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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Look it was posted on here that a BM was asked to show a tax certificate for his extension whilst doing one based on 65K pm income. Why, Who, When, I couldn't give a toss as I use the 800K in the bank, but it was posted on here so I mentioned it.
  2. I'm sorry Jerry, this really did make me laugh :) & "I have no Idea" probably sums up most of the posts on this thread! Happy New Year :)
  3. It was reported in this thread (or one of the other ones) that a BM was asked to show a Tax certificate when doing their extension, I use 800K in the bank so didn't really take note of where it was posted.. IMHO, nobody has done any "scaremongering", they've just shared their thoughts & am sure if it came across any other way then that's not what was intended - As per my post above there are guys who should have been paying tax all along & they will probably get away with not paying tax in the future as I'm sure RD has no interest in an Expat bringing in < 800K pa. The game changer could be if immigration do start asking for a certificate showing you've paid tax on that money, guys bringing in private pensions from the UK would be able to show their P60 which details pension earned & tax paid, I have no idea what you guys from the US would use..
  4. Nietzsche said it best... "God is Dead"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_is_dead Now can we close this thread :) P.S. I'm just joking, I find some of the posts (in particular @Sunmaster) very thought provoking & cause me to take a good look at my inner self... But I do think Nietzsche was right about the Christian/Muslim/Judaist etc... view of "God".
  5. I don't see an incongruence between 1 & 2 so not sure why "The Scaremongers" are uncoordinated but have said since they introduced the 65K income method of getting an extension that people are opening themselves up to (potentially) being liable for Tax. Simple example, I use the 65K pm income method remitting income as it accrues & am from a country that doesn't have a DTA with Thailand... I have always been liable for tax on that income in Thailand, few (I'd bet next to no) Expats pay it. This is why some immigrations offices are now asking for a tax certificate (or equivalent) when doing extensions based on the 65K pm method. And that's not "Scaremongering" it's a simple fact...
  6. But If I haven't remitted anything (from overseas) to myself, why would they bother looking into my account?
  7. I used to live in Bangkok & did my extensions at CW, the last one I would have probably ended up having to make 3 trips... (From On Nut it's approx. 1.5 hours & 600B in a Taxi each way) My Bank Book had amalgamated entries as I didn't keep it up to date often enough, Immigration would have rejected this & I'd have to come back another day with a Bank Statement. At that time, Immigration was only processing Extensions that were due in the next 3 days, I wanted mine 44 days before as I was travelling, would have had to cancel my holiday plans, at least 25K down the toilet. Instead my agent spotted the problem with my Bank Book & took me to the local Bangkok Bank to explain to them what I needed (100B for a 3 month statement covering the period of amalgamated Entries) & drove me to CW to process my extension 44 days before it was due. I paid them 7,900B (- 1,900 Immigration so 6,000B) worth every Satang in my book. I really do laugh when people say it only takes a couple of hours at CW to do their extension, it used to take me 1.5-2x that in travel time alone, but using an Agent I was normally in & out in 20-30 mins.
  8. Some of us do the Pattaya-Bangkok return trip couple of times a month so saving 1,000B(each way) per trip soon adds up. Add to that the GF doesn't like to be in a Taxi on her own (Kid you not when I was in the UK & she flew back from visiting family in Satun she chose to take the BTS/MRT to Ekkamai and then the bus to Pattaya rather than get into a Taxi on her own). Things are a lot easier now Bell Bus (great service) is back up & running + we have the option of Lady Drivers from Nams, but given the choice between getting into a normal taxi or taking public transport she'd pick the latter every time.... Nothing to do with how much costs.
  9. I've still not got around to watching Mad Men but have queued it up for my next binge viewing... Currently finishing off " A Murder at the end of the World" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15227418/ Very good even though I normally avoid things that Clive Owen is in.
  10. I did a Wise transfer yesterday (mate has had his bank account closed in the UK so wanted me to pass the money he had in it on to him) & it struck me that as the money shows up as an Intra-Bank transfer (not FTT / Foreign Transfer) have I really remitted it to Thailand? I gave the money to Wise in the UK and they paid me the money from their account in Thailand so technically no money has been remitted into Thailand.
  11. Far be it for me to suggest what a Mod of the Visa Forum does or does not take interest in but I would suggest a lot of guys in here are from Chiang Mai & even more from Pattaya so might be worth keeping an eye on what's happening in those IO offices. If commenting on a Mod's post earns me a "Holiday", then (unlike Arnie), I won't be back.
  12. Hopefully as you have very recent experience of doing an Extension at CW where an (updated) TM30 was not required, the OP will be ok. I can’t really comment from recent experience as I moved condo at the time my last extension was due so had to do a TM30 (as I’d changed address), Extension/Multi Re-entry permit & 90 day report (it was due) at the same time.... But I did remember reading that article so made a mental note to do a TM30 on my next return from UK (Probably need to do one anyway as I'll be getting a new passport when I'm there) and thought it worth mentioning. I’ve posted many times that I use an agent (for convenience) so looking back through my paperwork they filed my TM30 then did my Extension/Multi Re-Entry permit on the same day, next day they did my 90 day report. For anybody keeping score it was 8K for the Extension, 4K for the multi re-entry permit & 500B for the TM30 (90 day was free).
