Then it all depends on the skill of UK negotiators.

    The aim will be to get a free trade deal with EU.. Goods only.

    Gemany will be our biggest ally in this.

    WTO  rules will always be bad news for Germany.

    Hopefully with the help from the Germans a suitable free trade deal will emerge.

    Then the UK can do deals with the rest of the world

    Probably buy medication from Thailand. Generic -half price

    So for no-deal read multi deal.

    Sterling will improve in the medium/long term

    Given that the UK's largest export is servies, a Goods Only deal isn't going to reverse the pain.


    But it's not just Brexit that's causing the GBP to be weak, all major currencies (AUD, USD, SGD) are down against the THB so other factors (e.g. Trade War with China) are hurting it also.


    Back to the OP: Do you really think that the extra approx £500 pa (before tax) you get in dividends is worth all the hassle/stress? Why not just bite the bullet and move 800K over and forget about it.


  13. 3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    TM6 and TM47 apps are used solely by foreigners, apps available in the PlayStore regardless of geo-links.




    To ease the immigration entry process now you can fill out the Immigration Form(s) (TM.6) in the comfort of your home or office via Mobile Application before your traveling in/out Thailand.


    The TM30 app should be similarly available as some foreigners are housemasters and have to report themselves and other foreigners.



    Carry on.



    Has anybody used the TM6 app when arriving in Thailand?


    How does it work? Do you just show them your mobile when arriving/departing?

  14. 1 hour ago, MRToMRT said:

    I have actaully decided to sell it and move on. I have just grown tired of work arounds in Thailand. Time for some legal stability in my life. Gonna miss the food though.

    Best Thai food I've ever had is in Singapore (Aroy Dee, Middle Road, used to live in the Condo opposite) 2nd best is in London (Canary Wharf) so don't worry too much about missing the food... 


    Where are you thinking of moving to? 

  15. 6 hours ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

    I agree on Malaysia.  Lot's of good plus categories in Malaysia, inflation has slowed a bit recently, and If I was in the market i would prefer an Indo girl to a Lao village girl.... ???? 


    I feel Lao and Cambodia are the 'budget' alternatives to Thailand (aka you can't afford to stay in a 3rd world country and need alternatives).  Not a problem for many of us.



    Spent 1 year using KL as my base to travel from & I really like Penang (Georgetown recently topped a list of best places to retire to) but retirement in Malaysia (MM2H) is a lot more expensive than Thailand etc... 


    I love Indo girls ???? -  

  16. 21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's funny. I've only been to Manila and Cebu City and neither one seemed to fit the OP's needs. Thinking of the request for not horrible traffic. I had also thought maybe Davao would be better but only a guess based on some research I did.

    Shocking traffic in both Manila & Cebu, but no where near as bad in Davao and it has the advantage that it's probably (or at least was) largely unspoiled by Expats.


    1st time I visited (about 11 years ago) I saw 5 non-Filipinos (2 couples in the hotel & 1 guy with his Filipina), then went to the Barangay & saw 1 foreigner (apparently a German guy who was the only Foreigner within 30 mins of there) - All the locals were amazed at "Johnny Foreigner" and just wanted to chat... 


    Last few times the place does have a lot more foreigners visiting with the expected results, hence my recommendation would be to move out to Tagum or Camella a couple of hours north - Big enough to have what an Expat needs but yet to be spoiled by the influence they (WE!) bring 

    • Like 2
  17. 9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I am usually quite content to have silly discussions about nonsensical things , but I just really cannot even try to put an opposing argument against someone who  brings non voters into the equation , thats at the same intellectual level as the "World is flat" brigade    

    Can you point to any argument I made?... I simply stated a fact & have not brought anybody into anything... 


    The original post I responded to said something along the lines of the majority of the British electorate voted for Brexit, I responded that it didn't... 37% did (less than that voted to remain & less still didn't vote at all).


    Hey, If it doesn't fit your narrative, why not call it Silly... 






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  18. 6 hours ago, sanemax said:

    You have made your silly point over and over again , no need to engage in a silly argument

    To engage in any form of "Argument" the other "Side" would have to put forward a point that disagreed with the point made.... 


    But thanks for the really sensible (Non-Silly) post... [I'm assuming you're British so get sarcasm).


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