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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 19 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

    It's the "it will never happen to me"  very foolish!!

    THANK you! It is a minor inconvenience to wear this silly mask, and in doing so might save lives.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    The same with the RKI but they've clarified that there is no scientific basis to assume if you're infected wearing a mask will protect another person. They're only recommending it because they believe it could be of use, so basically a hunch, a guess. No real evidence it would actually work.


    I've survived the swine flu without wearing a mask and I'm fairly certain I'll survive Covid without a mask.


    This is a novel flu. Never seen before, as in new.

    You say "a hunch, a guess" - How much of an inconvenience is it to wear a mask?

    "I'm fairly certain I'll survive?"

    How much of an inconvenience is it to wear a mask to try and protect the rest of us?

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

    A few people showing there ignorance and inconsideration for others unfortunately that is the world we live in!! 

    And what does it REALLY cost someone to wear a mask?

  4. 1 minute ago, Badrabbit said:

    Could be all the people not wearing masks will look foolish dead!!! 

    This is a "novel" virus which means it's new, we don't know how it attacks or spreads. I reiterate, how difficult is it to wear a mask? If I can save another human by wearing a mask, I'll suffer the inconvenience - AND the ridicule.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Could be all the people are wearing masks will look like total fools when it turns out the virus spreads in a way not anticipated.

    We will never look like fools. We are people who are taking precautions in dangerous times to try and protect the human race. Better to wear a mask than to lie in a casket wishing we had.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    My suggestion if masks are out of stock........

    Are you suggesting motorboating instead of breathing?

    BTW - THANK you!

  7. 43 minutes ago, jimn said:

    No the doctors and the nurses are heroes always. But the predictions are going horribly wrong. China built a hospital in a few days but it was hardly used. The UK for example have planned for worse case scenario and built a field hospital in a week, but the NHS is coping admirably at the moment they are nowhere near capacity. This virus should have been treated like a normal flu epidemic instead of creating mass hysteria based on conflicting evidence.

    Let's revisit this one week from now, and to my CORE I hope you are right, but numbers would decry your premise.

  8. 1 minute ago, jimn said:

    Boring, you just carry on being misled, just like all the people in the world. The economic fall out from this hoax will have a lasting effect around the globe and will do more long term damage than the virus. Most of the people who have died from the virus would have died anyway.

    Yeah . . . ALL the doctors, ALL the nurses, ALL the mid-level hands-on politicians around the globe have conspired against society.

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Shocked said:

    Went there this morning. Not crowded but OMG. No Mama Noddle and very little eggs. What's happened. Hording?

    I've noticed NO major stores can currently keep eggs in stock. Went to a local farmers market, plenty on hand and no markup. Open air, but we still needed to wear a mask, get temp taken, and get a hand sanitizer spritz. I REALLY hope they don't get shut down, I get all my fruits & veggies there.

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