  13. From Ground News: https://ground.news/article/chonburi-immigration-bureau-tightens-address-reporting A recent change in procedure at Pattaya-Jomtien immigration (and Sri Racha) means that all foreigners requiring a service must have a TM30 form receipt in their passport. This now applies to long-term expats as well as short-term tourists. A TM30 receipt issued before the last entry to Thailand will be regarded as out-of-date.
  14. It wasn't like that at Jomtien until this year so I couldn't say whether CW does the same or if they accept an older TM30 as long as you're still at the same address. Seems the change was made approx. 2 months ago... Now occasionally you fly back to your home country be it the United States or Portugal or the UK, or wherever, and then come back to Thailand. Well, the past three years you haven't had a problem with the TM30 because you just have your original TM30 you filled out in the beginning and that is all you have had to deal with, and they haven't asked for further TM30 documentation in connection with your extension for example. They may ask for the TM30, the one you originally did but what has changed here is you now have to file a new TM30 after your latest arrival. So moving forward, it looks like when you leave the country, maybe it's a day or two whatever, you are going to have to file another TM30 before any subsequent extension. So that is what we are looking at moving forward. https://legal.co.th/resources/visa-immigration-law/thailand-immigration-law/tm30-making-thai-visa-extension-processing-more-complex/ Edit: If you read the comments under the Video it seems Chiang Mai also want a new TM30 This is what happened to me at Chiang Mai Immigration yesterday. I was asked if I had a receipt in my passport, to which I answered yes, but I hadn't reported my last two entries last May and August. They asked me if I'd changed my address and I answered, no. They said that I needed to update and gave me a ticket to queue. When it was my turn, I was asked again if I had changed address and then some details were entered in the computer. Then a new receipt was made out and handed to me. That was that - free to go. My last entry was on 22nd August and the receipt is dated 18th October. Edit2: The "Confused" amongst us might want to google the Pattaya Mail article "Chonburi immigration bureau tightens address reporting"
  15. Have you been outside of Thailand since you got that TM30 only some offices (E.g. Jomtien) seem to want a new TM30 if your last one was prior to your most recent entry into Thailand. It used to be that if you were returning to your previous address you did not need to get a new TM30 but has apparently changed this year & they now want the TM30 to be dated after your most recent entry into Thailand when doing your extension. If you've not been outside of Thailand since you got the TM30 then your old one should be fine.
  16. It’s 100B for an agent to do a 90 day report which is cheaper than a Bolt taxi to/from Immigration (please don’t suggest I take 2 Baht buses to get there). I normally do mine online but there have been periods where it wasn’t working so it’s good to have a backup.
  17. I pay an agent 8,000B (includes the 1,900B immigration fee so 6,100B really) to do my extension purely for the convenience of not having to do it myself (though I do turn up on the day for a quick photo). Some might say I’m wasting money to which I’d reply, show me your spending & I’ll point out where (in my eyes) you’re wasting money, classic example being my 2 mates giving me a lecture about exactly this whilst puffing away on their 150B per day habit (6,100B pa wouldn’t even cover a pack a week). End of the day it’s “To each his own”.
  18. I recommend Bell Bus, great service & IIRC only 190B. But the bus between where you want to go & the Bus station is an extra 110B, worth it IMHO as it turns it into a door-2-door service.
  19. Everybody gets a 60K personal allowance & the 1st 150K is taxed at 0% so the bare minimum would be 210K Then add on additional allowances for things like > 65 (190K), buy health insurance (25K), Life assurance (100K), have kids (30K each) etc…
  20. I agree (& have done) but that’s not for somebody who just wants something to work out of the box 😊
  21. I bought a Mecool 2 Plus from Lazada for 2,180B I added WizzTV (approx 3,600B for 1 year for the Plus version with built in VPN) & now have more movies/TV Shows/Live events than I can shake a stick at, worth every satang 👍🏻 I do keep a Netflix subscription (though downgraded from 419 Premium to 169B… The 250B per month saving goes a long way to paying for WizzTV) so the GF still has subtitles when we’re watching movies. The only downside of the box I can see for you is the Browser is a bit limited & as it’s Android TV you can’t just install Chrome on it but the inbuilt web browser has been fine for the couple of times I’ve wanted to use it. Edit: WizzTV does come with approx 600 Netflix movies/shows with more being added all the time, but GF was well into a couple of Thai Soap dramas at the time I bought the box so switching that off was more than my life’s worth…
  22. I understand the 190K (> 65), 60K(personal allowance for everybody) & 150k (taxed at 0%) but can I ask what the 100K allowance is for? I get 60K +25K (Health Insurance) +150K = 235K
  23. Hardly surprising given your thread on wanting to find a “Gringo Ghetto” where you can live without having to interact with Thais… Cleary your idea of what makes a place good to live in wouldn’t be shared by the vast majority of people.
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